How to use the transformation-matrix.transform function in transformation-matrix

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few transformation-matrix examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github chrvadala / react-svg-pan-zoom / src / features / interactions-touch.js View on Github external
const y2 = event.touches[1].clientY - Math.round(top);
  const pinchPointDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2));
  const previousPointDistance = hasPinchPointDistance(value) ? value.pinchPointDistance : pinchPointDistance;
  const svgPoint = getSVGPoint(value, (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2);
  let distanceFactor = pinchPointDistance/previousPointDistance;

  if (isZoomLevelGoingOutOfBounds(value, distanceFactor)) {
    // Do not change translation and scale of value
    return value;

  if (event.cancelable) {

  let matrix = transform(
    translate(svgPoint.x, svgPoint.y),
    scale(distanceFactor, distanceFactor),
    translate(-svgPoint.x, -svgPoint.y)

  return set(value, set({
    mode: MODE_ZOOMING,
    ...limitZoomLevel(value, matrix),
    startX: null,
    startY: null,
    endX: null,
    endY: null,
    prePinchMode: value.prePinchMode ? value.prePinchMode : value.mode,
github chrvadala / react-svg-pan-zoom / src / features / zoom.js View on Github external
export function fitSelection(value, selectionSVGPointX, selectionSVGPointY, selectionWidth, selectionHeight) {
  let {viewerWidth, viewerHeight} = value;

  let scaleX = viewerWidth / selectionWidth;
  let scaleY = viewerHeight / selectionHeight;

  let scaleLevel = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);

  const matrix = transform(
    scale(scaleLevel, scaleLevel),                      //2
    translate(-selectionSVGPointX, -selectionSVGPointY) //1

  if(isZoomLevelGoingOutOfBounds(value, scaleLevel / value.d)) {
    // Do not allow scale and translation
    return set(value, {
      mode: MODE_IDLE,
      startX: null,
      startY: null,
      endX: null,
      endY: null

  return set(value, {
github swimlane / ngx-graph / projects / swimlane / ngx-graph / src / lib / graph / graph.component.ts View on Github external
zoom(factor: number): void {
    this.transformationMatrix = transform(this.transformationMatrix, scale(factor, factor));
github chrvadala / react-svg-pan-zoom / es / features / zoom.js View on Github external
export function fitSelection(value, selectionSVGPointX, selectionSVGPointY, selectionWidth, selectionHeight) {
  var viewerWidth = value.viewerWidth,
      viewerHeight = value.viewerHeight;

  var scaleX = viewerWidth / selectionWidth;
  var scaleY = viewerHeight / selectionHeight;

  var scaleLevel = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);

  var matrix = transform(scale(scaleLevel, scaleLevel), //2
  translate(-selectionSVGPointX, -selectionSVGPointY) //1

  return set(value, _extends({
    mode: MODE_IDLE
  }, matrix, {
    startX: null,
    startY: null,
    endX: null,
    endY: null
github image-js / mrz-detection / src / getMrz.js View on Github external
function getRotationAround(image, angle) {
  const middle = { x: image.width / 2, y: image.height / 2 };
  return transform(
    translate(middle.x, middle.y),
    translate(-middle.x, -middle.y)
github image-js / mrz-detection / src / getMrz.js View on Github external
y: (mrzRoi.roi.minY + y) * originalToTreatedRatio

    if (regionTransform) {
      hull = applyToPoints(regionTransform, hull);

    const beforeRotate = toCrop;
    const afterRotate = beforeRotate.rotate(angle, {
      interpolation: 'bilinear'

    const widthDiff = (afterRotate.width - beforeRotate.width) / 2;
    const heightDiff = (afterRotate.height - beforeRotate.height) / 2;

    const transformation = transform(
      translate(widthDiff, heightDiff),
      getRotationAround(beforeRotate, angle)

    const rotatedHull = applyToPoints(transformation, hull);
    let minX = Infinity;
    let minY = Infinity;
    let maxX = -Infinity;
    let maxY = -Infinity;
    for (const point of rotatedHull) {
      if (point.x < minX) minX = point.x;
      if (point.x > maxX) maxX = point.x;
      if (point.y < minY) minY = point.y;
      if (point.y > maxY) maxY = point.y;
github skmail / react-free-transform / src / ElementStyler.js View on Github external
export default ({x, y, angle, scaleX, scaleY, width, height, disableScale = false}) => {

  const changedWidth = width * (1 - scaleX);
  const newWidth = width - changedWidth;
  const changedHeight = height * (1 - scaleY);
  const newHeight = height - changedHeight;

  let transformMatrix;

  if(disableScale === false){
    transformMatrix = transform(
      translate(roundTo(x + changedWidth / 2), roundTo(y + changedHeight / 2)),
      rotate(angle * (Math.PI / 180)),
      scale(scaleX, scaleY)
    transformMatrix = transform(
      translate(roundTo(x + changedWidth ), roundTo(y + changedHeight )),
      rotate(angle * (Math.PI / 180)),
    width = newWidth;
    height = newHeight;

  return {
    element: {
github chrvadala / react-svg-pan-zoom / src / features / pan.js View on Github external
//x limit
    let moveX = 0;
    if (value.viewerWidth - x1 < 0)
      moveX = value.viewerWidth - x1;
    else if (x2 < 0) moveX = -x2;

    //y limit
    let moveY = 0;
    if (value.viewerHeight - y1 < 0)
      moveY = value.viewerHeight - y1;
    else if (y2 < 0) moveY = -y2;

    //apply limits
    matrix = transform(
      translate(moveX, moveY),

  return set(value, {
    mode: MODE_IDLE,