How to use the thingpedia.ChannelClass function in thingpedia

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few thingpedia examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github stanford-oval / thingpedia-common-devices / org.thingpedia.test / source.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// Copyright 2015 Giovanni Campagna 
// See LICENSE for details

const Tp = require('thingpedia');

var cnt = 0;

module.exports = new Tp.ChannelClass({
    Name: 'TestChannel',
    Extends: Tp.PollingTrigger,
    interval: 5000,

    _init: function() {

        console.log('Created Test channel #' + cnt);

    _onTick: function() {
        this.emitEvent([42 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 42)]);

    _doOpen: function() {
github stanford-oval / thingpedia-common-devices / com.almondmarket.bikes / search.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// Copyright 2017 Silei Xu 
// See LICENSE for details

const Tp = require('thingpedia');
const URL = '';

module.exports = new Tp.ChannelClass({
    Name: 'SearchBikePosts',

    _init: function _init(engine, device) {
        this._device = device;
        this.url = URL;

    formatEvent: function formatEvent(event, filters) {
        // event[0]: filters except price, event[1]: price, event[2]: post_id, event[3]: title
        if (event[0] === 400)
            return ['Sorry, I don\'t understand.'];
        if (event[0] === 404)
            return ['Sorry, I couldn\'t find any bike meets your requirements'];
        return [
            '%s for $%s'.format(event[3], event[1]),
github stanford-oval / thingpedia-common-devices / com.github / new_milestone.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// Copyright 2016 Andrew Lim 
//                Xiangyu Yue 
// See LICENSE for details

const Tp = require('thingpedia');

const POLL_INTERVAL = 60 * 1000; // 1m

// milestones is different from the other triggers because there is no webhook or events API for it
module.exports = new Tp.ChannelClass({
    Name: 'GithubMilestonePoller',
    Extends: Tp.HttpPollingTrigger,
    RequiredCapabilities: ['channel-state'],
    interval: POLL_INTERVAL,

    _init(engine, state, device, params) {
        this.parent(engine, state, device, params);
        this._state = state;

        this._params = params.slice(0, 1);
        this._repoName = this._params[0];
        if (!this._repoName)
            throw new TypeError("Missing required parameter");
        if (this._repoName.indexOf('/') < 0)
            this._repoName = device.userName + '/' + this._repoName;
github stanford-oval / thingpedia-common-devices / org.thingpedia.rss / new_post.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// Copyright 2016 Shloka Desai 
//                Giovanni Campagna 
// See LICENSE for details

const Tp = require('thingpedia');

module.exports = new Tp.ChannelClass({
    Name: 'GenericRSSPollingTrigger',
    Extends: Tp.RSSPollingTrigger,
    RequiredCapabilities: ['channel-state'],
    interval: 3 * 3600 * 1000, // 3 hours

    _init: function(engine, state, device) {
        this.parent(engine, state, device);
        this.url = this.device.url;

    formatEvent(event) {
        var title = event[0];
        var link = event[1];

        return [{
            type: 'rdl',
github stanford-oval / thingpedia-common-devices / us.sportradar / soccer_us_tourney.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// Copyright 2015 Giovanni Campagna 
//           2016 Riad S. Wahby  - modified to select based on tournament rather than team
// See LICENSE for details

const Tp = require('thingpedia');
const deepEqual = require('deep-equal');

const API_KEY = '66m6g836ezfad66s6g7edg79';
const SCHEDULE_URL = '' + API_KEY;
const BOXSCORE_URL = '' + API_KEY;
const POLL_INTERVAL = 24 * 3600 * 1000; // 1day

module.exports = new Tp.ChannelClass({
    Name: 'SportRadarNATourneySoccerChannel',
    Extends: Tp.HttpPollingTrigger,
    RequiredCapabilities: ['channel-state'],
    interval: POLL_INTERVAL,

