How to use the roosterjs-editor-types.PositionType.End function in roosterjs-editor-types

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github microsoft / roosterjs / packages / roosterjs-editor-api / lib / utils / applyInlineStyle.ts View on Github external
node &&
                node.nodeType == NodeType.Text &&
                node.nodeValue == ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE &&
                getTagOfNode(node.parentNode) == 'SPAN';

            if (!isZWSNode) {
                // Create a new text node to hold the selection.
                // Some content is needed to position selection into the span
                // for here, we inject ZWS - zero width space
                node = editor.getDocument().createTextNode(ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE);

            applyTextStyle(node, callback);
  , PositionType.End);
    } else {
        // This is start and end node that get the style. The start and end needs to be recorded so that selection
        // can be re-applied post-applying style
        editor.addUndoSnapshot(() => {
            let firstNode: Node;
            let lastNode: Node;
            let contentTraverser = editor.getSelectionTraverser();
            let inlineElement = contentTraverser && contentTraverser.currentInlineElement;
            while (inlineElement) {
                let nextInlineElement = contentTraverser.getNextInlineElement();
                inlineElement.applyStyle((element, isInnerNode) => {
                    callback(element, isInnerNode);
                    firstNode = firstNode || element;
                    lastNode = element;
github microsoft / roosterjs / packages / roosterjs-editor-core / lib / coreAPI / applyInlineStyle.ts View on Github external
styler: (element: HTMLElement) => void
): void {
    // let's just be simple to create a new span to hold the style
    // TODO: maybe we should be a bit smarter to see if we're in a span, and apply the style in parent span
    let element = core.document.createElement('SPAN');
    // Some content is needed to position selection into the span
    // for here, we inject ZWS - zero width space
    element.innerHTML = ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE;

    // reset selection to be after the ZWS (rather than selecting it)
    // This is needed so that the cursor still looks blinking inside editor
    // This also means an extra ZWS will be in editor
    // TODO: somewhere in returning content to consumer, we may need to do a cleanup for ZWS, element, PositionType.End);
github microsoft / roosterjs / packages / roosterjs-editor-dom / lib / inlineElements / NodeInlineElement.ts View on Github external
public getEndPosition(): NodePosition {
        // For a position, we always want it to point to a leaf node
        // We should try to go get the lowest last child node from the container
        return new Position(this.containerNode, PositionType.End).normalize();
github microsoft / roosterjs / packages / roosterjs-editor-dom / lib / utils / applyTextStyle.ts View on Github external
export default function applyTextStyle(
    container: Node,
    styler: (node: HTMLElement) => any,
    from: NodePosition = new Position(container, PositionType.Begin).normalize(),
    to: NodePosition = new Position(container, PositionType.End).normalize()
) {
    let formatNodes: Node[] = [];

    while (from && to && to.isAfter(from)) {
        let formatNode = from.node;
        let parentTag = getTagOfNode(formatNode.parentNode);

        // The code below modifies DOM. Need to get the next sibling first otherwise you won't be able to reliably get a good next sibling node
        let nextNode = getNextLeafSibling(container, formatNode);

        if (formatNode.nodeType == NodeType.Text && ['TR', 'TABLE'].indexOf(parentTag) < 0) {
            if (formatNode == to.node && !to.isAtEnd) {
                formatNode = splitTextNode(formatNode, to.offset, true /*returnFirstPart*/);

            if (from.offset > 0) {
github microsoft / roosterjs / packages / roosterjs-editor-dom / lib / inlineElements / PartialInlineElement.ts View on Github external
public applyStyle(styler: (element: HTMLElement, isInnerNode?: boolean) => any) {
        let from = this.getStartPosition().normalize();
        let to = this.getEndPosition().normalize();
        let container = this.getContainerNode();

        if (from.isAtEnd) {
            let nextNode = getNextLeafSibling(container, from.node);
            from = nextNode ? new Position(nextNode, PositionType.Begin) : null;
        if (to.offset == 0) {
            let previousNode = getPreviousLeafSibling(container, to.node);
            to = previousNode ? new Position(previousNode, PositionType.End) : null;

        applyTextStyle(container, styler, from, to);
github microsoft / roosterjs / publish / samplesite / scripts / controls / sidePane / apiPlayground / blockElements / BlockElementsPane.tsx View on Github external
private onMouseOver = (block: BlockElement) => {
            .select(block.getStartNode(), 0, block.getEndNode(), PositionType.End);
github microsoft / roosterjs / packages / roosterjs-editor-plugins / lib / CustomReplace / CustomReplace.ts View on Github external
this.editor.performAutoComplete(() => {
  , PositionType.End);