How to use the quart.Quart function in Quart

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Quart examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pgjones / quart / tests / View on Github external
def _app() -> Quart:
    app = Quart(__name__)

    @app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
    def index() -> ResponseReturnValue:
        return request.method

    def gen() -> ResponseReturnValue:
        def _gen() -> Generator[bytes, None, None]:
            yield b"%d" % threading.current_thread().ident
            for _ in range(2):
                yield b"b"

        return _gen(), 200

    return app
github pgjones / quart / tests / serving / View on Github external
def serving_app() -> Quart:
    app = Quart(__name__)

    async def index() -> ResponseReturnValue:
        return BASIC_DATA, 202, {'X-Test': 'Test'}

    async def push() -> ResponseReturnValue:
        response = await make_response(BASIC_DATA, 202, {'X-Test': 'Test'})
        return response

    return app
github pgjones / quart / compliance / h2spec / View on Github external
import ssl

from quart import Quart

app = Quart(__name__)

async def index():
    return 'Hello'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
    ssl_context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1 | ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1 | ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION
    ssl_context.load_cert_chain(certfile='cert.pem', keyfile='key.pem')
    ssl_context.set_alpn_protocols(['h2', 'http/1.1']), ssl=ssl_context)
github pgjones / quart / examples / http2_push / View on Github external
from collections import namedtuple
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path

import click
from PIL import Image
from quart import (
    make_push_promise, make_response, Quart, render_template, url_for, abort

app = Quart(__name__)

Point = namedtuple('Point', ('x', 'y'))

class TileOutOfBoundsError(Exception):

def get_tile(tile_number):
    Returns a crop of `img` based on a sequence number `tile_number`.

    :param int tile_number: Number of the tile between 0 and `max_tiles`^2.
    :raises TileOutOfBoundsError: When `tile_number` exceeds `max_tiles`^2
    :rtype PIL.Image:
github factset / quart-openapi / quart_openapi / View on Github external
        for param in inputs:
        return self.doc(**params)

    def default_id(resource: str, method: str) -> str:
        """function for creating a default operation id from a resource and method

        :param resource: name of the resource endpoint
        :param method: the HTTP verb
        :return: the id converting camel case to snake_case
        return '{0}_{1}'.format(method, camel_to_snake(resource))

class Pint(BaseRest, Quart):
    """Use this instead of instantiating :class:`quart.Quart`

    This takes the place of instantiating a :class:`quart.Quart` instance. It will forward
    any init arguments to Quart and takes arguments to fill out the metadata for the openapi
    documentation it generates that will automatically be accessible via the '/openapi.json'

    def __init__(self, *args, no_openapi: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None:
        r"""Construct the Pint object, see :meth:`BaseRest.__init__` for an explanation of the args and kwargs.

        :param \*args: non-keyword args passed to :class:`BaseRest`
        :param no_openapi: set this to True to disable the auto creation of the /openapi.json route
                           in order to allow custom manipulation of the route
        :param \*\*kwargs: keyword args passed to :class:`BaseRest`
github pgjones / quart / examples / http2 / View on Github external
from quart import (
    abort, jsonify, make_push_promise, Quart, render_template, request, url_for,

app = Quart(__name__)

async def index():
    await make_push_promise(url_for('static', filename='http2.css'))
    await make_push_promise(url_for('static', filename='http2.js'))
    return await render_template('index.html')

@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
async def calculate():
    data = await request.get_json()
    operator = data['operator']
        a = int(data['a'])
        b = int(data['b'])
github OutlierVentures / ANVIL / anvil / View on Github external
import os, requests, json, time, subprocess
from quart import Quart, render_template, redirect, url_for, request
from common import common_setup, common_respond, common_get_verinym, common_reset
from sovrin.credentials import receive_credential_offer, request_credential, store_credential
from sovrin.proofs import create_proof_of_credential
from fetch.agents import offer_service
app = Quart(__name__)

debug = False # Do not enable in production
host = ''
# In production everyone runs on same port, use 2 here for same-machine testing 
port = 5002
issuer_port = 5001
verifier_port = 5003

# We use globals for our server-side session since this is not supported in Quart yet.
prover = {}
request_ip = anchor_ip = received_data = multiple_onboard = service_published = False
pool_handle = 1
stored_credentials = []

github pgjones / faster_than_flask_article / app / View on Github external
def create_app():
    app = Quart(__name__)
    app.config['JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR'] = False

    async def create_db():
        dsn = 'postgres://dvdrental:dvdrental@'
        app.pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(dsn, max_size=20)  #os.environ['DB_DSN'])


    return app
github LonamiWebs / Telethon / telethon_examples / View on Github external
<input type="submit">


# Session name, API ID and hash to use; loaded from environmental variables
SESSION = os.environ.get('TG_SESSION', 'quart')
API_ID = int(get_env('TG_API_ID', 'Enter your API ID: '))
API_HASH = get_env('TG_API_HASH', 'Enter your API hash: ')

# Telethon client
client = TelegramClient(SESSION, API_ID, API_HASH)
client.parse_mode = 'html'  # &lt;- Render things nicely
phone = None

# Quart app
app = Quart(__name__)

# Helper method to format messages nicely
async def format_message(message):
        content = '<img alt="{}" src="data:image/png;base64,{}">'.format(
            base64.b64encode(await message.download_media(bytes)).decode(),
        # client.parse_mode = 'html', so bold etc. will work!
        content = (message.text or '(action message)').replace('\n', '<br>')

    return '<p><strong>{}</strong>: {}<sub>{}</sub></p>'.format(
github etalab / csvapi / csvapi / View on Github external
import os
import traceback

from quart import Quart, jsonify
from quart_cors import cors
from quart.exceptions import NotFound

from csvapi.errors import APIError
from csvapi.tableview import TableView
from csvapi.exportview import ExportView
from csvapi.uploadview import UploadView
from csvapi.parseview import ParseView
from import filter_referrers

app = Quart(__name__)
app = cors(app, allow_origin='*')

app.add_url_rule('/api/', view_func=TableView.as_view('table'))
app.add_url_rule('/api//export', view_func=ExportView.as_view('export'))
app.add_url_rule('/apify', view_func=ParseView.as_view('parse'))
app.add_url_rule('/upload', view_func=UploadView.as_view('upload'))

conffile = os.environ.get('CSVAPI_CONFIG_FILE') or '../'

if app.config.get('SENTRY_DSN'):
    from raven import Client
    app.extensions['sentry'] = Client(app.config['SENTRY_DSN'])