How to use the send2trash.compat.text_type function in Send2Trash

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Send2Trash examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def find_ext_volume_global_trash(volume_root):
    # from [2] Trash directories (1) check for a .Trash dir with the right
    # permissions set.
    trash_dir = op.join(volume_root, TOPDIR_TRASH)
    if not op.exists(trash_dir):
        return None

    mode = os.lstat(trash_dir).st_mode
    # vol/.Trash must be a directory, cannot be a symlink, and must have the
    # sticky bit set.
    if not op.isdir(trash_dir) or op.islink(trash_dir) or not (mode & stat.S_ISVTX):
        return None

    trash_dir = op.join(trash_dir, text_type(uid).encode('ascii'))
    except OSError:
        return None
    return trash_dir
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def is_parent(parent, path):
    path = op.realpath(path) # In case it's a symlink
    if isinstance(path, text_type):
        path = fsencode(path)
    parent = op.realpath(parent)
    if isinstance(parent, text_type):
        parent = fsencode(parent)
    return path.startswith(parent)
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def send2trash(path):
    if not isinstance(path, text_type):
        path = text_type(path, 'mbcs')
    if not op.isabs(path):
        path = op.abspath(path)
    path = get_short_path_name(path)
    fileop = SHFILEOPSTRUCTW()
    fileop.hwnd = 0
    fileop.wFunc = FO_DELETE
    # FIX:
    # Starting in python 3.6.3 it is no longer possible to use:
    # LPCWSTR(path + '\0') directly as embedded null characters are no longer
    # allowed in strings
    # Workaround
    #  - create buffer of c_wchar[] (LPCWSTR is based on this type)
    #  - buffer is two c_wchar characters longer (double null terminator)
    #  - cast the address of the buffer to a LPCWSTR
    # NOTE: based on how python allocates memory for these types they should
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return b.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
    # The Python 3 versions are a bit smarter, handling surrogate escapes,
    # but these should work in most cases.

FILES_DIR = b'files'
INFO_DIR = b'info'
INFO_SUFFIX = b'.trashinfo'

# Default of ~/.local/share [3]
XDG_DATA_HOME = op.expanduser(environb.get(b'XDG_DATA_HOME', b'~/.local/share'))
HOMETRASH_B = op.join(XDG_DATA_HOME, b'Trash')

uid = os.getuid()
TOPDIR_TRASH = b'.Trash'
TOPDIR_FALLBACK = b'.Trash-' + text_type(uid).encode('ascii')

def is_parent(parent, path):
    path = op.realpath(path) # In case it's a symlink
    if isinstance(path, text_type):
        path = fsencode(path)
    parent = op.realpath(parent)
    if isinstance(parent, text_type):
        parent = fsencode(parent)
    return path.startswith(parent)

def format_date(date):
    return date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")

def info_for(src, topdir):
    # MUST not include a ".." directory, and for files not "under" that
    # directory, absolute pathnames must be used. [2]
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def trash_move(src, dst, topdir=None):
    filename = op.basename(src)
    filespath = op.join(dst, FILES_DIR)
    infopath = op.join(dst, INFO_DIR)
    base_name, ext = op.splitext(filename)

    counter = 0
    destname = filename
    while op.exists(op.join(filespath, destname)) or op.exists(op.join(infopath, destname + INFO_SUFFIX)):
        counter += 1
        destname = base_name + b' ' + text_type(counter).encode('ascii') + ext


    os.rename(src, op.join(filespath, destname))
    f = open(op.join(infopath, destname + INFO_SUFFIX), 'w')
    f.write(info_for(src, topdir))
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def send2trash(path):
    if not isinstance(path, text_type):
        path = text_type(path, 'mbcs')
    if not op.isabs(path):
        path = op.abspath(path)
    path = get_short_path_name(path)
    fileop = SHFILEOPSTRUCTW()
    fileop.hwnd = 0
    fileop.wFunc = FO_DELETE
    # FIX:
    # Starting in python 3.6.3 it is no longer possible to use:
    # LPCWSTR(path + '\0') directly as embedded null characters are no longer
    # allowed in strings
    # Workaround
    #  - create buffer of c_wchar[] (LPCWSTR is based on this type)
    #  - buffer is two c_wchar characters longer (double null terminator)
    #  - cast the address of the buffer to a LPCWSTR
    # NOTE: based on how python allocates memory for these types they should
    # always be zero, if this is ever not true we can go back to explicitly