How to use the vscode-azureextensionui.parseError function in vscode-azureextensionui

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github microsoft / vscode-azuretools / appservice / src / TunnelProxy.ts View on Github external
return new Promise(async (resolve: () => void, reject: (error: Error) => void): Promise => {
            const start: number =;
            while ( < start + timeoutMs) {
                try {
                    await this.checkTunnelStatus();
                } catch (error) {
                    if (!(error instanceof RetryableTunnelStatusError)) {
                        reject(new Error(localize('tunnelFailed', 'Unable to establish connection to application: {0}', parseError(error).message)));
                    } // else allow retry

                await delay(pollingIntervalMs);
            reject(new Error(localize('tunnelTimedOut', 'Unable to establish connection to application: Timed out')));
github microsoft / vscode-azurearmtools / src / languageclient / WrappedErrorHandler.ts View on Github external
callWithTelemetryAndErrorHandlingSync(languageServerErrorTelemId, (context: IActionContext) => {
            // tslint:disable-next-line: strict-boolean-expressions
   = message ? message.jsonrpc : "";
            context.telemetry.measurements.secondsSinceStart = ( - this._serverStartTime) / 1000;

            throw new Error(`An error occurred in the ${languageServerName}.${os.EOL}${os.EOL}${parseError(error).message}`);
github microsoft / vscode-azuretools / appservice / src / TunnelProxy.ts View on Github external
private async checkTunnelStatus(): Promise {
        const password: string = nonNullProp(this._publishCredential, 'publishingPassword');
        const url: string = `https://${this._client.kuduHostName}/AppServiceTunnel/Tunnel.ashx?GetStatus&GetStatusAPIVer=2`;
        const request: requestUtils.Request = await requestUtils.getDefaultRequest(url, new BasicAuthenticationCredentials(this._publishCredential.publishingUserName, password));

        let tunnelStatus: ITunnelStatus;
        try {
            const responseBody: string = await requestUtils.sendRequest(request);
            ext.outputChannel.appendLog(`[Tunnel] Checking status, body: ${responseBody}`);

            // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unsafe-any
            tunnelStatus = JSON.parse(responseBody);
        } catch (error) {
            const parsedError: IParsedError = parseError(error);
            ext.outputChannel.appendLog(`[Tunnel] Checking status, error: ${parsedError.message}`);
            throw new Error(localize('tunnelStatusError', 'Error getting tunnel status: {0}', parsedError.errorType));

        if (tunnelStatus.state === AppState.STARTED) {
            if ((tunnelStatus.port === 2222 && !this._isSsh) || (tunnelStatus.port !== 2222 && this._isSsh)) {
                // Tunnel is pointed to default SSH port and still needs time to restart
                throw new RetryableTunnelStatusError();
            } else if (tunnelStatus.canReachPort) {
            } else {
                throw new Error(localize('tunnelUnreachable', 'App is started, but port is unreachable'));
        } else if (tunnelStatus.state === AppState.STARTING) {
            throw new RetryableTunnelStatusError();
        } else if (tunnelStatus.state === AppState.STOPPED) {
github microsoft / vscode-cosmosdb / src / mongo / tree / MongoAccountTreeItem.ts View on Github external
if (databaseInConnectionString && !this.root.isEmulator) { // emulator violates the connection string format
                // If the database is in the connection string, that's all we connect to (we might not even have permissions to list databases)
                databases = [{
                    name: databaseInConnectionString,
                    empty: false
            } else {
                let result: { databases: IDatabaseInfo[] } = await mongoClient.db(testDb).admin().listDatabases();
                databases = result.databases;
            return databases
                .filter((database: IDatabaseInfo) => !( && === "admin" && database.empty)) // Filter out the 'admin' database if it's empty
                .map(database => new MongoDatabaseTreeItem(this,, this.connectionString));
        } catch (error) {
            let message = parseError(error).message;
            if (this._root.isEmulator && message.includes("ECONNREFUSED")) {
                error.message = `Unable to reach emulator. See ${Links.LocalConnectionDebuggingTips} for debugging tips.\n${message}`;
            throw error;
        finally {
            if (mongoClient) {
github microsoft / vscode-azurearmtools / src / acquisition / dotnetAcquisition.ts View on Github external
export async function uninstallDotnet(): Promise {
    ext.outputChannel.appendLine("Removing local installation of dotnet core...");

    try {
        await acquisitionWorker.uninstallAll();
    } catch (error) {
        let message = parseError(error).message;
        if (message.includes('EPERM')) {
            error = new Error(`Dotnet core may be in use. Please close all deployment template files, then restart VS Code and try again. ${message}`);

        throw error;

    ext.outputChannel.appendLine("Done. Please restart VS Code.");
github microsoft / vscode-azurearmtools / src / AzureRMTools.ts View on Github external
private logError(eventName: string, error: unknown): void {
        const errorData: IParsedError = parseError(error);
        let properties: TelemetryProperties = {};

        if (errorData.isUserCancelledError) {
            properties.result = 'Canceled';
        } else {
            properties.result = 'Failed';
            properties.error = errorData.errorType;
            properties.errorMessage = errorData.message;

        ext.reporter.sendTelemetryEvent(eventName, properties);
github microsoft / vscode-azuretools / appservice / src / startStreamingLogs.ts View on Github external
}).on('error', (err: Error) => {
                        if (timerId) {
                        newLogStream.isConnected = false;
                        outputChannel.appendLine(localize('logStreamError', 'Error connecting to log-streaming service:'));
                    }).on('complete', () => {
github microsoft / azure-pipelines-vscode / src / configure / helper / telemetryHelper.ts View on Github external
public setResult(result: Result, error?: Error): void { = result;
        if (error) {
            let parsedError = parseError(error);
   = JSON.stringify(parsedError);
   = parsedError.message;
github microsoft / vscode-cosmosdb / src / graph / GraphViewsManager.ts View on Github external
public async showGraphViewer(
    tabTitle: string,
    config: GraphConfiguration
  ): Promise {
    let id: number;
    try {
      id = await this.getOrCreateServer(config);
    } catch (err) {
    let existingPanel: vscode.WebviewPanel = this._panels.get(id);
    if (existingPanel) {
    const column = vscode.window.activeTextEditor ? vscode.window.activeTextEditor.viewColumn : undefined;
    const options: vscode.WebviewOptions & vscode.WebviewPanelOptions = {
      enableScripts: true,
      enableCommandUris: true,
      enableFindWidget: true,
      retainContextWhenHidden: true,
      localResourceRoots: [vscode.Uri.file(ext.context.extensionPath)]
    const panel = vscode.window.createWebviewPanel(this._panelViewType, tabTitle, { viewColumn: column, preserveFocus: true }, options);
    let contentProvider = new WebviewContentProvider(this);