How to use the mesa.visualization.modules.TextElement function in Mesa

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Mesa examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github projectmesa / mesa / tests / View on Github external
def setUp(self):

        self.user_params = {
            'width': 1,
            'height': 1,
            'key1': UserSettableParameter('number', "Test Parameter", 101),
            'key2': UserSettableParameter('slider', "Test Parameter", 200, 0, 300, 10)

        self.viz_elements = [
            CanvasGrid(self.portrayal, 10, 10, 20, 20),
            # ChartModule([{"Label": "Wolves", "Color": "#AA0000"},  # Todo - test chart module
            #              {"Label": "Sheep", "Color": "#666666"}])

        self.server = ModularServer(MockModel, self.viz_elements, "Test Model", model_params=self.user_params)
github Corvince / mesa-geo / examples / GeoSchelling / View on Github external
from mesa_geo.visualization.ModularVisualization import ModularServer
from mesa.visualization.modules import ChartModule, TextElement
from mesa.visualization.UserParam import UserSettableParameter
from model import SchellingModel
from mesa_geo.visualization.MapModule import MapModule

class HappyElement(TextElement):
    Display a text count of how many happy agents there are.

    def __init__(self):

    def render(self, model):
        return "Happy agents: " + str(model.happy)

model_params = {
    "density": UserSettableParameter("slider", "Agent density", 0.6, 0.1, 1.0, 0.1),
    "minority_pc": UserSettableParameter(
        "slider", "Fraction minority", 0.2, 0.00, 1.0, 0.05
github projectmesa / mesa / examples / virus_on_network / virus_on_network / View on Github external
'target': target,
                           'color': edge_color(*get_agents(source, target)),
                           'width': edge_width(*get_agents(source, target)),
                          for (source, target) in G.edges]

    return portrayal

network = NetworkModule(network_portrayal, 500, 500, library='d3')
chart = ChartModule([{'Label': 'Infected', 'Color': '#FF0000'},
                     {'Label': 'Susceptible', 'Color': '#008000'},
                     {'Label': 'Resistant', 'Color': '#808080'}])

class MyTextElement(TextElement):
    def render(self, model):
        ratio = model.resistant_susceptible_ratio()
        ratio_text = '∞' if ratio is math.inf else '{0:.2f}'.format(ratio)
        infected_text = str(number_infected(model))

        return "Resistant/Susceptible Ratio: {}<br>Infected Remaining: {}".format(ratio_text, infected_text)

model_params = {
    'num_nodes': UserSettableParameter('slider', 'Number of agents', 10, 10, 100, 1,
                                       description='Choose how many agents to include in the model'),
    'avg_node_degree': UserSettableParameter('slider', 'Avg Node Degree', 3, 3, 8, 1,
                                             description='Avg Node Degree'),
    'initial_outbreak_size': UserSettableParameter('slider', 'Initial Outbreak Size', 1, 1, 10, 1,
                                                   description='Initial Outbreak Size'),
    'virus_spread_chance': UserSettableParameter('slider', 'Virus Spread Chance', 0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1,
github projectmesa / mesa / examples / Schelling / View on Github external
grid_viz = TextGrid(self.model.grid, self.ascii_agent)
        happy_viz = TextData(self.model, 'happy')
        self.elements = [grid_viz, happy_viz]

    def ascii_agent(a):
        Minority agents are X, Majority are O.
        if a.type == 0:
            return 'O'
        if a.type == 1:
            return 'X'

class HappyElement(TextElement):
    Display a text count of how many happy agents there are.

    def __init__(self):

    def render(self, model):
        return "Happy agents: " + str(model.happy)

def schelling_draw(agent):
    Portrayal Method for canvas
    if agent is None:
github projectmesa / mesa / examples / Schelling / View on Github external
from Schelling import SchellingModel
from mesa.visualization.ModularVisualization import ModularServer
from mesa.visualization.modules import CanvasGrid, ChartModule, TextElement
from mesa.visualization.UserParams import UserParam

class HappyElement(TextElement):
    Display a text count of how many happy agents there are.
    def __init__(self):

    def render(self, model):
        return "Happy agents: " + str(model.happy)

def schelling_draw(agent):
    Portrayal Method for canvas
    if agent is None: