How to use the supi.installPkgs function in supi

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few supi examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pnpm / pnpm / test / install / global.ts View on Github external
test('global installation', async (t) => {
  const globalPrefix = path.resolve('..', 'global')
  const opts = await testDefaults({global: true, prefix: globalPrefix})
  await installPkgs(['is-positive'], opts)

  // there was an issue when subsequent installations were removing everything installed prior
  await installPkgs(['is-negative'], opts)

  const isPositive = require(path.join(globalPrefix, LAYOUT_VERSION, 'node_modules', 'is-positive'))
  t.ok(typeof isPositive === 'function', 'isPositive() is available')

  const isNegative = require(path.join(globalPrefix, LAYOUT_VERSION, 'node_modules', 'is-negative'))
  t.ok(typeof isNegative === 'function', 'isNegative() is available')
github pnpm / pnpm / test / install / sideEffects.ts View on Github external
test('readonly side effects cache', async (t) => {
  const project = prepare(t)

  const opts1 = await testDefaults({sideEffectsCache: true, verifyStoreIntegrity: false})
  await installPkgs(['runas@3.1.1'], opts1)

  // Modify the side effects cache to make sure we are using it
  const cacheBuildDir = path.join(, 'localhost+4873', 'runas', '3.1.1', 'side_effects', `${process.platform}-${process.arch}-node-${process.version.split('.')[0]}`, 'package', 'build')
  await fs.writeFile(path.join(cacheBuildDir, 'new-file.txt'), 'some new content')

  await rimraf('node_modules')
  const opts2 = await testDefaults({sideEffectsCacheReadonly: true, verifyStoreIntegrity: false}, {}, {}, {packageImportMethod: 'copy'})
  await installPkgs(['runas@3.1.1'], opts2)

  t.ok(await exists(path.join('node_modules', 'runas', 'build', 'new-file.txt')), 'side effects cache correctly used')

  await rimraf('node_modules')
  // changing version to make sure we don't create the cache
  await await installPkgs(['runas@3.1.0'], opts2)

  t.ok(await exists(path.join('node_modules', 'runas', 'build')), 'build folder created')
github pnpm / pnpm / test / install / sideEffects.ts View on Github external
test('readonly side effects cache', async (t) => {
  const project = prepare(t)

  const opts1 = await testDefaults({sideEffectsCache: true, verifyStoreIntegrity: false})
  await installPkgs(['runas@3.1.1'], opts1)

  // Modify the side effects cache to make sure we are using it
  const cacheBuildDir = path.join(, 'localhost+4873', 'runas', '3.1.1', 'side_effects', `${process.platform}-${process.arch}-node-${process.version.split('.')[0]}`, 'package', 'build')
  await fs.writeFile(path.join(cacheBuildDir, 'new-file.txt'), 'some new content')

  await rimraf('node_modules')
  const opts2 = await testDefaults({sideEffectsCacheReadonly: true, verifyStoreIntegrity: false}, {}, {}, {packageImportMethod: 'copy'})
  await installPkgs(['runas@3.1.1'], opts2)

  t.ok(await exists(path.join('node_modules', 'runas', 'build', 'new-file.txt')), 'side effects cache correctly used')

  await rimraf('node_modules')
  // changing version to make sure we don't create the cache
  await await installPkgs(['runas@3.1.0'], opts2)

  t.ok(await exists(path.join('node_modules', 'runas', 'build')), 'build folder created')
  t.notOk(await exists(path.join(, 'localhost+4873', 'runas', '3.1.0', 'side_effects', `${process.platform}-${process.arch}-node-${process.version.split('.')[0]}`, 'package', 'build')), 'cache folder not created')
github pnpm / pnpm / test / install / auth.ts View on Github external
await installPkgs(['@private/foo'], opts)

  await project.has('@private/foo')

  // should work when a shrinkwrap is available
  await rimraf('node_modules')
  await rimraf(path.join('..', '.store'))

  // Recreating options to have a new storeController with clean cache
  opts = await testDefaults({}, {
    registry: '',
  }, {
  await installPkgs(['@private/foo'], opts)

  await project.has('@private/foo')
github pnpm / pnpm / test / breakingChanges.ts View on Github external
test('fail on non-compatible store when forced during named installation', async (t) => {
  const project = prepare(t)
  const opts = await testDefaults({force: true})

  await saveModulesYaml('0.32.0',

  try {
    await installPkgs(['is-negative'], opts)'should have failed')
  } catch (err) {
    t.ok(err.message.indexOf('Named installation cannot be used to regenerate the node_modules structure') !== -1)
github pnpm / pnpm / test / install / lifecycleScripts.ts View on Github external
test('do not run install scripts if unsafePerm is false', async (t: tape.Test) => {
  const project = prepare(t, {
    name: 'different-name',
    scripts: {
      install: `node -e "process.stdout.write('install')" | json-append output.json`,
      postinstall: `node -e "process.stdout.write('postinstall')" | json-append output.json`,
      preinstall: `node -e "process.stdout.write('preinstall')" | json-append output.json`,
  const opts = await testDefaults({ unsafePerm: false })
  await installPkgs(['json-append@1.1.1'], opts)
  await install(opts)

  const outputExists = await exists('output.json')

  t.false(outputExists, 'no output expected as install scripts should not run')
github pnpm / pnpm / test / install / misc.ts View on Github external
test('idempotency (rimraf)', async (t: tape.Test) => {
  const project = prepare(t)
  const reporter = sinon.spy()
  const opts = await testDefaults({reporter})

  await installPkgs(['rimraf@2.5.1'], opts)

    added: {
      dependencyType: 'prod',
      name: 'rimraf',
      version: '2.5.1',
    level: 'info',
    name: 'pnpm:root',
  } as RootLog), 'reported that rimraf added to the root')


  await installPkgs(['rimraf@2.5.1'], opts)

github pnpm / pnpm / test / install / peerDependencies.ts View on Github external
test('nothing is needlessly removed from node_modules', async (t: tape.Test) => {
  const project = prepare(t)
  const opts = await testDefaults()
  await installPkgs(['using-ajv', 'ajv-keywords@1.5.0'], opts)

  t.ok(await exists(path.join(NM, '.localhost+4873', 'ajv-keywords', '1.5.0', 'ajv@4.10.4', NM, 'ajv')), 'peer dependency is linked')
  t.ok(await exists(path.join(NM, '.localhost+4873', 'ajv-keywords', '1.5.0', NM, 'ajv-keywords')), 'root dependency resolution is present')
  t.equal(deepRequireCwd(['using-ajv', 'ajv-keywords', 'ajv', './package.json']).version, '4.10.4')

  await uninstall(['ajv-keywords'], opts)

  t.ok(await exists(path.join(NM, '.localhost+4873', 'ajv-keywords', '1.5.0', 'ajv@4.10.4', NM, 'ajv')), 'peer dependency link is not removed')
  t.notOk(await exists(path.join(NM, '.localhost+4873', 'ajv-keywords', '1.5.0', NM, 'ajv-keywords')), 'root dependency resolution is removed')
github pnpm / pnpm / test / storeStatus.ts View on Github external
test('store status returns empty array when store was not modified', async (t: tape.Test) => {
  const project = prepare(t)

  const opts = await testDefaults()
  await installPkgs(['is-positive@3.1.0'], opts)

  const mutatedPkgs = await storeStatus(opts)

  t.equal(mutatedPkgs && mutatedPkgs.length, 0, 'no packages were modified')
github pnpm / pnpm / test / shrinkwrap.ts View on Github external
test['skip']('installing from shrinkwrap when using npm enterprise', async (t: tape.Test) => {
  const project = prepare(t)

  const opts = await testDefaults({registry: ''})

  await installPkgs(['is-positive@3.1.0'], opts)

  const shr = await project.loadShrinkwrap()

  t.deepEqual(shr, {
    dependencies: {
      'is-positive': '3.1.0',
    packages: {
      '/is-positive/3.1.0': {
        dev: false,
        engines: {
          node: '>=0.10.0',
        resolution: {
          integrity: 'sha1-hX21hKG6XRyymAUn/DtsQ103sP0=',
          tarball: '/i/is-positive/_attachments/is-positive-3.1.0.tgz',