How to use the mesa.visualization.ModularVisualization.ModularServer function in Mesa

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Mesa examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github projectmesa / mesa / tests / View on Github external
def get_app(self):
        app = ModularServer(Model, [])
        return app
github ShrutiAppiah / Simulating-an-Economy-ABM / View on Github external
portrayal["r"] = 0.1
        portrayal["Color"] = "#ff8c66"
        portrayal["Layer"] = 2
        portrayal["r"] = 0.0
    return portrayal

grid = CanvasGrid(agent_portrayal, economy_scale, economy_scale, 650, 650)
chart = ChartModule([
    {"Label": "Gini", "Color": "#6aa35e"}],
    canvas_height=600, canvas_width=550
#text = TextElement(js_code="document.write(5 + 6);")

server = ModularServer(WealthModel, [grid, chart], "Wealth Model", { "N" : economy_scale*economy_scale, "width" : economy_scale, "height" : economy_scale} )
server.port = 8521
github projectmesa / mesa / examples / bank_reserves / bank_reserves / View on Github external
"rich_threshold": UserSettableParameter("slider", "Rich Threshold", 10, 1, 20,
                                                   description="Upper End of Random Initial Wallet Amount"),
                "reserve_percent": UserSettableParameter("slider", "Reserves", 50, 1, 100,
                                                    description="Percent of deposits the bank has to hold in reserve")

# set the portrayal function and size of the canvas for visualization
canvas_element = CanvasGrid(person_portrayal, 20, 20, 500, 500)

# map data to chart in the ChartModule
chart_element = ChartModule([{"Label": "Rich", "Color": RICH_COLOR},
                             {"Label": "Poor", "Color": POOR_COLOR},
                             {"Label": "Middle Class", "Color": MID_COLOR}])

# create instance of Mesa ModularServer
server = ModularServer(BankReserves, [canvas_element, chart_element],
                       "Bank Reserves Model",
github AB-CE / abce / example / boltzmann_wealth_model / View on Github external
def main(x_size, y_size):
    """ This function sets up a canvas to graphically represent the model 'MoneyModel'
    and a chart, than it runs the server and runs the model in in the browser """
    grid = CanvasGrid(agent_portrayal, x_size, y_size, 500, 500)

    chart = ChartModule([{"Label": "Gini",
                          "Color": "Black"}],
    # the simulation uses a class DataCollector, that collects the data and
    # relays it from self.datacollector to the webpage

    server = ModularServer(MoneyModel,
                           [grid, chart],
                           "ABCE and MESA integrated",
                           x_size * y_size, x_size, y_size)
    server.port = 8534  # change this number if address is in use
github projectmesa / mesa / examples / virus_on_network / virus_on_network / View on Github external
description='Avg Node Degree'),
    'initial_outbreak_size': UserSettableParameter('slider', 'Initial Outbreak Size', 1, 1, 10, 1,
                                                   description='Initial Outbreak Size'),
    'virus_spread_chance': UserSettableParameter('slider', 'Virus Spread Chance', 0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1,
                                                 description='Probability that susceptible neighbor will be infected'),
    'virus_check_frequency': UserSettableParameter('slider', 'Virus Check Frequency', 0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1,
                                                   description='Frequency the nodes check whether they are infected by '
                                                               'a virus'),
    'recovery_chance': UserSettableParameter('slider', 'Recovery Chance', 0.3, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1,
                                             description='Probability that the virus will be removed'),
    'gain_resistance_chance': UserSettableParameter('slider', 'Gain Resistance Chance', 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1,
                                                    description='Probability that a recovered agent will become '
                                                                'resistant to this virus in the future'),

server = ModularServer(VirusOnNetwork, [network, MyTextElement(), chart], 'Virus Model', model_params)
server.port = 8521
github AB-CE / abce / examples / mesa_example / View on Github external
def main(x_size, y_size):
    """ This function sets up a canvas to graphically represent the model 'MoneyModel'
    and a chart, than it runs the server and runs the model in in the browser """
    grid = CanvasGrid(agent_portrayal, x_size, y_size, 500, 500)

