How to use the js2py.translators.translate_js function in Js2Py

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Js2Py examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github PiotrDabkowski / Js2Py / js2py / View on Github external
def translate_file(input_path, output_path):
    Translates input JS file to python and saves the it to the output path.
    It appends some convenience code at the end so that it is easy to import JS objects.

    For example we have a file 'example.js' with:   var a = function(x) {return x}
    translate_file('example.js', '')

    Now can be easily importend and used:
    >>> from example import example
    >>> example.a(30)
    js = get_file_contents(input_path)

    py_code = translate_js(js)
    lib_name = os.path.basename(output_path).split('.')[0]
    head = '__all__ = [%s]\n\n# Don\'t look below, you will not understand this Python code :) I don\'t.\n\n' % repr(
    tail = '\n\n# Add lib to the module scope\n%s = var.to_python()' % lib_name
    out = head + py_code + tail
    write_file_contents(output_path, out)
github PiotrDabkowski / Js2Py / js2py / View on Github external
def translate_js6(js):
    """Just like translate_js but with experimental support for js6 via babel."""
    return translate_js(js6_to_js5(js))
github PiotrDabkowski / Js2Py / js2py / View on Github external
This cache causes minor overhead (a cache dicts is updated) but the Js=>Py conversion process
        is typically expensive compared to actually running the generated python code.

        Note that the cache is just a dict, it has no expiration or cleanup so when running this
        in automated situations with vast amounts of snippets it might increase memory usage.
            cache = self.__dict__['cache']
        except KeyError:
            cache = self.__dict__['cache'] = {}
        hashkey = hashlib.md5(js.encode('utf-8')).digest()
            compiled = cache[hashkey]
        except KeyError:
            code = translate_js(
                js, '', use_compilation_plan=use_compilation_plan)
            compiled = cache[hashkey] = compile(code, '',
        exec (compiled, self._context)
github PiotrDabkowski / Js2Py / js2py / View on Github external
def execute_debug(self, js):
        """executes javascript js in current context
        as opposed to the (faster) self.execute method, you can use your regular debugger
        to set breakpoints and inspect the generated python code
        code = translate_js(js, '')
        # make sure you have a temp folder:
        filename = 'temp' + os.sep + '_' + hashlib.md5(
            code.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() + '.py'
            with open(filename, mode='w') as f:
            with open(filename, "r") as f:
                pyCode = compile(, filename, 'exec')
                exec(pyCode, self._context)
        except Exception as err:
            raise err
                os.remove(filename + 'c')