How to use yaml-ast-parser - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few yaml-ast-parser examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github matt-deboer / kuill / pkg / ui / src / utils / yaml-utils.js View on Github external
constructor(contents, row, col) {
    this.ast = loadYaml(contents)
    let lines = this.lines = contents.split(/\n/g, -1)

    this._index = {
      range: new IntervalTree(),
      nodePos: [],
      nodePath: {},
      posToRow: [],
    // create index of pos to row,col
    let pos = 0
    for (let s = 0, len=lines.length; s < len; ++s) {
      this._index.posToRow.push([pos, lines[s].length])
      pos += lines[s].length + 1
github DavidWells / aws-profile-manager / app / utils / parseYamlAST.js View on Github external
export default function parseYamlAST(ymlPath) {
  try {
    const contents = fs.readFileSync(ymlPath, 'utf8')
    lineNumbers = [] // reset current AST line Numbers array
    window.CURRENT_AST = {} // reset current AST
    window.CURRENT_AST.PATH = ymlPath
    lineNumbers = getLineNumberInfo(contents)
    // console.log('lineNumbers', lineNumbers)

    const yamlAST = yaml.load(contents)
    const nullYamlValues = []
    const valueWithParent = []
    parseAST(yamlAST, valueWithParent, nullYamlValues)
    // console.log('nullYamlValues', nullYamlValues)
    // console.log('valueWithParent', valueWithParent)
    // console.log(window.CURRENT_AST)

    // TODO: Validate Yaml Fields
    // validateYamlFields(valueWithParent)
    return yamlAST
  } catch (e) {
    return e
github Azure / autorest / src / autorest-core / dist / language-service / language-service.js View on Github external
*onHoverRef(docAnalysis, position) {
        const refValueJsonPath = docAnalysis.GetJsonPathFromJsonReferenceAt(position);
        if (refValueJsonPath) {
            for (const location of docAnalysis.GetDefinitionLocations(refValueJsonPath)) {
                yield {
                    language: "yaml",
                    value: yaml_ast_parser_1.safeDump(location.value, {})
        } // else {console.log("found nothing that looks like a JSON reference"); return null; }
    *onHoverJsonPath(docAnalysis, position) {
github AEB-labs / cruddl / src / schema / schema-builder.ts View on Github external
function parseYAMLSource(projectSource: ProjectSource, validationContext: ValidationContext): ParsedObjectProjectSource | undefined {
    const root: YAMLNode | undefined = load(projectSource.body);

    if (!root) {
        return undefined;

    root.errors.forEach(error => {
        const severity = error.isWarning ? Severity.Warning : Severity.Error;
        const endPos = getLineEndPosition(error.mark.line + 1, projectSource);
        validationContext.addMessage(new ValidationMessage(severity, error.reason, new MessageLocation(projectSource, new SourcePosition(error.mark.position, error.mark.line + 1, error.mark.column + 1), endPos)));

