How to use the pygeodesy.fmath.hypot1 function in PyGeodesy

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H = hypot(shx, cy)
        if H < EPS:
            raise self._Error(H=H)

        T = t0 = sy / H  # τʹ
        S = Fsum(T)
        q = 1.0 / E.e12
        P = 7  # -/+ toggle trips
        d = 1.0 + eps
        while abs(d) > eps and P > 0:
            p = -d  # previous d, toggled
            h = hypot1(T)
            s = sinh(E.e * atanh(E.e * T / h))
            t = T * hypot1(s) - s * h
            d = (t0 - t) / hypot1(t) * ((q + T**2) / h)
            T, d = S.fsum2_(d)  # τi, (τi - τi-1)
            if d == p:  # catch -/+ toggling of d
                P -= 1
            # else:
            #   P = 0

        a = atan(T)  # lat
        b = atan2(shx, cy)
        if unfalse and self.falsed:
            b += radians(_cmlon(
        ll = _LLEB(degrees90(a), degrees180(b), datum=self.datum,

        # convergence: Karney 2011 Eq 26, 27
        p =
        q =  K.qs(0)
        ll._convergence = degrees(atan(tan(y) * tanh(x)) + atan2(q, p))
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# atanh(_e * snu / dnv) = asinh(_e * snu / sqrt(_mu * cnu^2 + _mv * cnv^2))
        d1 = cnu**2 + self._mv * (snu * snv)**2
        d2 = self._mu * cnu**2 + self._mv * cnv**2
        # Overflow value s.t. atan(overflow) = pi/2
        t1 = t2 = copysign(_OVERFLOW, snu)
        if d1 > 0:
            t1 = snu * dnv / sqrt(d1)
        lam = 0
        if d2 > 0:
            t2 = sinh(e * asinh(e * snu / sqrt(d2)))
            if d1 > 0:
                lam = atan2(dnu * snv    , cnu * cnv) - \
                      atan2(cnu * snv * e, dnu * cnv) * e
        # psi = asinh(t1) - asinh(t2)
        # taup = sinh(psi)
        taup = t1 * hypot1(t2) - t2 * hypot1(t1)
        return taup, lam, d2
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sy, cy = sincos2(y)

        H = hypot(shx, cy)
        if H < EPS:
            raise self._Error(H=H)

        T = t0 = sy / H  # τʹ
        S = Fsum(T)
        q = 1.0 / E.e12
        P = 7  # -/+ toggle trips
        d = 1.0 + eps
        while abs(d) > eps and P > 0:
            p = -d  # previous d, toggled
            h = hypot1(T)
            s = sinh(E.e * atanh(E.e * T / h))
            t = T * hypot1(s) - s * h
            d = (t0 - t) / hypot1(t) * ((q + T**2) / h)
            T, d = S.fsum2_(d)  # τi, (τi - τi-1)
            if d == p:  # catch -/+ toggling of d
                P -= 1
            # else:
            #   P = 0

        a = atan(T)  # lat
        b = atan2(shx, cy)
        if unfalse and self.falsed:
            b += radians(_cmlon(
        ll = _LLEB(degrees90(a), degrees180(b), datum=self.datum,

        # convergence: Karney 2011 Eq 26, 27
        p =
        q =  K.qs(0)
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def _scale(E, rho, tau):
    # compute the point scale factor, ala Karney
    t = hypot1(tau)
    return Scalar((rho / E.a) * t * sqrt(E.e12 + E.e2 / t**2))
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# else:
            #   P = 0

        a = atan(T)  # lat
        b = atan2(shx, cy)
        if unfalse and self.falsed:
            b += radians(_cmlon(
        ll = _LLEB(degrees90(a), degrees180(b), datum=self.datum,

        # convergence: Karney 2011 Eq 26, 27
        p =
        q =  K.qs(0)
        ll._convergence = degrees(atan(tan(y) * tanh(x)) + atan2(q, p))

        # scale: Karney 2011 Eq 28
        ll._scale = E.e2s(sin(a)) * hypot1(T) * H * (A0 / E.a / hypot(p, q))

        self._latlon_to(ll, eps, unfalse)
        return self._latlon5(LatLon, **LatLon_kwds)
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>>> u = toUtm(p)  # 48 N 377302 1483035
    z, B, lat, lon, d, f, name = _to7zBlldfn(latlon, lon, datum,
                                             falsed, name, zone,
                                             UTMError, **cmoff)
    E = d.ellipsoid

    a, b = radians(lat), radians(lon)
    # easting, northing: Karney 2011 Eq 7-14, 29, 35
    sb, cb = sincos2(b)

    T = tan(a)
    T12 = hypot1(T)
    S = sinh(E.e * atanh(E.e * T / T12))

    T_ = T * hypot1(S) - S * T12
    H = hypot(T_, cb)

    y = atan2(T_, cb)  # ξ' ksi
    x = asinh(sb / H)  # η' eta

    A0 = E.A * getattr(Utm, '_scale0', _K0)  # Utm is class or None

    K = _Kseries(E.AlphaKs, x, y)  # Krüger series
    y = K.ys(y) * A0  # ξ
    x = K.xs(x) * A0  # η

    # convergence: Karney 2011 Eq 23, 24
    p_ =
    q_ = K.qs(0)
    c = degrees(atan(T_ / hypot1(T_) * tan(b)) + atan2(q_, p_))
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Coordinate Conversion'},
                 Apr 1996, both from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and
                 John J. Sudano U{An exact conversion from an Earth-centered coordinate
                 system to latitude longitude and altitude}.
        x, y, z, name = _xyzn4(xyz, y, z, Error=EcefError)

        E = self.ellipsoid

        p = hypot(x, y)  # distance from minor axis
        r = hypot(p, z)  # polar radius
        if min(p, r) > EPS:
            # parametric latitude (Bowring eqn 17, replaced)
            t = (E.b * z) / (E.a * p) * (1 + E.e22 * E.b / r)
            c = 1 / hypot1(t)
            s = t * c

            # geodetic latitude (Bowring eqn 18)
            a = atan2(z + E.e22 * E.b * s**3,
                      p - E.e2  * E.a * c**3)
            b = atan2(y, x)  # ... and longitude

            # height above ellipsoid (Bowring eqn 7)
            sa, ca = sincos2(a)
#           r = E.a / E.e2s(sa)  # length of normal terminated by minor axis
#           h = p * ca + z * sa - (E.a * E.a / r)
            h = fsum_(p * ca, z * sa, -E.a * E.e2s(sa))

            C, lat, lon = 1, degrees90(a), degrees180(b)

        # see