How to use Quart - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Quart examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pgjones / quart / tests / View on Github external
async def test_blueprint_url_prefix() -> None:
    app = Quart(__name__)
    blueprint = Blueprint("blueprint", __name__)
    prefix = Blueprint("prefix", __name__, url_prefix="/prefix")

    async def route() -> ResponseReturnValue:
        return "OK"

    app.register_blueprint(blueprint, url_prefix="/blueprint")

    async with app.test_request_context("/page/"):
        assert request.blueprint is None

    async with app.test_request_context("/prefix/page/"):
        assert request.blueprint == "prefix"

    async with app.test_request_context("/blueprint/page/"):
        assert request.blueprint == "blueprint"
github pgjones / quart / tests / View on Github external
def _app() -> Quart:
    app = Quart(__name__)

    @app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
    def index() -> ResponseReturnValue:
        return request.method

    def gen() -> ResponseReturnValue:
        def _gen() -> Generator[bytes, None, None]:
            yield b"%d" % threading.current_thread().ident
            for _ in range(2):
                yield b"b"

        return _gen(), 200

    return app
github pgjones / quart / tests / serving / View on Github external
def serving_app() -> Quart:
    app = Quart(__name__)

    async def index() -> ResponseReturnValue:
        return BASIC_DATA, 202, {'X-Test': 'Test'}

    async def push() -> ResponseReturnValue:
        response = await make_response(BASIC_DATA, 202, {'X-Test': 'Test'})
        return response

    return app
github pgjones / quart / tests / View on Github external
async def test_overlapping_request_ctx() -> None:
    app = Quart(__name__)

    request = Request(
        "GET", "http", "/", b"", CIMultiDict(), "", "1.1", send_push_promise=no_op_push
    ctx1 = app.request_context(request)
    await ctx1.__aenter__()
    ctx2 = app.request_context(request)
    await ctx2.__aenter__()
    await ctx1.__aexit__(None, None, None)
    assert has_app_context()  # Ensure the app context still exists for ctx2
    await ctx2.__aexit__(None, None, None)
github pgjones / quart / tests / View on Github external
def test_access_log_header_atoms() -> None:
    request_headers = CIMultiDict({
        'Random': 'Request',
        'Remote-Addr': '',
    request = Request('GET', 'http', '/', b'', request_headers)
    response_headers = CIMultiDict({
        'Random': 'Response',
    response = Response('Hello', 200, response_headers)
    atoms = AccessLogAtoms(request, response, 'h2', 0)
    assert atoms['{random}i'] == 'Request'
    assert atoms['{RANDOM}i'] == 'Request'
    assert atoms['{not-atom}i'] == '-'
    assert atoms['{random}o'] == 'Response'
    assert atoms['{RANDOM}o'] == 'Response'
github pgjones / quart / tests / View on Github external
async def test_secure_cookie_session_interface_open_session() -> None:
    session = SecureCookieSession()
    session["something"] = "else"
    interface = SecureCookieSessionInterface()
    app = Quart(__name__)
    app.secret_key = "secret"
    response = Response("")
    await interface.save_session(app, session, response)
    request = Request(
        "GET", "http", "/", b"", CIMultiDict(), "", "1.1", send_push_promise=no_op_push
    request.headers["Cookie"] = response.headers["Set-Cookie"]
    new_session = await interface.open_session(app, request)
    assert new_session == session
github pgjones / quart / tests / wrappers / View on Github external
def test_digest_authorization() -> None:
    headers = CIMultiDict()
    headers["Authorization"] = (
        "Digest "
        'username="identity", '
        'realm="realm@rea.lm", '
        'nonce="abcd1234", '
        'uri="/path", '
        'response="abcd1235", '
    request = BaseRequestWebsocket("GET", "http", "/", b"", headers, "", "1.1")
    auth = request.authorization
    assert auth.username == "identity"
    assert auth.realm == "realm@rea.lm"
    assert auth.nonce == "abcd1234"
    assert auth.uri == "/path"
    assert auth.response == "abcd1235"
github pgjones / quart / tests / View on Github external
def basic_map() -> Map:
    map_ = Map()
    map_.add(Rule("/", {"POST"}, "index"))
    map_.add(Rule("/", {"DELETE"}, "delete_index"))
    map_.add(Rule("/leaf", {"GET"}, "leaf"))
    map_.add(Rule("/branch/", {"GET"}, "branch"))
    return map_
github pgjones / quart / tests / View on Github external
def test_path_converter() -> None:
    map_ = Map()
    map_.add(Rule("/", {"GET"}, "index"))
    map_.add(Rule("/constant", {"GET"}, "constant"))
    map_.add(Rule("/", {"GET"}, "integer"))
    map_.add(Rule("/", {"GET"}, "page"))
    map_.add(Rule("//constant", {"GET"}, "page_constant"))
    map_.add(Rule("//middle/", {"GET"}, "double_page"))
    map_.add(Rule("//middle//constant", {"GET"}, "double_page_constant"))
    map_.add(Rule("/Colon:", {"GET"}, "colon_path"))
    map_.add(Rule("/Colon:", {"GET"}, "colon_base"))
    _test_match(map_, "/", "GET", (map_.endpoints["index"][0], {}))
    _test_match(map_, "/constant", "GET", (map_.endpoints["constant"][0], {}))
    _test_match(map_, "/20", "GET", (map_.endpoints["integer"][0], {"integer": 20}))
    _test_match(map_, "/branch/leaf", "GET", (map_.endpoints["page"][0], {"page": "branch/leaf"}))
        map_, "/branch/constant", "GET", (map_.endpoints["page_constant"][0], {"page": "branch"})
        (map_.endpoints["double_page"][0], {"left": "branch", "right": "leaf"}),
github pgjones / quart / tests / View on Github external
def test_root_path_build() -> None:
    map_ = Map()
    map_.add(Rule("/", {"GET"}, "http"))
    adapter = map_.bind_to_request(False, "", "GET", "/", b"", False, "/rooti")
    assert"http", method="GET") == "/rooti/"
    # Relative root_path case
    adapter = map_.bind_to_request(False, "", "GET", "/", b"", False, "rooti")
    assert"http", method="GET") == "/rooti/"