How to use the yaml-ast-parser.newScalar function in yaml-ast-parser

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few yaml-ast-parser examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Azure / autorest / src / autorest-core / lib / ref / yaml.ts View on Github external
import { NewEmptyObject } from "../parsing/stable-object";

 * reexport required elements
export { newScalar } from "yaml-ast-parser";
export const Kind: { SCALAR: number, MAPPING: number, MAP: number, SEQ: number, ANCHOR_REF: number, INCLUDE_REF: number } = yamlAst.Kind;
export type YAMLNode = yamlAst.YAMLNode;
export type YAMLScalar = yamlAst.YAMLScalar;
export type YAMLMapping = yamlAst.YAMLMapping;
export type YAMLMap = yamlAst.YamlMap;
export type YAMLSequence = yamlAst.YAMLSequence;
export type YAMLAnchorReference = yamlAst.YAMLAnchorReference;

export const CreateYAMLMapping: (key: YAMLScalar, value: YAMLNode) => YAMLMapping = yamlAst.newMapping;
export const CreateYAMLScalar: (value: string) => YAMLScalar = yamlAst.newScalar;

export interface YAMLNodeWithPath {
  path: JsonPath;
  node: YAMLNode;

 * Parsing
export function ParseToAst(rawYaml: string): YAMLNode {
  return yamlAst.safeLoad(rawYaml, null) as YAMLNode;

export function* Descendants(yamlAstNode: YAMLNode, currentPath: JsonPath = [], deferResolvingMappings: boolean = false): Iterable {
  const todos: YAMLNodeWithPath[] = [{ path: currentPath, node: yamlAstNode }];
  let todo: YAMLNodeWithPath | undefined;