    chart = ChartModule([{"Label": "Gini",
                          "Color": "Black"}],
    # the simulation uses a class DataCollector, that collects the data and
    # relays it from self.datacollector to the webpage

    server = ModularServer(MoneyModel,
                           [grid, chart],
                           "abcEconomics and MESA integrated",
                           x_size * y_size, x_size, y_size)
    server.port = 8534  # change this number if address is in use
github projectmesa / mesa / examples / Schelling / View on Github external
portrayal = {"Shape": "circle", "r": 0.5, "Filled": "true", "Layer": 0}

    if agent.type == 0:
        portrayal["Color"] = "Red"
        portrayal["Color"] = "Blue"
    return portrayal

happy_element = HappyElement()
canvas_element = CanvasGrid(schelling_draw, 20, 20, 500, 500)
happy_chart = ChartModule([{"Label": "happy", "Color": "Black"}])
model_params = {"height": 20, "width": 20, "density": 0.8, 
                #"minority_pc": 0.2, 
                "minority_pc": UserParam("minority_pc", 0.2, 0, 1.0, 0.1), 
                "homophily": UserParam("homophily", 4, 1, 8, 1)}
server = ModularServer(SchellingModel,
                       [canvas_element, happy_element, happy_chart],
                       "Schelling", model_params)
github projectmesa / mesa / examples / boltzmann_wealth_model / boltzmann_wealth_model / View on Github external
grid = CanvasGrid(agent_portrayal, 10, 10, 500, 500)
chart = ChartModule([
    {"Label": "Gini", "Color": "#0000FF"}],

model_params = {
    "N": UserSettableParameter('slider', "Number of agents", 100, 2, 200, 1,
                               description="Choose how many agents to include in the model"),
    "width": 10,
    "height": 10

server = ModularServer(BoltzmannWealthModel, [grid, chart], "Money Model", model_params)
server.port = 8521
github aragonlabs / court-sim / court / View on Github external
from court.model import CourtModel

chart1 = ChartModule([
    {"Label": "successful", "Color": "#7bb36e"},{"Label": "failed", "Color": "#c66657"},{"Label": "total", "Color": "#56bfdf"}],
    canvas_height=300, canvas_width=300

chart2 = ChartModule([
    {"Label": "Gini", "Color": "#56bfdf"}],
    canvas_height=300, canvas_width=300

server = ModularServer(
        "juror_count": UserSettableParameter('slider', "Number of jurors", 20, 10, 100, 1,
                               description="Choose how many Juror agents to include in the model"),
        "token_count": UserSettableParameter('slider', "Number of tokens", 40, 10, 400, 1,
                                   description="Choose how many tokens in supply, tokens are split evenly among jurors at initialization."),
        "threshold": UserSettableParameter('slider', "Belief Threshold", 1, 0.25, 5, 0.25,
                                   description="Agents must sample within this many standard deviations from the true value to be coherent"),
        "penalty_pct": UserSettableParameter('slider', "Dispensation Percentage", 0.1, 0.01, 1, 0.01,
                                           description="Percentage of activated tokens which are redistributed from incoherent jurors to coherent")

server.port = 8521
github projectmesa / mesa / examples / Flockers / flockers / View on Github external
from mesa.visualization.ModularVisualization import ModularServer

from .model import BoidModel
from .SimpleContinuousModule import SimpleCanvas

def boid_draw(agent):
    return {"Shape": "circle", "r": 2, "Filled": "true", "Color": "Red"}

boid_canvas = SimpleCanvas(boid_draw, 500, 500)

model_params = dict(N=100, width=100, height=100, speed=5,
                    vision=10, separation=2)
server = ModularServer(BoidModel, [boid_canvas], "Boids", model_params)