How to use the roosterjs-editor-types.PluginEventType.KeyDown function in roosterjs-editor-types

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github microsoft / roosterjs / packages / roosterjs-editor-plugins / lib / ContentEdit / features / shortcutFeatures.ts View on Github external
return cacheGetEventData(event, 'DEFAULT_SHORT_COMMAND', () => {
        let e = event.rawEvent;
        let key =
            // Need to check ALT key to be false since in some language (e.g. Polski) uses AltGr to input some special charactors
            // In that case, ctrlKey and altKey are both true in Edge, but we should not trigger any shortcut function here
            event.eventType == PluginEventType.KeyDown && !e.altKey
                ? e.which |
                  (e.metaKey && Keys.Meta) |
                  (e.shiftKey && Keys.Shift) |
                  (e.ctrlKey && Keys.Ctrl)
                : 0;
        return key && commands.filter(cmd => (Browser.isMac ? cmd.macKey : cmd.winKey) == key)[0];
github microsoft / roosterjs / packages / roosterjs-editor-core / lib / editor / Editor.ts View on Github external
private createEventHandlers() {
        this.eventDisposers = [
            attachDomEvent(this.core, 'input', null, this.stopPropagation),
            attachDomEvent(this.core, 'keypress', PluginEventType.KeyPress, this.onKeyPress),
            attachDomEvent(this.core, 'keydown', PluginEventType.KeyDown, this.stopPropagation),
            attachDomEvent(this.core, 'keyup', PluginEventType.KeyUp, this.stopPropagation),
            attachDomEvent(this.core, 'mousedown', PluginEventType.MouseDown),
            attachDomEvent(this.core, 'mouseup', PluginEventType.MouseUp),
            attachDomEvent(this.core, 'compositionstart', null, () => (this.inIME = true)),
                () => (this.inIME = false)
            attachDomEvent(this.core, 'focus', null, () => {
                // Restore the last saved selection first
                if (this.core.cachedSelectionRange && !this.disableRestoreSelectionOnFocus) {
                this.core.cachedSelectionRange = null;
github microsoft / roosterjs / packages / roosterjs-editor-core / lib / undo / Undo.ts View on Github external
public onPluginEvent(event: PluginEvent): void {
        // if editor is in IME, don't do anything
        if (this.editor.isInIME()) {

        switch (event.eventType) {
            case PluginEventType.EditorReady:
                if (!this.preserveSnapshots || (!this.canUndo() && !this.canRedo())) {
                    // Only add initial snapshot when we don't need to preserve snapshots or there is no existing snapshot
                    // Otherwise preserved undo/redo state may be ruined
            case PluginEventType.KeyDown:
            case PluginEventType.KeyPress:
            case PluginEventType.CompositionEnd:
            case PluginEventType.ContentChanged:
                if (!this.isRestoring) {
github microsoft / roosterjs / packages / roosterjs-editor-plugins / lib / ContentEdit / autoBullet.ts View on Github external
export default function tryHandleAutoBullet(
    editor: Editor,
    event: PluginEvent,
    keyboardEvent: KeyboardEvent
): boolean {
    if (event.eventType == PluginEventType.KeyDown) {
        if (
            keyboardEvent.which == KEY_SPACE &&
            !keyboardEvent.ctrlKey &&
            !keyboardEvent.altKey &&
        ) {
            let cursorData = cacheGetCursorEventData(event, editor);

            // We pick 3 characters before cursor so that if any characters exist before "1." or "*",
            // we do not fire auto list.
            let textBeforeCursor: string = cursorData.getXCharsBeforeCursor(3);

            // Auto list is triggered if:
            // 1. Text before cursor exactly mathces '*', '-' or '1.'
            // 2. Cursor is not in html list
            // 3. There's no non-text inline entities before cursor
github microsoft / roosterjs-react / packages / roosterjs-react-emoji / lib / plugins / EmojiPlugin.tsx View on Github external
public onPluginEvent(event: PluginEvent): void {
        const domEvent = event as PluginDomEvent;
        const keyboardEvent = domEvent.rawEvent as KeyboardEvent;

