How to use the pygeodesy.named.LatLon2Tuple function in PyGeodesy

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github mrJean1 / PyGeodesy / test / View on Github external
As = tuple(Azimuthal(0, 0, datum=1) for  # spherical datum of radius=1 for Snyder's Table ...
                        # ... 30, pp 196-197      26, pp 168           28, pp 188-189      22, pp 151          24, pp 158-159
               Azimuthal in  (Equidistant,        Gnomonic,            LambertEqualArea,   Orthographic,       Stereographic))
    t.testSnyder(10, 80, As, (1.37704, 0.24656), (5.67128,  1.01543), (1.26747, 0.22694), (0.96985, 0.17365), (1.65643, 0.29658))
    t.testSnyder(20, 20, As, (0.33454, 0.35601), (0.36397,  0.38733), (0.33123, 0.35248), (0.32139, 0.34202), (0.34136, 0.36327))
    t.testSnyder(40, 40, As, (0.57386, 0.74912), (0.8391,   1.09537), (0.55281, 0.72164), (0.4924,  0.64279), (0.62062, 0.81016))
    t.testSnyder(60, 60, As, (0.58948, 1.17896), (1.73205,  3.4641),  (0.54772, 1.09545), (0.43301, 0.86603), (0.69282, 1.38564))
    t.testSnyder(70, 80, As, (0.50997, 1.42273), (5.67128, 15.82209), (0.46280, 1.29114), (0.33682, 0.93969), (0.63588, 1.77402))
    t.testSnyder(80, 80, As, (0.26358, 1.51792), (5.67128, 32.65961), (0.23828, 1.37219), (0.17101, 0.98481), (0.33201, 1.91196))  # XXX 1.96962?
    t.testSnyder(80, 10, As, (0.04281, 1.39829), (0.17633,  5.75877), (0.03941, 1.28702), (0.03015, 0.98481), (0.05150, 1.68198))

    A = equidistant(0, 0, datum=1, name='coverage')
    t.test('equatoradius', A.equatoradius, 1.0, nl=1)
    t.test('flattening', A.flattening, 0)
    t.test('latlon0', A.latlon0, (0.0, 0.0))
    A.latlon0 = named.LatLon2Tuple(1, 2)
    t.test('latlon0', A.latlon0, (1.0, 2.0))
    t.test('name',, 'coverage')
    t.test('radius', A.radius, 1.0)

github mrJean1 / PyGeodesy / pygeodesy / View on Github external
       @arg name: Method, property or name (C{str} or C{callable}).
       @arg args: Method or property positional arguments (any C{type}s).
       @arg kwds: Method or property keyword arguments (any C{type}s).
    t = _notError(inst, name, args, kwds)
    raise _AssertionError(t, txt=notOverloaded.__name__)

__all__ += _ALL_DOCS(_Named,
                     _NamedBase,  # _NamedDict,
                     _NamedEnum, _NamedEnumItem,  # _NamedTuple,
                      Bearing2Tuple, Bounds2Tuple, Bounds4Tuple,
                      Destination2Tuple, Destination3Tuple,
                      Distance2Tuple, Distance3Tuple, Distance4Tuple,
                      EasNor2Tuple, EasNor3Tuple,
                      LatLon2Tuple, LatLon3Tuple, LatLon4Tuple,
                      LatLonDatum3Tuple, LatLonPrec3Tuple, LatLonPrec5Tuple,
                      PhiLam2Tuple, PhiLam3Tuple, PhiLam4Tuple, Points2Tuple,
                      Vector3Tuple, Vector4Tuple)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from sys import argv, exit  # PYCHOK shadows exit

    from pygeodesy.lazily import _FOR_DOCS

    if not _FOR_DOCS:
        exit('%s\n' % (' '.join('usage: env PYGEODESY_FOR_DOCS=1 python -m'.split() + argv),))

    ls = locals()
    for n in __all__:
github mrJean1 / PyGeodesy / pygeodesy / View on Github external
def _decode(self):
        # cache all decoded attrs
        lat, lon, p, h, r = decode5(self)  # PYCHOK LatLonPrec5Tuple
        if self._latlon is None:
            self._latlon = LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)
        if self._precision is None:
            self._precision = p
        if self._height is _Missing:
            self._height = h
        if self._radius is _Missing:
            self._radius = r
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       @raise TypeError: If B{C{latlon}} is not ellipsoidal.
    _xinstanceof(_LLEB, LatLon4Tuple, latlon=latlon)

    cs = _CassiniSoldner(cs0)

    c = cs.forward4(, latlon.lon)
    h = latlon.height if height is None else Height(height)

    if Css is None:
        r = EasNor3Tuple(c.easting, c.northing, h)
        r = Css(c.easting, c.northing, h=h, cs0=cs)
        r._latlon = LatLon2Tuple(, latlon.lon)
        r._azi, r._rk = c.azimuth, c.reciprocal
    return _xnamed(r, name or nameof(latlon))
github mrJean1 / PyGeodesy / pygeodesy / View on Github external
def latlon(self):
        '''Get the lat- and longitude (L{LatLon2Tuple}).
        r = LatLon2Tuple(, self.reverse4.lon)
        return self._xnamed(r)
github mrJean1 / PyGeodesy / pygeodesy / View on Github external
def latlon0(self, latlon0):
        '''Set the center lat- and longitude (C{LatLon}, L{LatLon2Tuple} or L{LatLon4Tuple}).

           @raise AzimuthalError: Ellipsoidal mismatch of B{C{latlon0}} and this projection.

           @raise RangeError: Invalid B{C{lat0}} or B{C{lon0}}.

           @raise UnitError: Invalid B{C{lat0}} or B{C{lon0}}.
        B = _LLEB if self.datum.isEllipsoidal else _LLB
        _xinstanceof(B, LatLon2Tuple, LatLon4Tuple, latlon0=latlon0)
        if hasattr(latlon0, _datum_):
            _datum_datum(self.datum, latlon0.datum, Error=AzimuthalError)
        self.reset(, latlon0.lon)
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def latlon0(self):
        '''Get the central origin (L{LatLon2Tuple}C{(lat, lon)}).
        return self._xnamed(LatLon2Tuple(self.lat0, self.lon0))
github mrJean1 / PyGeodesy / pygeodesy / View on Github external
def latlon(self):
        '''Get the lat- and longitude of (the approximate center of)
           this geohash as a L{LatLon2Tuple}C{(lat, lon)} in C{degrees}.


           >>> geohash.Geohash('geek').latlon  # 65.478515625, -17.75390625
           >>> geohash.decode('geek')  # '65.48', '-17.75'
        # B{Example:} not @example: since that causes Epydoc error
        if not self._latlon:
            lat, lon = _2center(self.bounds())
            self._latlon = LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)
        return self._latlon
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def sizes(self):
        '''Get the lat- and longitudinal size of this cell as
           a L{LatLon2Tuple}C{(lat, lon)} with the latitudinal
           height and longitudinal width in (C{meter}).
        n = min(len(_Sizes) - 1, self.precision or 1)
        return LatLon2Tuple(*map2(float, _Sizes[n][:2]))  # XXX Height, Width