How to use the redis.port function in redis

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few redis examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bigbluebutton / bigbluebutton / bbb-webhooks / extra / events.js View on Github external
// Lists all the events that happen in a meeting. Run with 'node events.js'.
// Uses the first meeting started after the application runs and will list all
// events, but only the first time they happen.

const redis = require("redis");
const config = require('config');
var target_meeting = null;
var events_printed = [];
var subscriber = redis.createClient(config.get(redis.port), config.get(;

subscriber.on("psubscribe", function(channel, count) {
  console.log("subscribed to " + channel);

subscriber.on("pmessage", function(pattern, channel, message) {
  try {
    message = JSON.parse(message);
    if (message.hasOwnProperty('envelope')) {

      var message_name =;

      if (!containsOrAdd(events_printed, message_name)) {
        console.log("\n###", message_name, "\n");
github xiaolulu / upopen / web / lib / redis.js View on Github external
var redis	= require( 'redis' ),
	qs		= require( 'querystring' ),
	config	= require( '../config/redis' );

/******************************* redis client create ***************************************/
var client = redis.createClient( redis.port, );

/******************************* redis client create ***************************************/
client.on("error", function (err) {
	console.log( 'redis error ' );

client.on( 'connect', function(){
	console.log( 'redis connect ' );

/******************************* redis checked is connected before do something ***************************************/
function connect( cb ){
	if( client.connected ){
	} else {
		client = redis.createClient( redis.port, );
github xiaolulu / upopen / web / lib / redis.js View on Github external
function connect( cb ){
	if( client.connected ){
	} else {
		client = redis.createClient( redis.port, );
		client.on( 'connect', function( err, ret ){