How to use the flexget.api.api.doc function in FlexGet

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few FlexGet examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / api / plugins / View on Github external
    @api.doc(params={'failed_entry_id': 'ID of the failed entry'})
    @api.response(200, model=retry_failed_entry_schema)
    def get(self, failed_entry_id, session=None):
        """ Get failed entry by ID """
            failed_entry = session.query(FailedEntry).filter( == failed_entry_id).one()
        except NoResultFound:
            raise NotFoundError(f'could not find entry with ID {failed_entry_id}')
        return jsonify(failed_entry.to_dict())
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / components / trakt / View on Github external
include_translations = args.pop('include_translations')
        kwargs = args
            series = ApiTrakt.lookup_series(session=session, **kwargs)
        except LookupError as e:
            raise NotFoundError(e.args[0])
        result = series.to_dict()
        if include_actors:
            result['actors'] = db.list_actors(series.actors)
        if include_translations:
            result['translations'] = db.get_translations_dict(series.translations, 'show')
        return jsonify(result)

@api.doc(params={'title': 'Series name'})
class TraktSeriesWithTitleSearchApi(APIResource):
    def get(self, title, session=None):
        kwargs = lookup_parser.parse_args()
        kwargs['title'] = title
        return redirect(api.url_for(TraktSeriesSearchApi, **kwargs), code=301)

class TraktMovieSearchApi(APIResource):
    @api.response(200, 'Successfully found show', movie_return_schema)
    def get(self, session=None):
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / components / seen / View on Github external
    @api.doc(parser=seen_search_parser, description='Get seen entries')
    def get(self, session):
        """ Search for seen entries """
        args = seen_search_parser.parse_args()

        # Filter params
        value = args['value']
        local = args['local']

        # Pagination and sorting params
        page = args['page']
        per_page = args['per_page']
        sort_by = args['sort_by']
        sort_order = args['order']

        # Handle max size limit
        if per_page > 100:
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / components / managed_lists / lists / movie_list / View on Github external
        description='Sent movie identifiers will override any existing identifiers that the movie currently holds'
    def put(self, list_id, movie_id, session=None):
        """ Sets movie identifiers """
            movie = db.get_movie_by_id(list_id=list_id, movie_id=movie_id, session=session)
        except NoResultFound:
            raise NotFoundError('could not find movie with id %d in list %d' % (movie_id, list_id))
        data = request.json

        # Validates ID type based on allowed ID
        for id_name in data:
            if list(id_name)[0] not in MovieListBase().supported_ids:
                raise BadRequest('movie identifier %s is not allowed' % id_name)
        movie.ids[:] = db.get_db_movie_identifiers(
            identifier_list=data, movie_id=movie_id, session=session
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / api / core / View on Github external
    def get(self, session=None):
        """ List all tasks """

        active_tasks = {task: task_data for task, task_data in self.manager.user_config.get('tasks', {}).items()
                        if not task.startswith('_')}

        args = tasks_parser.parse_args()
        if not args.get('include_config'):
            return jsonify(list(active_tasks))

        tasks = [{'name': name, 'config': config} for name, config in active_tasks.items()]
        return jsonify(tasks)
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / plugins / api / View on Github external
    def get(self, session=None):
        """ Gets series lists """
        args = series_list_parser.parse_args()
        name = args.get('name')
        series_lists = [series_list.to_dict() for series_list in
                        sl.SeriesListDB.get_series_lists(name=name, session=session)]
        return jsonify({'series_lists': series_lists})
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / components / series / View on Github external
        description='Get all matching releases for a specific season of a specific show.',
    def get(self, show_id, season_id, session):
        """ Get all season releases by show ID and season ID """
            db.show_by_id(show_id, session=session)
        except NoResultFound:
            raise NotFoundError('show with ID %s not found' % show_id)
            season = db.season_by_id(season_id, session)
        except NoResultFound:
            raise NotFoundError('season with ID %s not found' % season_id)
        if not db.season_in_show(show_id, season_id):
            raise BadRequest(
                'seasons with id %s does not belong to show %s' % (season_id, show_id)
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / api / core / View on Github external
    def get(self, session=None):
        """ Get list of registered plugins """
        args = plugins_parser.parse_args()

        # Pagination and sorting params
        page = args['page']
        per_page = args['per_page']

        # Handle max size limit
        if per_page > 100:
            per_page = 100

        start = per_page * (page - 1)
        stop = start + per_page

        plugin_list = []
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / components / tvmaze / View on Github external
        'additionalProperties': False,

tvmaze_series_schema = api.schema_model(
    'tvmaze_series_schema', ObjectsContainer.tvmaze_series_object
tvmaze_episode_schema = api.schema_model(
    'tvmaze_episode_schema', ObjectsContainer.tvmaze_episode_object

@api.doc(params={'title': 'TV Show name or TVMaze ID'})
class TVDBSeriesSearchApi(APIResource):
    @api.response(200, 'Successfully found show', model=tvmaze_series_schema)
    def get(self, title, session=None):
        """TVMaze series lookup"""
            tvmaze_id = int(title)
        except ValueError:
            tvmaze_id = None
            if tvmaze_id:
                series = APITVMaze.series_lookup(tvmaze_id=tvmaze_id, session=session)
                series = APITVMaze.series_lookup(series_name=title, session=session)
        except LookupError as e: