How to use the transformation-matrix.applyToPoints function in transformation-matrix

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few transformation-matrix examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github image-js / mrz-detection / src / getMrz.js View on Github external
const rotated = applyToPoint(regionTransform, mrzCropOptions);
      const tmp = mrzCropOptions.width;
      mrzCropOptions.width = mrzCropOptions.height;
      mrzCropOptions.height = tmp;
      mrzCropOptions.x = rotated.x;
      mrzCropOptions.y = rotated.y - mrzCropOptions.height;
  } else {
    // convex hull relative to the original image's viewport
    let hull = mrzRoi.roi.mask.monotoneChainConvexHull().map(([x, y]) => ({
      x: (mrzRoi.roi.minX + x) * originalToTreatedRatio,
      y: (mrzRoi.roi.minY + y) * originalToTreatedRatio

    if (regionTransform) {
      hull = applyToPoints(regionTransform, hull);

    const beforeRotate = toCrop;
    const afterRotate = beforeRotate.rotate(angle, {
      interpolation: 'bilinear'

    const widthDiff = (afterRotate.width - beforeRotate.width) / 2;
    const heightDiff = (afterRotate.height - beforeRotate.height) / 2;

    const transformation = transform(
      translate(widthDiff, heightDiff),
      getRotationAround(beforeRotate, angle)

    const rotatedHull = applyToPoints(transformation, hull);
github chrvadala / react-svg-pan-zoom / es / features / pan.js View on Github external
export function pan(value, SVGDeltaX, SVGDeltaY) {
  var panLimit = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : undefined;

  var matrix = transform(fromObject(value), //2
  translate(SVGDeltaX, SVGDeltaY) //1

  // apply pan limits
  if (panLimit) {
    var _applyToPoints = applyToPoints(matrix, [{ x: panLimit, y: panLimit }, { x: value.SVGWidth - panLimit, y: value.SVGHeight - panLimit }]),
        _applyToPoints2 = _slicedToArray(_applyToPoints, 2),
        _applyToPoints2$ = _applyToPoints2[0],
        x1 = _applyToPoints2$.x,
        y1 = _applyToPoints2$.y,
        _applyToPoints2$2 = _applyToPoints2[1],
        x2 = _applyToPoints2$2.x,
        y2 = _applyToPoints2$2.y;

    //x limit

    var moveX = 0;
    if (value.viewerWidth - x1 < 0) moveX = value.viewerWidth - x1;else if (x2 < 0) moveX = -x2;

    //y limit
    var moveY = 0;
github chrvadala / react-svg-pan-zoom / src / features / pan.js View on Github external
export function pan(value, SVGDeltaX, SVGDeltaY, panLimit = undefined) {

  let matrix = transform(
    fromObject(value),              //2
    translate(SVGDeltaX, SVGDeltaY) //1

  // apply pan limits
  if (panLimit) {
    let [{x: x1, y: y1}, {x: x2, y: y2}] = applyToPoints(matrix, [
      {x: value.SVGMinX + panLimit, y: value.SVGMinY + panLimit},
      {x: value.SVGMinX + value.SVGWidth - panLimit, y: value.SVGMinY + value.SVGHeight - panLimit}

    //x limit
    let moveX = 0;
    if (value.viewerWidth - x1 < 0)
      moveX = value.viewerWidth - x1;
    else if (x2 < 0) moveX = -x2;

    //y limit
    let moveY = 0;
    if (value.viewerHeight - y1 < 0)
      moveY = value.viewerHeight - y1;
    else if (y2 < 0) moveY = -y2;
github image-js / mrz-detection / src / getMrz.js View on Github external

    const beforeRotate = toCrop;
    const afterRotate = beforeRotate.rotate(angle, {
      interpolation: 'bilinear'

    const widthDiff = (afterRotate.width - beforeRotate.width) / 2;
    const heightDiff = (afterRotate.height - beforeRotate.height) / 2;

    const transformation = transform(
      translate(widthDiff, heightDiff),
      getRotationAround(beforeRotate, angle)

    const rotatedHull = applyToPoints(transformation, hull);
    let minX = Infinity;
    let minY = Infinity;
    let maxX = -Infinity;
    let maxY = -Infinity;
    for (const point of rotatedHull) {
      if (point.x < minX) minX = point.x;
      if (point.x > maxX) maxX = point.x;
      if (point.y < minY) minY = point.y;
      if (point.y > maxY) maxY = point.y;

    minX = Math.max(0, Math.round(minX));
    minY = Math.max(0, Math.round(minY));
    maxX = Math.min(afterRotate.width, Math.round(maxX));
    maxY = Math.min(afterRotate.height, Math.round(maxY));