How to use the thingpedia.BasePlatform function in thingpedia

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few thingpedia examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github stanford-oval / thingengine-core / test / functional / platform.js View on Github external
return process.env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME;
    return os.homedir() + '/.config';
function getUserCacheDir() {
    if (process.env.XDG_CACHE_HOME)
        return process.env.XDG_CACHE_HOME;
    return os.homedir() + '/.cache';
function getFilesDir() {
    if (process.env.THINGENGINE_HOME)
        return path.resolve(process.env.THINGENGINE_HOME);
        return path.resolve(getUserConfigDir(), 'almond-test');

class Platform extends Tp.BasePlatform {
    // Initialize the platform code
    // Will be called before instantiating the engine
    constructor(homedir) {
        homedir = homedir || getFilesDir();
        this._assistant = null;

        this._gettext = new Gettext();

        this._filesDir = homedir;
        this._locale = 'en-US';

        this._timezone = 'America/Los_Angeles';
        this._prefs = new MemoryPreferences();
github stanford-oval / thingpedia-common-devices / test / mock.js View on Github external
function getGitConfig(key, _default) {
    try {
        const args = ['config', '--get', '--default', _default || '', key];
        const stdout = child_process.execFileSync('git', args);
        return String(stdout).trim() || _default;
    } catch(e) {
        // ignore error if git is not installed
        if (e.code !== 'ENOENT')
            throw e;
        // also ignore error if the key
        return _default;

class TestPlatform extends Tp.BasePlatform {
    constructor() {

        this._thingpedia = new ThingpediaClient(this);

        this._developerKey = getGitConfig('thingpedia.developer-key', process.env.THINGENGINE_DEVELOPER_KEY || null);

    getDeveloperKey() {
        return this._developerKey;
    get type() {
        return 'test';
    get locale() {
        return 'en-US';
github stanford-oval / almond-cmdline / platform / index.js View on Github external
for (let kind of kinds) {
            const localPath = path.resolve(developerDir, kind, '');
            if (await util.promisify(fs.exists)(localPath))
                handled[kind] = await this._getLocalFactory(localPath, kind);

        if (forward.length > 0)
            handled.assign(await super.getDeviceSetup(forward));

        return handled;

class Platform extends Tp.BasePlatform {
    // Initialize the platform code
    // Will be called before instantiating the engine
    constructor(homedir) {

        homedir = homedir || getFilesDir();
        this._assistant = null;

        this._gettext = new Gettext();

        this._filesDir = homedir;
        this._locale = process.env.LC_ALL || process.env.LC_MESSAGES || process.env.LANG || 'en-US';
        // normalize this._locale to something that Intl can grok
        this._locale = this._locale.split(/[-_.@]/).slice(0,2).join('-');
github stanford-oval / almond-cloud / almond / platform.js View on Github external

    newConnection(delegate) {
        var wrapper = new WebSocketWrapper(delegate);
        this.emit('connection', wrapper);
        wrapper.on('close', () => {
        return wrapper;
WebSocketApi.prototype.$rpcMethods = ['newConnection'];

class Platform extends Tp.BasePlatform {
    constructor(thingpediaClient, options) {
        this._cloudId = options.cloudId;
        this._authToken = options.authToken;
        this._developerKey = options.developerKey;
        this._thingpediaClient = thingpediaClient;
        this._locale = options.locale;
        this._timezone = options.timezone;
        this._sqliteKey = options.storageKey;

        this._gettext = i18n.get(this._locale);

        this._writabledir = _shared ? (process.cwd() + '/' + options.cloudId) : process.cwd();
        try {
            fs.mkdirSync(this._writabledir + '/cache');
        } catch(e) {