Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
client.allFlags(user, (flagSet: ld.LDFlagSet) => {
var flagSetValue: ld.LDFlagValue = flagSet['key'];
// evaluation methods with promises
client.variation('key', user, false).then((value: ld.LDFlagValue) => { });
client.variation('key', user, 2).then((value: ld.LDFlagValue) => { });
client.variation('key', user, 'default').then((value: ld.LDFlagValue) => { });
client.variationDetail('key', user, 'default').then((detail: ld.LDEvaluationDetail) => { });
client.allFlags(user).then((flagSet: ld.LDFlagSet) => { });
// Redis integration
var redisStore0 = ld.RedisFeatureStore();
var myRedisOpts: redis.ClientOpts = {};
var redisStore1 = ld.RedisFeatureStore(myRedisOpts, 30, 'prefix', logger);
var myRedisClient: redis.RedisClient = new redis.RedisClient(myRedisOpts);
var redisStore2 = ld.RedisFeatureStore(undefined, 30, 'prefix', logger, myRedisClient);
import http from 'http'
import { applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import redis from 'redis'
import bluebird from 'bluebird'
import { until, once, fakeUserAction } from './utils'
// Public api
import { createAquedux, createStore, close } from '../src'
// Private
import configManager from '../src/managers/configManager'
import channelManager from '../src/managers/channelManager'
import tankManager from '../src/managers/tankManager'
import queueManager from '../src/managers/queueManager'
const counterReducer = (prevState = 0, action) => {
const { type } = action
if (type === 'counter/inc') {
constructor() {
const args = Array.from(arguments)
if (args[0] instanceof redis.RedisClient) {
this.client = args[0]
this.localCache = new LocalCache()
} else if (args[0] instanceof LocalCache) {
this.localCache = args[0]
this.client = redis.createClient.apply(redis, args.splice(1))
} else if (
args[0] instanceof Object &&
!args[0] instanceof redis.RedisClient &&
args.length === 1
) {
this.localCache = args.localCache
const redisOptions = omit(args, ['localCache'])
this.client = redis.createClient(redisOptions)
} else {
this.client = redis.createClient.apply(redis, args)
this.localCache = new LocalCache()
this.client.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('Error ' + err)
this.client.on('ready', function() {
// console.log('ready')
import postsTrait from './posts';
import subscriptionsTrait from './subscriptions';
import localBumpsTrait from './local-bumps';
import searchTrait from './search';
import hashtagsTrait from './hashtags';
import unreadDirectsTrait from './unread-directs';
import statsTrait from './stats';
import eventsTrait from './events';
import commentLikesTrait from './comment-likes';
import allGroupsTrait from './all-groups';
import summaryTrait from './summary';
import invitationsTrait from './invitations';
import accessTokensTrait from './access-tokens';
class DbAdapterBase {
constructor(database) {
this.database = database;
this.statsCache = promisifyAll(new NodeCache({ stdTTL: 300 }));
const config = configLoader();
const CACHE_TTL = 60 * 60 * 24; // 24 hours
this.memoryCache = cacheManager.caching({ store: 'memory', max: 5000, ttl: CACHE_TTL });
this.cache = cacheManager.caching({
store: redisStore,
port: config.redis.port,
function wrap({ timeline, data = {} } = {}) {
const target = redis.RedisClient && redis.RedisClient.prototype;
if (!(timeline instanceof Perf)) {
'Timeline passed to plugins/ioredis.wrap not an instance of performance-node. Skipping.'
return false;
if (!redis.__iopipeShimmer) {
if (process.env.IOPIPE_TRACE_REDIS_CB) {
shimmer.wrap(target, 'send_command', wrapSendCommand); // redis < 2.5.3
} else {
shimmer.wrap(target, 'internal_send_command', wrapInternalSendCommand);
target.__iopipeShimmer = true;
import dumbThinky from "rethink-knex-adapter";
import redis from "redis";
import bluebird from "bluebird";
import config from "../knex-connect";
// Instantiate the rethink-knex-adapter using the config defined in
// /src/server/knex.js.
const thinkyConn = dumbThinky(config);
thinkyConn.r.getCount = async query => {
// helper method to get a count result
// with fewer bugs. Using knex's .count()
// results in a 'count' key on postgres, but a 'count(*)' key
// on sqlite -- ridiculous. This smooths that out
if (Array.isArray(query)) {
return query.length;
return Number((await query.count("* as count").first()).count);
Returns promise functions for interacting with redis
import redis from 'redis'
import bluebird from 'bluebird'
const createRedisClient = () => {
const clientObj = redis.createClient(6379, process.env.cacheUrl, { no_ready_check: true })
clientObj.on('error', (err) => {
console.log(`Error while creating redis client: ${err}`)
return clientObj
const client = createRedisClient()
export default client
import Promise from 'bluebird';
import redis from 'redis';
import Config from '../server/Config';
import Monitoring from '../Monitoring';
const CLIENTS = {};
export default function getRedisClient(name) {
if (!CLIENTS[name]) {
const client = redis.createClient(Config.get('redis.url'));
client.once('error', (err) => {
CLIENTS[name] = null;
CLIENTS[name] = client;
return CLIENTS[name];
import bluebird from "bluebird";
import redis from "redis";
const client = redis.createClient(process.env.REDIS_URL);
client.on("connect", () => {
console.log("Redis connected");
export default client;
constructor() {
const args = Array.from(arguments)
if (args[0] instanceof redis.RedisClient) {
this.client = args[0]
this.localCache = new LocalCache()
} else if (args[0] instanceof LocalCache) {
this.localCache = args[0]
this.client = redis.createClient.apply(redis, args.splice(1))
} else if (
args[0] instanceof Object &&
!args[0] instanceof redis.RedisClient &&
args.length === 1
) {
this.localCache = args.localCache
const redisOptions = omit(args, ['localCache'])
this.client = redis.createClient(redisOptions)
} else {
this.client = redis.createClient.apply(redis, args)
this.localCache = new LocalCache()