How to use the testcafe.RequestMock function in testcafe

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few testcafe examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github okta / okta-signin-widget / test / testcafe / spec / DeviceChallengePollView_spec.js View on Github external
const logger = RequestLogger(/localhost/);
 // 'http://localhost:3000/idp/idx/introspect',
//   'https://localhost:3000/probe2000',
//   'https://localhost:3000/probe6511',
//   'https://localhost:3000/probe6512',
//   'https://localhost:3000/probe6513',
//   'https://localhost:3000/challenge2000',
//   'https://localhost:3000/challenge6511',
//   'https://localhost:3000/challenge6512',
//   'https://localhost:3000/challenge6513',
// ]);

let failureCount = 0;
const mock = RequestMock()
  .respond((req, res) => {
    res.statusCode = '200';
    if (failureCount === 2) {
    } else {
  .respond(null, 500, { 'access-control-allow-origin': '*' })
  .respond(null, 500, { 'access-control-allow-origin': '*' })
github okta / okta-signin-widget / test / testcafe / spec / SelectFactor_spec.js View on Github external
import IdentityPageObject from '../framework/page-objects/IdentityPageObject';
import SelectFactorPageObject from '../framework/page-objects/SelectFactorPageObject';
import { RequestMock } from 'testcafe';
import selectFactorAuthenticate from '../../../playground/mocks/idp/idx/data/select-factor-authenticate';

const mock = RequestMock()

fixture(`Select Factor Form`)

async function setup(t) {
  const identityPage = new IdentityPageObject(t);
  await identityPage.navigateToPage();
  await identityPage.fillIdentifierField('Test Identifier');
  await identityPage.clickNextButton();
  return new SelectFactorPageObject(t);

test(`should load select factor list`, async t => {
  const selectFactorPage = await setup(t);
github okta / okta-signin-widget / test / testcafe / spec / UnknownUser_spec.js View on Github external
import IdentityPageObject from '../framework/page-objects/IdentityPageObject';
import unknownUser from '../../../playground/mocks/idp/idx/data/unknown-user'
import { RequestMock } from 'testcafe';

const mock = RequestMock()

fixture(`Unknown user form`)

async function setup(t) {
  const identityPage = new IdentityPageObject(t);
  await identityPage.navigateToPage();
  return identityPage;

test(`should show messages callout for unknown user`, async t => {
  const identityPage = await setup(t);
  await identityPage.fillIdentifierField('unknown');
  await identityPage.clickNextButton();
github okta / okta-signin-widget / test / testcafe / spec / Success_spec.js View on Github external
import IdentityPageObject from '../framework/page-objects/IdentityPageObject';
import { ClientFunction, RequestMock } from 'testcafe';
import success from '../../../playground/mocks/idp/idx/data/success';

const mock = RequestMock()

fixture(`Success Form`)

async function setup(t) {
  const identityPage = new IdentityPageObject(t);
  await identityPage.navigateToPage();
  return identityPage;
const getPageUrl = ClientFunction(() => window.location.href);

test(`should navigate to redirect link after success`, async t => {
  const identityPage = await setup(t);
  await identityPage.fillIdentifierField('Test Identifier');
github okta / okta-signin-widget / test / testcafe / spec / ChallengeFactorPassword_spec.js View on Github external
import IdentityPageObject from '../framework/page-objects/IdentityPageObject';
import ChallengeFactorPageObject from '../framework/page-objects/ChallengeFactorPageObject';
import { ClientFunction, RequestMock } from 'testcafe';
import factorRequiredPassword from '../../../playground/mocks/idp/idx/data/factor-verification-password';
import success from '../../../playground/mocks/idp/idx/data/success';

const mock = RequestMock()

fixture(`Challenge Password Form`)

async function setup(t) {
  const identityPage = new IdentityPageObject(t);
  await identityPage.navigateToPage();
  await identityPage.fillIdentifierField('Challenge Password');
  await identityPage.clickNextButton();
  return new ChallengeFactorPageObject(t);
const getPageUrl = ClientFunction(() => window.location.href);
github okta / okta-signin-widget / test / testcafe / spec / TerminalReturnEmail_spec.js View on Github external
import TerminalPageObject from '../framework/page-objects/TerminalPageObject';
import { RequestMock } from 'testcafe';
import terminalReturnEmail from '../../../playground/mocks/idp/idx/data/terminal-return-email';

const mock = RequestMock()

fixture(`Return Email Terminal`)

async function setup(t) {
  const terminalPage = new TerminalPageObject(t);
  await terminalPage.navigateToPage();
  return terminalPage;

  (`show the correct content`, async t => {
    const terminalPageObject = await setup(t);
    await t.expect(terminalPageObject.getHeader()).eql('Email link (o*****');
github okta / okta-signin-widget / test / testcafe / spec / ChallengeFactorEmail_MagicLink_spec.js View on Github external
import IdentityPageObject from '../framework/page-objects/IdentityPageObject';
import ChallengeFactorPageObject from '../framework/page-objects/ChallengeFactorPageObject';
import { RequestMock, RequestLogger } from 'testcafe';
import magicLinkReturnTab from '../../../playground/mocks/idp/idx/data/terminal-return-email';
import magicLinkExpired from '../../../playground/mocks/idp/idx/data/terminal-return-expired-email';
import magicLinkEmailSent from '../../../playground/mocks/idp/idx/data/factor-verification-email';

const magicLinkReturnTabMock = RequestMock()

const magicLinkExpiredMock = RequestMock()

const magicLinkEmailSentMock = RequestMock()

const resendEmailMock = RequestMock()

const logger = RequestLogger(/poll|resend/);

fixture(`Challenge Email Magic Link Form Content`)

async function setup(t) {
  const identityPage = new IdentityPageObject(t);
  await identityPage.navigateToPage();
  await identityPage.fillIdentifierField('Challenge Email');
  await identityPage.clickNextButton();
github odota / web / testcafe / testsUtility.js View on Github external
await waitForReact(180000);

export const fixtureAfterHook = async (ctx) => {
  for (const request of logger.requests) {
    if (fs.existsSync(`./testcafe/cachedAjax/${path2file(request.request.url)}.json`)) {

    await fetchFromAPI(request.request.url);
    await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 3000));

const mock = RequestMock()
  .onRequestTo(/\/api/).respond((req, res) => {
    const data = fs.readFileSync(`./testcafe/cachedAjax/${path2file(req.url)}.json`, 'utf8');

    res.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*';
    res.statusCode = 200;

export const fixtureRequestHooks = [logger, mock];
github DevExpress / testcafe / test / functional / fixtures / api / es-next / request-hooks / testcafe-fixtures / request-mock / basic.js View on Github external

const requestMock = RequestMock()
    .respond('Data from mocked fetch request')

fixture `Basic`;

    ('Basic', async t => {
        await t
            .expect(Selector('h1').textContent).eql('Mocked page')
github DevExpress / testcafe / test / server / data / test-suites / typescript-defs / request-hooks.ts View on Github external

    async onResponse (event: object) {


const customHook = new CustomRequestHook();
const logger1    = RequestLogger('', {logRequestBody: true});

const logger2 = RequestLogger(req => {
    return req.url === '';

const mock = RequestMock()
    .onRequestTo({url: ''})
    .respond(null, 204)
    .respond(null, 200, {'x-frame-options': 'deny'})
    .onRequestTo(req => {
        return req.url === '';
    }).respond((req, res) => {
        if (req.url === '')
            res.statusCode = '200';

fixture `Request Hooks`
    .requestHooks(mock, logger1, logger2, customHook);