        if (event.eventType === PluginEventType.KeyDown) {
            this._eventHandledOnKeyDown = false;
            if (this._isSuggesting) {
            } else if (keyboardEvent.which === KeyCodes.backspace && this._canUndoEmoji) {
                // If KeyDown is backspace and canUndoEmoji, call editor undo
                this._canUndoEmoji = false;
        } else if (event.eventType === PluginEventType.KeyUp && !this._isModifierKey(keyboardEvent.key)) {
            if (this._isSuggesting) {
            } else {
        } else if (event.eventType === PluginEventType.MouseUp) {
github microsoft / roosterjs / packages / roosterjs-editor-core / lib / coreAPI / createEventHandlers.ts View on Github external
                ? null
                : () => {
                      // For browsers that do not support beforedeactivate, still do the saving selection in onBlur
                      // Also check if there's already a selection range cache because in Chrome onBlur can be triggered multiple times when user clicks to other places,
                      // in that case the second time when fetching the selection range may result in a wrong selection.
                      if (!core.cachedSelectionRange) {
        new DOMEventHandler(core, 'keypress', PluginEventType.KeyPress, event => onKeyPress(core, event as KeyboardEvent)),
        new DOMEventHandler(core, 'keydown', PluginEventType.KeyDown),
        new DOMEventHandler(core, 'keyup', PluginEventType.KeyUp),
        new DOMEventHandler(core, 'compositionstart', null, () => (core.isInIME = true)),
        new DOMEventHandler(
            () => (core.isInIME = false)
        new DOMEventHandler(core, 'mousedown', PluginEventType.MouseDown),
        new DOMEventHandler(core, 'mouseup', PluginEventType.MouseUp),
        new DOMEventHandler(core, 'mouseover', PluginEventType.MouseOver),
        new DOMEventHandler(core, 'mouseout', PluginEventType.MouseOut),
        new DOMEventHandler(core, 'paste', PluginEventType.Paste),
        new DOMEventHandler(core, 'copy', PluginEventType.Copy, () => {}),
        new DOMEventHandler(core, 'focus', PluginEventType.Focus, () => {
            // Restore the last saved selection first
github microsoft / roosterjs-react / packages / roosterjs-react-command-bar / lib / plugins / RoosterCommandBarPlugin.ts View on Github external
public onPluginEvent(event: PluginEvent): void {
        if (this.commandBars && RoosterCommandBarPlugin.EventTypesToHandle[event.eventType]) {
            this.commandBars.forEach(commandBar => commandBar.refreshFormatState());

        if (event.eventType === PluginEventType.KeyDown) {
github microsoft / roosterjs-react / packages / roosterjs-react-command-bar / lib / plugins / RoosterCommandBarPlugin.Shortcuts.ts View on Github external
export function getCommandFromEvent(event: PluginEvent): RoosterShortcutCommands {
    if (event.eventType !== PluginEventType.KeyDown) {
        return RoosterShortcutCommands.None;

    const commands = Browser.isMac ? macCommands : winCommands;
    const keyboardEvent = (event as PluginDomEvent).rawEvent as KeyboardEvent;
    for (const cmd of commands) {
        if (
            !keyboardEvent.altKey &&
            cmd.ctrlKey === keyboardEvent.ctrlKey &&
            cmd.metaKey === keyboardEvent.metaKey &&
            cmd.shiftKey === keyboardEvent.shiftKey &&
            cmd.which === keyboardEvent.which
        ) {
            return cmd.command;
github microsoft / roosterjs / packages / roosterjs-plugin-picker / lib / PickerPlugin.ts View on Github external
public willHandleEventExclusively(event: PluginEvent) {
        return (
            this.isSuggesting &&
            (event.eventType == PluginEventType.KeyDown ||
                event.eventType == PluginEventType.KeyUp ||
                event.eventType == PluginEventType.Input)
github microsoft / roosterjs / packages / roosterjs-editor-plugins / lib / BlockQuote / BlockQuote.ts View on Github external
private isBlockQuoteEvent(event: PluginEvent, interestedKeyCodes: number[], nodeAtCursor: Node): [boolean, Node] {
        let isBlockQuoteEvent = false;
        let blockQuoteElement: Node;

        if (event.eventType == PluginEventType.KeyDown) {
            let keybordEvent = (event as PluginDomEvent).rawEvent as KeyboardEvent;
            blockQuoteElement = getBlockQuoteElement(this.editor, nodeAtCursor);
            isBlockQuoteEvent = !!blockQuoteElement &&
                interestedKeyCodes.indexOf(keybordEvent.which) >= 0 &&
                !keybordEvent.ctrlKey &&
                !keybordEvent.altKey &&

        return [isBlockQuoteEvent, blockQuoteElement];