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'-': '__sub__',
'<<': '__lshift__',
'>>': '__rshift__',
'&': '__and__',
'^': '__xor__',
'|': '__or__',
'>>>': 'pyjs_bshift'
def Empty():
return Js(None)
class PyJsNumber(PyJs): #Note i dont implement +0 and -0. Just 0.
TYPE = 'Number'
Class = 'Number'
NumberPrototype = PyJsObject({}, ObjectPrototype)
NumberPrototype.Class = 'Number'
NumberPrototype.value = 0
Infinity = PyJsNumber(float('inf'), NumberPrototype)
NaN = PyJsNumber(float('nan'), NumberPrototype)
PyJs.NaN = NaN
PyJs.Infinity = Infinity
# This dict aims to increase speed of string creation by storing character instances
PyJs.MakeError = staticmethod(MakeError)
def JsToPyException(js):
temp = PyJsException()
temp.mes = js
return temp
def PyExceptionToJs(py):
return py.mes
#Scope class it will hold all the variables accessible to user
class Scope(PyJs):
Class = 'global'
extensible = True
# todo speed up
# in order to speed up this very important class the top scope should behave differently than
# child scopes, child scope should not have this property descriptor thing because they cant be changed anyway
# they are all confugurable= False
def __init__(self, scope, closure=None):
self.prototype = closure
if closure is None:
# global, top level scope
self.own = {}
for k, v in six.iteritems(scope):
'prototype', {
'value': proto,
'writable': True,
'enumerable': False,
'configurable': False
def call(self, this, args=()):
return, self.bound_args + args)
def has_instance(self, other):
PyJs.PyJsBoundFunction = PyJsBoundFunction
'*': '__mul__',
'/': '__div__',
'%': '__mod__',
'+': '__add__',
'-': '__sub__',
'<<': '__lshift__',
'>>': '__rshift__',
'&': '__and__',
'^': '__xor__',
'|': '__or__',
'>>>': 'pyjs_bshift'
Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype = PyJsUint8ClampedArray([], ObjectPrototype)
Int16ArrayPrototype = PyJsInt16Array([], ObjectPrototype)
Uint16ArrayPrototype = PyJsUint16Array([], ObjectPrototype)
Int32ArrayPrototype = PyJsInt32Array([], ObjectPrototype)
Uint32ArrayPrototype = PyJsUint32Array([], ObjectPrototype)
Float32ArrayPrototype = PyJsFloat32Array([], ObjectPrototype)
Float64ArrayPrototype = PyJsFloat64Array([], ObjectPrototype)
class PyJsArguments(PyJs):
Class = 'Arguments'
def __init__(self, args, callee):
self.own = {}
self.extensible = True
self.prototype = ObjectPrototype
'length', {
'value': Js(len(args)),
'writable': True,
'enumerable': False,
'configurable': True
'callee', {
'value': callee,
temp = PyJsFunction(e.__func__, FunctionPrototype)
attrs = dict((k, v) for k, v in attrs.iteritems())
attrs['value'] = temp
prototype.define_own_property(i, attrs)
if hasattr(e, '__call__') and not i.startswith('__'):
temp = PyJsFunction(e, FunctionPrototype)
attrs = dict((k, v) for k, v in attrs.items())
attrs['value'] = temp
prototype.define_own_property(i, attrs)
if constructor:
attrs['value'] = constructor
prototype.define_own_property('constructor', attrs)
PyJs.undefined = undefined
PyJs.Js = staticmethod(Js)
from .prototypes import jsfunction, jsobject, jsnumber, jsstring, jsboolean, jsarray, jsregexp, jserror, jsarraybuffer, jstypedarray
#Object proto
fill_prototype(ObjectPrototype, jsobject.ObjectPrototype, default_attrs)
#Define __proto__ accessor (this cant be done by fill_prototype since)
def __proto__():
return this.prototype if this.prototype is not None else null
getter = __proto__
def PyJsComma(a, b):
return b
from .internals.simplex import JsException as PyJsException, js_dtoa
import pyjsparser
pyjsparser.parser.ENABLE_JS2PY_ERRORS = lambda msg: MakeError('SyntaxError', msg)
class PyJsSwitchException(Exception):
PyJs.MakeError = staticmethod(MakeError)
def JsToPyException(js):
temp = PyJsException()
temp.mes = js
return temp
def PyExceptionToJs(py):
return py.mes
#Scope class it will hold all the variables accessible to user
class Scope(PyJs):
Class = 'global'
extensible = True
def put(self, lval, val, op=None):
if self.prototype is None:
# global scope put, simple
return PyJs.put(self, lval, val, op)
# trying to put in local scope
# we dont know yet in which scope we should place this var
if lval in self.own:
if op: # increment operation
val = getattr(self.own[lval], OP_METHODS[op])(val)
self.own[lval] = val
return val
#try to put in the lower scope since we cant put in this one (var wasn't registered)
return self.prototype.put(lval, val, op)
class PyJsNull(PyJs):
TYPE = 'Null'
Class = 'Null'
def __init__(self):
null = PyJsNull()
PyJs.null = null
class PyJsArray(PyJs):
Class = 'Array'
def __init__(self, arr=[], prototype=None):
self.extensible = True
self.prototype = prototype
self.own = {
'length': {
'value': Js(0),
'writable': True,
'enumerable': False,
'configurable': False
for i, e in enumerate(arr):
str(i), {
def to_python(val):
if not isinstance(val, PyJs):
return val
if isinstance(val, PyJsUndefined) or isinstance(val, PyJsNull):
return None
elif isinstance(val, PyJsNumber):
# this can be either float or long/int better to assume its int/long when a whole number...
v = val.value
i = int(v) if v == v else v # nan...
return v if i != v else i
return v
elif isinstance(val, (PyJsString, PyJsBoolean)):
return val.value
elif isinstance(val, PyObjectWrapper):
return val.__dict__['obj']
elif isinstance(val, PyJsArray) and val.CONVERT_TO_PY_PRIMITIVES:
flags = flags.to_string().value if not flags.is_undefined() else ''
for flag in flags:
if flag not in REG_EXP_FLAGS:
raise MakeError(
'Invalid flags supplied to RegExp constructor "%s"' % flag)
if len(set(flags)) != len(flags):
raise MakeError(
'Invalid flags supplied to RegExp constructor "%s"' % flags)
pattern = '/%s/' % (pattern if pattern else '(?:)') + flags
return JsRegExp(pattern)
RegExp.create = RegExp
PyJs.RegExp = RegExp
# Number
def Number():
if len(arguments):
return arguments[0].to_number()
return Js(0)
def number_constructor():
temp = PyJsObject(prototype=NumberPrototype)
temp.Class = 'Number'