How to use the supi.uninstall function in supi

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few supi examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pnpm / pnpm / test / install / peerDependencies.ts View on Github external
test('nothing is needlessly removed from node_modules', async (t: tape.Test) => {
  const project = prepare(t)
  const opts = await testDefaults()
  await installPkgs(['using-ajv', 'ajv-keywords@1.5.0'], opts)

  t.ok(await exists(path.join(NM, '.localhost+4873', 'ajv-keywords', '1.5.0', 'ajv@4.10.4', NM, 'ajv')), 'peer dependency is linked')
  t.ok(await exists(path.join(NM, '.localhost+4873', 'ajv-keywords', '1.5.0', NM, 'ajv-keywords')), 'root dependency resolution is present')
  t.equal(deepRequireCwd(['using-ajv', 'ajv-keywords', 'ajv', './package.json']).version, '4.10.4')

  await uninstall(['ajv-keywords'], opts)

  t.ok(await exists(path.join(NM, '.localhost+4873', 'ajv-keywords', '1.5.0', 'ajv@4.10.4', NM, 'ajv')), 'peer dependency link is not removed')
  t.notOk(await exists(path.join(NM, '.localhost+4873', 'ajv-keywords', '1.5.0', NM, 'ajv-keywords')), 'root dependency resolution is removed')