How to use office-ui-fabric-react - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few office-ui-fabric-react examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github DariuS231 / ChromeSPDevTools / src / scripts / actions / spFeatures / actions / spFeaturesActions.ts View on Github external
(errorMessage: string, exceptionMessage: string): IAction => {
        // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
        return {
            payload: {
                message: errorMessage,
                showMessage: true,
                type: MessageBarType.error
            type: actions.HANDLE_ASYNC_ERROR
github DariuS231 / ChromeSPDevTools / src / scripts / actions / spCustomActions / actions / spCustomActionsActions.ts View on Github external
return async (dispatch: Dispatch>) => {
        try {
            const customActionsRet: ICustomAction[] = await api.getCustomActions(caType);
        } catch (error) {
            // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
                message: constants.ERROR_MESSAGE_GET_ALL_CUSTOM_ACTIONS,
                showMessage: true,
                type: MessageBarType.error
github aappddeevv / dynamics-client-ui / packages / dynamics-client-ui-react / src / components / AddressManager / AddressEditorRunner.tsx View on Github external
getXrmP().then(xrm => {

        const data = getURLParameter("data",
        let params = {} as { addressEditorRunProps?: Partial }
        try {
            params = JSON.parse(data || "{}")
        } catch (e) {
            console.log(`${NAME}: Error parsing data object from url. Continuing.`, e)
        props = R.mergeDeepRight(props, params.addressEditorRunProps || {}) as AddressEditorRunProps

        const client = props.client || mkClient(xrm, API_POSTFIX)
        const repo: CustomerAddressDAO = props.addressRepo || new CustomerAddressDAOImpl(client)
        const className = mergeStyles(props.className, defaultStyles, props.styles)
        const sec = new Security(client)
        const metadatap = getEditorEntityMetadata(repo.metadata)

        // todo Remove dependency on Page and rely on form context perhaps, also rely on metadata
        const entityName =
        const access = sec.userPrinicpalAccessForRecord(xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext().getUserId(),
            entityName, cleanId(

        const controller: DataController =
            props.controller ||
            (props.makeController ? props.makeController(repo) : makeController(repo, directCopyProps))

        const renderit = (target: HTMLElement, metadata: EditorEntityMetadata, access: AccessRights) => {
            const Ed = addEditorState(AddressEditor)
            const defaultRenderEditor = (props: AddressEditorProps) => 
            const specification: EditorSpecification = {
github DariuS231 / ChromeSPDevTools / src / scripts / actions / spSiteContent / actions / spSiteContentActions.ts View on Github external
return async (dispatch: Dispatch>) => {
        try {
            const result = await api.setAttachments(item);
            if (result) {
                const msg = `Users ${(!item.enableAttachments ? "CAN" : "CAN NOT")}
                 attach files to items in this list ${item.title}.`;
                const messageData = {
                    message: msg,
                    showMessage: true,
                    type: MessageBarType.success
                } as IMessageData;
            } else {
                throw new Error("Error setAttachments returned false");
        } catch (error) {
            // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
                message: constants.ERROR_MESSAGE_SET_LIST_ATTACHMENTS_ENABLE,
                showMessage: true,
                type: MessageBarType.error
github Azure-Samples / azure-intelligent-edge-patterns / edge-ai-void-detection / modules / apiserver / src / RetailDemo.Web.UI / ClientApp / src / components / Sidebar / Sidebar.jsx View on Github external
started: 1,
            beta: 2,
            release: 3

        // Nav-linkText is a class name from the Fabric nav
        return (
                {link.status !== undefined &amp;&amp; (
github OfficeDev / office-ui-fabric-react / packages / example-app-base / src / components / Page / Page.tsx View on Github external
private _pageContent = (sections: IPageSectionProps[]): JSX.Element | undefined =&gt; {
    const { sectionWrapperClassName, showSideRail } = this.props;
    const { isMountedOffset } = this.state;

    return (
        {// Map over array of section objects in order to add increasing transitionDelay to stagger load animation. IPageSectionProps, sectionIndex: number) =&gt; {
          const { renderAs: SectionType = OtherPageSection, className, style, } = section;
          return (
github OfficeDev / office-ui-fabric-react / packages / experiments / src / components / Tile / examples / Tile.Media.Example.tsx View on Github external

  const { backgroundSize } = getTileLayout(tile);

  const imageSize = fitContentToBounds({
    contentSize: props.originalImageSize,
    boundsSize: backgroundSize || { width: 0, height: 0 },
    mode: 'cover'

  return (
    <div style="{{">
      {renderTileWithLayout(tile, {
        background: (
          <img src="{`//${Math.round(imageSize.width)}x${Math.round(imageSize.height)}`}">
github OfficeDev / office-ui-fabric-react / packages / office-ui-fabric-react / src / components / Stack / examples / Stack.Vertical.Spacing.Example.tsx View on Github external
import * as React from 'react';
import { Stack } from '../Stack';
import { IStackStyles, IStackTokens } from '../Stack.types';
import { mergeStyles, DefaultPalette } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Styling';

// Styles definition
const stackStyles: IStackStyles = {
  root: {
    background: DefaultPalette.themeTertiary
const stackItemStyles = mergeStyles({
  alignItems: 'center',
  background: DefaultPalette.themePrimary,
  color: DefaultPalette.white,
  display: 'flex',
  height: 50,
  justifyContent: 'center',
  width: 50

// Tokens definition
const sectionStackTokens: IStackTokens = { childrenGap: 10 };
const headingStackTokens: IStackTokens = { childrenGap: 50 };
const numericalSpacingStackTokens: IStackTokens = {
  childrenGap: 10,
  padding: 10
github OfficeDev / office-ui-fabric-react / packages / tsx-editor / src / components / TypeScriptSnippet.tsx View on Github external
style[key] = {[key],
      padding: '6px 20px',
      background: 'white'
  } else {
    // correct text colors (convert to lowercase due to inconsistent casing)
    const color = (style[key].color || '').toLowerCase();
    if (colorMap[color]) {
      style[key].color = colorMap[color];

const rootClass = mergeStyles({
  maxHeight: 400

export interface ITypeScriptSnippetProps {
  className?: string;

/** TypeScript code snippet with a theme similar to Monaco's VS light. */
export const TypeScriptSnippet: React.FunctionComponent = props =&gt; {
  return (
github OfficeDev / office-ui-fabric-react / packages / charting / src / components / LineChart / LineChart.base.tsx View on Github external
import * as React from 'react';
import { max as d3Max, min as d3Min } from 'd3-array';
import { axisLeft as d3AxisLeft, axisBottom as d3AxisBottom } from 'd3-axis';
import { scaleLinear as d3ScaleLinear, scaleTime as d3ScaleTime } from 'd3-scale';
import { select as d3Select } from 'd3-selection';
import * as d3TimeFormat from 'd3-time-format';
import { ILegend, Legends } from '../Legends/index';
import { classNamesFunction } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Utilities';
import { IProcessedStyleSet } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Styling';
import { ILineChartProps, ILineChartStyleProps, ILineChartStyles, ILineChartDataPoint, ILineChartPoints } from './LineChart.types';
import { Callout, DirectionalHint } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Callout';

const getClassNames = classNamesFunction();

export class LineChartBase extends React.Component&lt;
    _width: number;
    _height: number;
    containerWidth: number;
    containerHeight: number;
    isCalloutVisible: boolean;
    hoverYValue: string | number | null;
    hoverXValue: string | number | null;
    activeLegend: string;
    lineColor: string;
    // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
    refSelected: any;
    hoveredLineColor: string;