Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
// String optimized for compatibility, ie. CO₂ becomes CO2.
var scientific = "CO\u2082 and E=mc\u00B2";
console.log("- Example 3 -");
// NOTE: Rest of the example requires XRegExp: npm install xregexp
// Remove combining characters / marks from Swedish name, ie. ö becomes o.
// This is useful for indexing and searching internationalized text.
try {
var xregexp = require("xregexp").XRegExp;
var name = "\u00C5ngstr\u00F6m";
console.log("- Example 4 -");
console.log(name.normalize("NFKD").replace(xregexp("\\p{M}", "g"), ""));
} catch (ex) {}
function isRightToLeft(lang :string): boolean {
return xregexp.XRegExp('[\\p{Arabic}\\p{Hebrew}]').test(lang);
function getEndpointDescription(endpoint) {
var xRegExp = XRegExp('(?[^/]+)/(?[^#]+)#(?.+)')
var result = XRegExp.exec(endpoint, xRegExp)
return {
version: result.version,
moduleName: result.moduleName,
methodName: result.methodName
function recursiveMatch(str, rregexp) {
var regexp = new XRegExp(expand(rregexp), 'gm');
var results = [];
return XRegExp.forEach(str, regexp, function(match) {
if (match.lookbehind) {
* Find our lookbehind value:
var ix = match.indexOf(match.lookbehind);
* If the lookbehind value is in the middle of the list of groups then
* grab all remaining elements to comprise our return value, otherwise
* return the entire matched pattern:
"use strict";
var __moduleName = "src/docker/pull";
var $__0 = require('azk'),
Q = $__0.Q,
_ = $__0._,
defer = $__0.defer;
var XRegExp = require('xregexp').XRegExp;
var $__0 = require('azk/utils/errors'),
ProvisionNotFound = $__0.ProvisionNotFound,
ProvisionPullError = $__0.ProvisionPullError;
var msg_regex = {
pulling_another: new XRegExp('Repository.*another'),
pulling_repository: new XRegExp('Pulling repository (?.*)'),
pulling_layers: new XRegExp('Pulling dependent layers'),
pulling_metadata: new XRegExp('Pulling metadata'),
pulling_fs_layer: new XRegExp('Pulling fs layer'),
pulling_image: new XRegExp('Pulling image \((?.*)\) from (?.*), endpoint: (?.*)'),
download: new XRegExp('Downloading'),
download_complete: new XRegExp('Download complete')
function parse_status(msg) {
var result = {};
_.find(msg_regex, (function(regex, type) {
var match = XRegExp.exec(msg, regex);
if (match) {
result['type'] = type;
_.each(regex.xregexp.captureNames, function(key) {
if (match[key]) {
result[key] = match[key];
"use strict";
var __moduleName = "src/docker/pull";
var $__0 = require('azk'),
Q = $__0.Q,
_ = $__0._,
defer = $__0.defer;
var XRegExp = require('xregexp').XRegExp;
var $__0 = require('azk/utils/errors'),
ProvisionNotFound = $__0.ProvisionNotFound,
ProvisionPullError = $__0.ProvisionPullError;
var msg_regex = {
pulling_another: new XRegExp('Repository.*another'),
pulling_repository: new XRegExp('Pulling repository (?.*)'),
pulling_layers: new XRegExp('Pulling dependent layers'),
pulling_metadata: new XRegExp('Pulling metadata'),
pulling_fs_layer: new XRegExp('Pulling fs layer'),
pulling_image: new XRegExp('Pulling image \((?.*)\) from (?.*), endpoint: (?.*)'),
download: new XRegExp('Downloading'),
download_complete: new XRegExp('Download complete')
function parse_status(msg) {
var result = {};
_.find(msg_regex, (function(regex, type) {
var match = XRegExp.exec(msg, regex);
if (match) {
result['type'] = type;
_.each(regex.xregexp.captureNames, function(key) {
if (match[key]) {
var downsize = function (text, inputOptions, offset) {
var stack = [],
pointer = 0,
tagName = "",
parseState = 0,
trackedState = {unitCount: 0, countState: false},
tagBuffer = "",
truncatedText = "";
var options = inputOptions && typeof inputOptions === "object" ? inputOptions : {},
wordChars = options.wordChars instanceof RegExp ?
options.wordChars : new XRegexp("[\\p{L}0-9\\-\\']", "i");
options.countingType =
!isNaN(Number(options.words)) ? COUNT_WORDS : COUNT_CHARACTERS;
if (options.round) {
options.contextualTags = defaultContextualTags;
options.keepContext = !!options.contextualTags;
options.contextualTags =
options.keepContext && Array.isArray(options.contextualTags) ?
options.contextualTags : [];
options.limit =
(options.countingType === COUNT_WORDS) ?
Number(options.words) : Number(options.characters);
Success: true,
SourceFileName: params.sourceFileName,
TargetFileName: params.targetFileName,
MapFileName: params.mapFileName,
Remarks: "Successful!",
Content: css,
Map: JSON.stringify(map)
else {
var error = fs.readFileSync(params.targetFileName);
var regex = xRegex.exec(error, xRegex("Error: (?(?.*))\r\n +?on line (?
function recursiveReplace(str, rregexp, newsubstr) {
var regexp = new XRegExp(expand(rregexp), 'gm');
return XRegExp.replace(str, regexp, function(match) {
var subststr = newsubstr;
* To emulate lookbehind a named group has been used. If it contains
* a value then we need to juggle the results a little. For example,
* if the parameters are:
* replace('abc def', /(?<=abc )def/, '{$1}');
* then the callback will receive:
* match = 'abc def'
* match.lookbehind = 'abc '
* We can then use these values to emulate lookbehind, by:
var js = compiled.code;
if (params.sourceMapURL !== undefined)
js += "\n//# sourceMappingURL=" + path.basename(params.targetFileName) + ".map\n";
Success: true,
SourceFileName: params.sourceFileName,
TargetFileName: params.targetFileName,
MapFileName: params.mapFileName,
Remarks: "Successful!",
Content: js,
Map: JSON.stringify(map)
} catch (error) {
var regex = xRegex.exec(error, xRegex(".+:.*?\\n*.*?Line.+\\d+: (?.*(\\n*.*)*)", 'gi'));
var message = regex ? regex.fullMessage : "Unknown error.";
Success: false,
SourceFileName: params.sourceFileName,
TargetFileName: params.targetFileName,
MapFileName: params.mapFileName,
Remarks: "SweetJS: An error has occured while processing your request.",
Details: error.description,
Errors: [{
Line: error.lineNumber,
Column: error.column,
Message: "SweetJS: " + (error.description || message),
FileName: params.sourceFileName,
FullMessage: "SweetJS: " + message