    _init: function(engine, state, device, params) {
        this.parent(engine, state, device);
        this.state = state;

        this._params = params.slice(0, 1);
        this._observedTourney = params[0];
        if (!this._observedTourney)
            throw new TypeError("Missing required parameter");
        this._observedTourneyLC = this._params[0].toLowerCase();
        this.filterString = this._params.join('-');
        this.url = SCHEDULE_URL;
github stanford-oval / thingpedia-common-devices / us.sportradar / ncaafb_team.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// Copyright 2016 Riad S. Wahby 
// based on us.sportradar device by Giovanni Campagna 
// See LICENSE for details

const Tp = require('thingpedia');

const API_KEY = 'qgzkq4q83c3uxxdz4mzhjw5p';
const SCHEDULE_URL = '' + API_KEY;
const BOXSCORE_URL = '' + API_KEY;

module.exports = new Tp.ChannelClass({
    Name: 'SportRadarNCAAFBChannel',
    RequiredCapabilities: ['channel-state'],

    _init: function(engine, state, device, params) {
        this.parent(engine, device);
        this.state = state;

        this._params = params.slice(0, 1);
        this._observedTeam = params[0];
        if (!this._observedTeam)
            throw new TypeError("Missing required parameter");
        this.filterString = this._params.join('-');

        this._lastStatus = null;
        this._scheduledTime = null;
        this._awayName = "";
github stanford-oval / thingpedia-common-devices / / detect_language.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// Copyright 2016 Vivek Jain 
//                James Hong 
//                Giovanni Campagna 
// See LICENSE for details

const Tp = require('thingpedia');
const TT = require('thingtalk');

const languages = require('./languages.json');

module.exports = new Tp.ChannelClass({
    Name: 'YandexDetectLanguageChannel',

    _init: function(engine, device, params) {
        this._device = device;
        this._apiKey = device.apiKey;

    formatEvent(event) {
        var text = event[0];
        var lang = event[1];

        return ["Detected as %s".format(lang.display || lang)];

    invokeQuery: function(filters) {
github stanford-oval / thingpedia-common-devices / com.tumblr / new_photo.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// Copyright 2016 Jacob Baldwin 
//                Giovanni Campagna 
// See LICENSE for details
"use strict";

const Tp = require('thingpedia');

const TUMBLR_POSTS_URL = '';
const POLL_INTERVAL = 30*60000; // 30 minutes

module.exports = new Tp.ChannelClass({
    Name: 'TumblrNewPhotos',
    Extends: Tp.HttpPollingTrigger,
    RequiredCapabilities: ['channel-state'],
    interval: POLL_INTERVAL,

    _init: function(engine, state, device, params) {
        this.parent(engine, state, device);
        this.state = state;

        this._params = params;
        this.filterString = this._params[0];

        this._observedBlog = this._params[0];
        if (!this._observedBlog)
            throw new TypeError('Missing parameter');
        if (this._observedBlog.indexOf('.') < 0)
github stanford-oval / thingpedia-common-devices / us.sportradar / nfl.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// Copyright 2015 Giovanni Campagna 
// See LICENSE for details

const Q = require('q');
const Tp = require('thingpedia');

const NFL_API_KEY = 'e8jqhrn3pw2ebddn5bbpctyg';
const NFL_URL = '';
const POLL_INTERVAL = 3600 * 1000; // 1h

module.exports = new Tp.ChannelClass({
    Name: 'SportRadarNflChannel',
    Extends: Tp.HttpPollingTrigger,
    interval: POLL_INTERVAL,

    _init: function(engine, device, params) {

        this._params = params.slice(0, 5);
        this.url = String.prototype.format.apply(NFL_URL, this._params);
        this.filterString = this._params.join('-');

    _onResponse: function(response) {
        if (!response)
        var parsed = JSON.parse(response);
github stanford-oval / thingengine-core / lib / ui_manager.js View on Github external
this._inner.sendEvent([this._app.uniqueId, event]);

    _doOpen: function() {
        return this.engine.channels.getNamedPipe('thingengine-app-input', 'w')
            .then(function(ch) {
                this._inner = ch;

    _doClose: function() {
        return this._inner.close();

const AppNotifyChannel = new Tp.ChannelClass({
    Name: 'AppNotifyChannel',

    _init: function(engine, app) {
        this.engine = engine;
        this._app = null;

        this._inner = null;
        this._listener = this._onEvent.bind(this);

    _onEvent: function(data) {
        var app = data[0];
        var event = data[1];
        if (app === this._app.uniqueId)