How to use the flexget.api.api.response function in FlexGet

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few FlexGet examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / api / plugins / View on Github external
entry_object = get_entry_by_title(list_id=list_id, title=title, session=session)
        if entry_object:
            raise Conflict('entry with title \'%s\' already exists' % title)
        entry_object = PendingListEntry(entry=data, pending_list_id=list_id)
        if data.get('approved'):
            entry_object.approved = data['approved']
        response = jsonify(entry_object.to_dict())
        response.status_code = 201
        return response

@api.doc(params={'list_id': 'ID of the list', 'entry_id': 'ID of the entry'})
class PendingListEntryAPI(APIResource):
    @api.response(200, model=pending_list_entry_base_schema)
    def get(self, list_id, entry_id, session=None):
        """ Get an entry by list ID and entry ID """
            entry = get_entry_by_id(list_id=list_id, entry_id=entry_id, session=session)
        except NoResultFound:
            raise NotFoundError('could not find entry with id %d in list %d' % (entry_id, list_id))

        return jsonify(entry.to_dict())

    @api.response(200, model=base_message_schema)
    def delete(self, list_id, entry_id, session=None):
        """ Delete an entry by list ID and entry ID """
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / api / core / View on Github external
    @api.response(200, model=plugin_schema)
    @api.doc(parser=plugin_parser, params={'plugin_name': 'Name of the plugin to return'})
    def get(self, plugin_name, session=None):
        """ Return plugin data by name"""
        args = plugin_parser.parse_args()
            plugin = get_plugin_by_name(plugin_name, issued_by='plugins API')
        except DependencyError as e:
            raise BadRequest(e.message)
        p = plugin_to_dict(plugin)
        if args['include_schema']:
            p['schema'] = plugin.schema
        return jsonify(p)
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / components / tmdb / View on Github external
    @api.response(200, model=return_schema)
    def get(self, session=None):
        """ Get TMDB movie data """
        args = tmdb_parser.parse_args()
        title = args.get('title')
        tmdb_id = args.get('tmdb_id')
        imdb_id = args.get('imdb_id')

        posters = args.pop('include_posters', False)
        backdrops = args.pop('include_backdrops', False)

        if not (title or tmdb_id or imdb_id):
            raise BadRequest(description)
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except NoResultFound:
            return {'status': 'error',
                    'message': 'Show with ID %s not found' % show_id
                    }, 404

        for episode in show.episodes:
            except ValueError as e:
                return {'status': 'error',
                        'message': e.args[0]
                        }, 500
        return {}

@api.response(404, 'Show ID not found', default_error_schema)
@api.response(414, 'Episode ID not found', default_error_schema)
@api.response(400, 'Episode with ep_ids does not belong to show with show_id', default_error_schema)
@api.doc(params={'show_id': 'ID of the show', 'ep_id': 'Episode ID'},
         description='Use this endpoint to get or delete a specific episode for a show')
class SeriesEpisodeAPI(APIResource):
    @api.response(200, 'Episode retrieved successfully for show', episode_schema)
    def get(self, show_id, ep_id, session):
        """ Get episode by show ID and episode ID"""
            show = series.show_by_id(show_id, session=session)
        except NoResultFound:
            return {'status': 'error',
                    'message': 'Show with ID %s not found' % show_id
                    }, 404
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / components / series / View on Github external
    @api.response(200, 'Season retrieved successfully for show', season_schema)
    @api.doc(description='Get a specific season via its ID and show ID')
    def get(self, show_id, season_id, session):
        """ Get season by show ID and season ID"""
            db.show_by_id(show_id, session=session)
        except NoResultFound:
            raise NotFoundError('show with ID %s not found' % show_id)
            season = db.season_by_id(season_id, session)
        except NoResultFound:
            raise NotFoundError('season with ID %s not found' % season_id)
        if not db.season_in_show(show_id, season_id):
            raise BadRequest('season with id %s does not belong to show %s' % (season_id, show_id))

        rsp = jsonify(season.to_dict())
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / components / managed_lists / lists / movie_list / View on Github external
    @api.response(200, model=base_message_schema)
    def delete(self, list_id, movie_id, session=None):
        """ Delete a movie by list ID and movie ID """
            movie = db.get_movie_by_id(list_id=list_id, movie_id=movie_id, session=session)
        except NoResultFound:
            raise NotFoundError('could not find movie with id %d in list %d' % (movie_id, list_id))
        logger.debug('deleting movie {}',
        return success_response('successfully deleted movie %d' % movie_id)
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / api / plugins / View on Github external
    @api.response(200, model=history_list_schema)
    def get(self, session=None):
        """ List of previously accepted entries """
        args = history_parser.parse_args()

        # Pagination and sorting params
        page = args['page']
        per_page = args['per_page']
        sort_by = args['sort_by']
        sort_order = args['order']

        # Hard limit results per page to 100
        if per_page > 100:
            per_page = 100

        # Filter param
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / plugins / api / View on Github external
    @api.response(200, 'Episode retrieved successfully for show', episode_schema)
    def get(self, show_id, ep_id, session):
        """ Get episode by show ID and episode ID"""
            show = series.show_by_id(show_id, session=session)
        except NoResultFound:
            return {'status': 'error',
                    'message': 'Show with ID %s not found' % show_id
                    }, 404
            episode = series.episode_by_id(ep_id, session)
        except NoResultFound:
            return {'status': 'error',
                    'message': 'Episode with ID %s not found' % ep_id
                    }, 414
        if not series.episode_in_show(show_id, ep_id):
            return {'status': 'error',
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / components / series / View on Github external
        200, 'Successfully reset all downloaded releases for season', model=base_message_schema
        description='Resets all of the downloaded releases of an season, clearing the quality to be downloaded '
    def put(self, show_id, season_id, session):
        """ Marks all downloaded season releases as not downloaded """
            db.show_by_id(show_id, session=session)
        except NoResultFound:
            raise NotFoundError('show with ID %s not found' % show_id)
            season = db.season_by_id(season_id, session)
        except NoResultFound:
            raise NotFoundError('season with ID %s not found' % season_id)
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / components / scheduler / View on Github external
    @api.response(201, model=api_schedule_schema)
    def put(self, schedule_id, session=None):
        """ Update schedule """
        new_schedule = request.json

        schedules = self.manager.config.get('schedules', [])

        # Checks for boolean config
        if schedules is True:
            self.manager.config['schedules'] = DEFAULT_SCHEDULES
        elif schedules is False:
            raise Conflict('Schedules are disables in config')

        schedule, idx = _schedule_by_id(schedule_id, self.manager.config['schedules'])
        if not schedule:
            raise NotFoundError('schedule %d not found' % schedule_id)