How to use the vscode-azureextensionui.DialogResponses.yes function in vscode-azureextensionui

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github microsoft / vscode-azuretools / appservice / src / deleteSite.ts View on Github external
export async function deleteSite(client: SiteClient): Promise {
    const confirmMessage: string = localize('deleteConfirmation', 'Are you sure you want to delete "{0}"?', client.fullName);
    await ext.ui.showWarningMessage(confirmMessage, { modal: true }, DialogResponses.deleteResponse, DialogResponses.cancel);

    let plan: AppServicePlan | undefined;
    let deletePlan: boolean = false;

    if (!client.isSlot) {
        // API calls not necessary for deployment slots
        plan = await client.getAppServicePlan();

    if (!client.isSlot && plan && !isNullOrUndefined(plan.numberOfSites) && plan.numberOfSites < 2) {
        const message: string = localize('deleteLastServicePlan', 'This is the last app in the App Service plan "{0}". Do you want to delete this App Service plan to prevent unexpected charges?',;
        const input: vscode.MessageItem = await ext.ui.showWarningMessage(message, { modal: true }, DialogResponses.yes,, DialogResponses.cancel);
        deletePlan = input === DialogResponses.yes;

    const deleting: string = localize('Deleting', 'Deleting "{0}"...', client.fullName);
    const deleteSucceeded: string = localize('DeleteSucceeded', 'Successfully deleted "{0}".', client.fullName);
    await vscode.window.withProgress({ location: vscode.ProgressLocation.Notification, title: deleting }, async (): Promise => {
        await client.deleteMethod({ deleteEmptyServerFarm: deletePlan });
github microsoft / vscode-cosmosdb / src / CosmosEditorManager.ts View on Github external
let preserveFocus: boolean = false;
        if (options && options.showInNextColumn) {
            preserveFocus = true;
            const activeEditor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
            if (activeEditor && activeEditor.viewColumn >= vscode.ViewColumn.One) {
                column = activeEditor.viewColumn < ViewColumn.Three ? activeEditor.viewColumn + 1 : ViewColumn.One;

        const localFilename = fileName.replace(/[<>:"\/\\|?*]/g, "-");
        const localDocPath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'vscode-cosmosdb-editor', localFilename);
        await fse.ensureFile(localDocPath);

        const document = await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(localDocPath);
        if (document.isDirty) {
            const overwriteFlag = await vscode.window.showWarningMessage(`You are about to overwrite "${fileName}", which has unsaved changes. Do you want to continue?`, { modal: true }, DialogResponses.yes, DialogResponses.cancel);
            if (overwriteFlag !== DialogResponses.yes) {
                throw new UserCancelledError();

        this.fileMap[localDocPath] = editor;
        const fileMapLabels = this._globalState.get(this._persistedEditorsKey, {});
        Object.keys(this.fileMap).forEach((key) => fileMapLabels[key] = (this.fileMap[key]).id);
        this._globalState.update(this._persistedEditorsKey, fileMapLabels);

        const data = await editor.getData(context);
        const textEditor = await vscode.window.showTextDocument(document, column, preserveFocus);
        await this.updateEditor(data, textEditor, editor);
github microsoft / vscode-azuretools / appservice / src / confirmOverwriteSettings.ts View on Github external
const addedKeys: string[] = [];
    const updatedKeys: string[] = [];
    const userIgnoredKeys: string[] = [];
    const matchingKeys: string[] = [];

    for (const key of Object.keys(sourceSettings)) {
        if (destinationSettings[key] === undefined) {
            destinationSettings[key] = sourceSettings[key];
        } else if (destinationSettings[key] !== sourceSettings[key]) {
            if (!suppressPrompt) {
                const yesToAll: MessageItem = { title: localize('yesToAll', 'Yes to all') };
                const noToAll: MessageItem = { title: localize('noToAll', 'No to all') };
                const message: string = localize('overwriteSetting', 'Setting "{0}" already exists in "{1}". Overwrite?', key, destinationName);
                const result: MessageItem = await ext.ui.showWarningMessage(message, { modal: true }, DialogResponses.yes, yesToAll,, noToAll);
                if (result === DialogResponses.yes) {
                    overwriteSetting = true;
                } else if (result === yesToAll) {
                    overwriteSetting = true;
                    suppressPrompt = true;
                } else if (result === {
                    overwriteSetting = false;
                } else if (result === noToAll) {
                    overwriteSetting = false;
                    suppressPrompt = true;

            if (overwriteSetting) {
                destinationSettings[key] = sourceSettings[key];
            } else {
github microsoft / vscode-cosmosdb / src / CosmosEditorManager.ts View on Github external
if (options && options.showInNextColumn) {
            preserveFocus = true;
            const activeEditor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
            if (activeEditor && activeEditor.viewColumn >= vscode.ViewColumn.One) {
                column = activeEditor.viewColumn < ViewColumn.Three ? activeEditor.viewColumn + 1 : ViewColumn.One;

        const localFilename = fileName.replace(/[<>:"\/\\|?*]/g, "-");
        const localDocPath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'vscode-cosmosdb-editor', localFilename);
        await fse.ensureFile(localDocPath);

        const document = await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(localDocPath);
        if (document.isDirty) {
            const overwriteFlag = await vscode.window.showWarningMessage(`You are about to overwrite "${fileName}", which has unsaved changes. Do you want to continue?`, { modal: true }, DialogResponses.yes, DialogResponses.cancel);
            if (overwriteFlag !== DialogResponses.yes) {
                throw new UserCancelledError();

        this.fileMap[localDocPath] = editor;
        const fileMapLabels = this._globalState.get(this._persistedEditorsKey, {});
        Object.keys(this.fileMap).forEach((key) => fileMapLabels[key] = (this.fileMap[key]).id);
        this._globalState.update(this._persistedEditorsKey, fileMapLabels);

        const data = await editor.getData(context);
        const textEditor = await vscode.window.showTextDocument(document, column, preserveFocus);
        await this.updateEditor(data, textEditor, editor);