    if (root.errors.some(error => !error.isWarning)) {
        // returning undefined will lead to ignoring this source file in future steps
        return undefined;
github AEB-labs / cruddl / src / schema / schema-builder.ts View on Github external
function recursiveObjectExtraction(node: YAMLNode | undefined, object: PlainObject, validationContext: ValidationContext, source: ProjectSource): any {
    // ATTENTION: Typings of the yaml ast parser are wrong
    if (!node) {
        return object;
    switch (node.kind) {
        case Kind.MAP:
            const mapNode = node as YamlMap;
            mapNode.mappings.forEach(val => {
                object[val.key.value] = recursiveObjectExtraction(val.value, {}, validationContext, source);
            return object;
        case Kind.MAPPING:
            throw new Error('Should never be reached since a mapping can not exist without a map.');
        case Kind.SCALAR:
            const scalarNode = node as YAMLScalar;
            // check whether string or number scalar
            if (scalarNode.doubleQuoted || scalarNode.singleQuoted || isNaN(Number(scalarNode.value))) {
                return scalarNode.value;
            } else {
                return Number(scalarNode.value);
        case Kind.SEQ:
github AEB-labs / cruddl / src / schema / schema-builder.ts View on Github external
function recursiveObjectExtraction(node: YAMLNode | undefined, object: PlainObject, validationContext: ValidationContext, source: ProjectSource): any {
    // ATTENTION: Typings of the yaml ast parser are wrong
    if (!node) {
        return object;
    switch (node.kind) {
        case Kind.MAP:
            const mapNode = node as YamlMap;
            mapNode.mappings.forEach(val => {
                object[val.key.value] = recursiveObjectExtraction(val.value, {}, validationContext, source);
            return object;
        case Kind.MAPPING:
            throw new Error('Should never be reached since a mapping can not exist without a map.');
        case Kind.SCALAR:
            const scalarNode = node as YAMLScalar;
            // check whether string or number scalar
            if (scalarNode.doubleQuoted || scalarNode.singleQuoted || isNaN(Number(scalarNode.value))) {
                return scalarNode.value;
            } else {
                return Number(scalarNode.value);
        case Kind.SEQ:
            const seqNode = node as YAMLSequence;
            return => recursiveObjectExtraction(val, {}, validationContext, source));
        case Kind.INCLUDE_REF:
            validationContext.addMessage(ValidationMessage.error(`Include references are not supported`, new MessageLocation(source, node.startPosition, node.endPosition)));
            return undefined;
        case Kind.ANCHOR_REF:
github AEB-labs / cruddl / src / schema / schema-builder.ts View on Github external
function recursiveObjectExtraction(node: YAMLNode | undefined, object: PlainObject, validationContext: ValidationContext, source: ProjectSource): any {
    // ATTENTION: Typings of the yaml ast parser are wrong
    if (!node) {
        return object;
    switch (node.kind) {
        case Kind.MAP:
            const mapNode = node as YamlMap;
            mapNode.mappings.forEach(val => {
                object[val.key.value] = recursiveObjectExtraction(val.value, {}, validationContext, source);
            return object;
        case Kind.MAPPING:
            throw new Error('Should never be reached since a mapping can not exist without a map.');
        case Kind.SCALAR:
            const scalarNode = node as YAMLScalar;
            // check whether string or number scalar
            if (scalarNode.doubleQuoted || scalarNode.singleQuoted || isNaN(Number(scalarNode.value))) {
                return scalarNode.value;
            } else {
                return Number(scalarNode.value);
        case Kind.SEQ:
            const seqNode = node as YAMLSequence;
            return => recursiveObjectExtraction(val, {}, validationContext, source));
        case Kind.INCLUDE_REF:
            validationContext.addMessage(ValidationMessage.error(`Include references are not supported`, new MessageLocation(source, node.startPosition, node.endPosition)));
            return undefined;
        case Kind.ANCHOR_REF:
            validationContext.addMessage(ValidationMessage.error(`Anchor references are not supported`, new MessageLocation(source, node.startPosition, node.endPosition)));
            return undefined;
github threadheap / serverless-ide-vscode / packages / language-server / src / language-service / parser / json / document.ts View on Github external
							: this.recursivelyBuildAst(result, item)

					itemNode.location = count++

				return result
			case Yaml.Kind.SCALAR: {
				const instance = node as YamlScalar
				const type = Yaml.determineScalarType(instance)

				// The name is set either by the sequence or the mapping case.
				const name = null
				const value = instance.value

				// This is a patch for redirecting values with these strings to be boolean nodes because its not supported in the parser.
				const possibleBooleanValues = [
github matt-deboer / kuill / pkg / ui / src / utils / yaml-utils.js View on Github external
indexPositionAndPath(path, parent, node, elementIndex) {
    path = path || '.'
    if (node) {
      if (node.endPosition < node.startPosition) {
        console.error(`unexpected node start/end combination: ${JSON.stringify(node)}`)
    } else if (parent.kind === YAML.Kind.SEQ) {
      let prevItem = null
      if (elementIndex > 0) {
        for (let i=elementIndex-1; i >= 0 && prevItem === null; --i) {
          prevItem = parent.items[i]
      let startPos = (prevItem ? prevItem.endPosition : parent.startPosition) + 1
      let endPos = elementIndex + 1 < parent.items.length ? parent.items[elementIndex+1].startPosition : parent.endPosition
      node = {startPosition: startPos, endPosition: endPos, parent: parent}
    } else if (parent.kind === YAML.Kind.MAPPING) {
      let map = parent.parent
      let startPos, endPos
      if (elementIndex > 0) {
        startPos = map.mappings[elementIndex-1].endPosition
      } else {
        startPos = parent.endPosition
github replicatedhq / replicated-lint / dist / lint.js View on Github external
var offset = positionOffset || 0;
    lineColumnFinder = lineColumnFinder || lineColumn(inYaml);
    if (!inYaml) {
        return [noDocError(inYaml)];
    var root;
    try {
        root = yaml.safeLoad(inYaml);
    catch (err) {
        return [loadYamlError(err, inYaml, lineColumnFinder, offset)];
    if (!root) {
        return [noDocError(inYaml)];
    var yamlAST = ast.safeLoad(inYaml, null);
    if (_.isEmpty(rules)) {
        return [];
    var ruleTriggers = [];
    _.forEach(rules, function (rule) {
        var result = rule.test.test(root);
        if (result.matched) {
            var positions = _.flatMap(result.paths, function (path) { return ast_1.astPosition(yamlAST, path, lineColumnFinder, offset); });
            if (_.isEmpty(positions)) {
                var shorterPaths =, function (p) { return p.split(".").slice(0, -1).join("."); });
                positions = _.flatMap(shorterPaths, function (path) { return ast_1.astPosition(yamlAST, path, lineColumnFinder, offset); });
                type: rule.type,
                received:, function (p) { return _.get(root, p); })[0],