How to use the react-overlays/lib/Modal.propTypes function in react-overlays

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onExit: PropTypes.func,

   * Callback fired as the Modal begins to transition out
  onExiting: PropTypes.func,

   * Callback fired after the Modal finishes transitioning out
  onExited: PropTypes.func,

   * @private
  container: BaseModal.propTypes.container

const defaultProps = {
  animation: true,
  dialogComponentClass: ModalDialog

const childContextTypes = {
  $bs_modal: PropTypes.shape({
    onHide: PropTypes.func

/* eslint-disable no-use-before-define, react/no-multi-comp */
function DialogTransition(props) {
github zhbhun / WebpackStudyDemo / 7-advanced / 7.3-buil-performance / src / Modal.js View on Github external
import { Sizes } from './styleMaps';
import { bsClass, bsSizes, prefix } from './utils/bootstrapUtils';

import Fade from './Fade';
import ModalDialog from './ModalDialog';
import Body from './ModalBody';
import Header from './ModalHeader';
import Title from './ModalTitle';
import Footer from './ModalFooter';

/* eslint-disable react/prop-types */
const Modal = React.createClass({

  propTypes: {

     * Include a backdrop component. Specify 'static' for a backdrop that doesn't trigger an "onHide" when clicked.
    backdrop: React.PropTypes.oneOf(['static', true, false]),

     * Close the modal when escape key is pressed
    keyboard: React.PropTypes.bool,

     * Open and close the Modal with a slide and fade animation.
    animation: React.PropTypes.bool,
github zhbhun / WebpackStudyDemo / 7-advanced / 7.3-buil-performance / src / Modal.js View on Github external
, dialogClassName
      , animation
      , style
      , ...props } = this.props;

    let { modalStyles } = this.state;

    if (style) {
      modalStyles = { ...modalStyles, };

    let inClass = { in: && !animation };
    let Dialog = props.dialogComponent || props.dialogComponentClass;

    let parentProps = pick(props,
        ['onExit', 'onExiting', 'onEnter', 'onEntered']) // the rest are fired in _onHide() and _onShow()

    let modal = (
      <dialog> this._modal = ref}
        className={classNames(className, inClass)}
        onClick={props.backdrop === true ? this.handleDialogClick : null}
        { this.props.children }
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onExit: React.PropTypes.func,

   * Callback fired as the Modal begins to transition out
  onExiting: React.PropTypes.func,

   * Callback fired after the Modal finishes transitioning out
  onExited: React.PropTypes.func,

   * @private
  container: BaseModal.propTypes.container

var defaultProps = _extends({}, BaseModal.defaultProps, {
  animation: true,
  dialogComponentClass: ModalDialog

var childContextTypes = {
  $bs_modal: React.PropTypes.shape({
    onHide: React.PropTypes.func

var Modal = function (_React$Component) {
  _inherits(Modal, _React$Component);
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import BaseModal from 'react-overlays/lib/Modal';
import isOverflowing from 'react-overlays/lib/utils/isOverflowing';
import elementType from 'react-prop-types/lib/elementType';

import Fade from './Fade';
import Body from './ModalBody';
import ModalDialog from './ModalDialog';
import Footer from './ModalFooter';
import Header from './ModalHeader';
import Title from './ModalTitle';
import { bsClass, bsSizes, prefix } from './utils/bootstrapUtils';
import createChainedFunction from './utils/createChainedFunction';
import splitComponentProps from './utils/splitComponentProps';
import { Size } from './utils/StyleConfig';

var propTypes = _extends({}, BaseModal.propTypes, ModalDialog.propTypes, {

   * Include a backdrop component. Specify 'static' for a backdrop that doesn't
   * trigger an "onHide" when clicked.
  backdrop: React.PropTypes.oneOf(['static', true, false]),

   * Close the modal when escape key is pressed
  keyboard: React.PropTypes.bool,

   * Open and close the Modal with a slide and fade animation.
  animation: React.PropTypes.bool,
github react-bootstrap / react-bootstrap / src / Modal.js View on Github external
import isOverflowing from 'react-overlays/lib/utils/isOverflowing';
import elementType from 'prop-types-extra/lib/elementType';

import Fade from './Fade';
import Body from './ModalBody';
import ModalDialog from './ModalDialog';
import Footer from './ModalFooter';
import Header from './ModalHeader';
import Title from './ModalTitle';
import { bsClass, bsSizes, prefix } from './utils/bootstrapUtils';
import createChainedFunction from './utils/createChainedFunction';
import splitComponentProps from './utils/splitComponentProps';
import { Size } from './utils/StyleConfig';

const propTypes = {

   * Include a backdrop component. Specify 'static' for a backdrop that doesn't
   * trigger an "onHide" when clicked.
  backdrop: PropTypes.oneOf(['static', true, false]),

   * Add an optional extra class name to .modal-backdrop
   * It could end up looking like class="modal-backdrop foo-modal-backdrop in".
  backdropClassName: PropTypes.string,

   * Close the modal when escape key is pressed