How to use the react-overlays/lib/Modal.getDefaultProps function in react-overlays

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github jquense / react-bootstrap-modal / src / Modal.js View on Github external
onExited: PropTypes.func,

    modalPrefix: PropTypes.string,
    dialogClassName: PropTypes.string,
    attentionClass: PropTypes.string,

  static defaultProps = {
    backdrop:           true,
    keyboard:           true,
    animate:            true,
    transition:         true,
    container:          canUseDOM ? document.body : null,
    attentionClass:     'shake',
    manager: (BaseModal.getDefaultProps
      ? BaseModal.getDefaultProps()
      : BaseModal.defaultProps

  static childContextTypes = {
    onModalHide: PropTypes.func

    return this._context || (this._context = { onModalHide: this.props.onHide })


    this.handleEntering = this.handleEntering.bind(this)