How to use the office-ui-fabric-react.FontClassNames function in office-ui-fabric-react

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few office-ui-fabric-react examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / ConversationLearner-UI / src / components / ToolTips / ToolTips.tsx View on Github external
        case TipType.ACTION_DELETE_INUSE:
            return (
                    <p>There might be cases when you want to delete an action from your dialogs. In the picture below I would be deleting the action 'Will be removed'.</p>
                    <img alt="Action Placeholder" src="">
                    <p>If the action is used you can choose between two types of deletion.</p>
                    <h2>Preserve Placeholder</h2>
                    <img alt="Action Placeholder" src="">
                    <h2>Remove Placeholder</h2>
github microsoft / ConversationLearner-UI / src / components / modals / EditApiPlaceholder.tsx View on Github external
render() {
        const { intl } = this.props
        return (
                        {!this.state.editingExisting &amp;&amp;
github microsoft / ConversationLearner-UI / src / routes / Apps / App / LogDialogs.tsx View on Github external
render: (logDialog, component) =&gt; {
                return &lt;&gt;
                    <span data-testid="log-dialogs-description">
            getSortValue: logDialog =&gt; {
github microsoft / ConversationLearner-UI / src / components / modals / TranscriptValidatorPicker.tsx View on Github external
                        {Util.formatMessageId(this.props.intl, FM.TRANSCRIPT_VALIDATOR_PICKER_TITLE)} 
                    <input style="{{" type="file"> this.onChangeTranscriptFiles(}
                        ref={ele =&gt; (this.transcriptFileInput = ele)}
github microsoft / ConversationLearner-UI / src / routes / Apps / AppsListComponent.tsx View on Github external
            render: app =&gt; <span data-testid="model-list-last-modified-time">{Util.earlierDateOrTimeToday(app.lastModifiedDateTime)}</span>
github microsoft / ConversationLearner-UI / src / components / modals / EditDialogAdmin.tsx View on Github external
render() {
        if (!this.props.trainDialog) {
            return null;

        const isLogDialog = (this.props.editType === EditDialogType.LOG_EDITED || this.props.editType === EditDialogType.LOG_ORIGINAL)
        const editTypeClass = this.props.editType === EditDialogType.IMPORT ? "import" : isLogDialog ? 'log' : 'train'
        const hasEndSession = DialogUtils.hasEndSession(this.props.trainDialog, this.props.actions)
        const renderData = DialogUtils.getDialogRenderData(this.props.trainDialog, this.props.entities, this.props.actions, this.state.roundIndex, this.state.scoreIndex, this.state.senderType)
        return (
                    <div data-testid="traindialog-title">
                        {this.props.editType === EditDialogType.IMPORT
                            ? "Import"
                            : isLogDialog 
                            ? 'Log Dialog' 
                            : 'Train Dialog'}
                        {this.props.editType === EditDialogType.IMPORT &amp;&amp;
                                {`${this.props.importIndex} of ${this.props.importCount}`}
github microsoft / ConversationLearner-UI / src / components / modals / ChatSessionModal.tsx View on Github external
render() {
        const { intl } = this.props
        return (
                                Log Dialog
                        <div data-testid="chat-session-modal-webchat">
                                    if (!this.state.hasChatActivity) {
                                        this.setState({ hasChatActivity: true })
                                onSelectActivity={() =&gt; { }}
github microsoft / ConversationLearner-UI / src / components / modals / ConditionModal.tsx View on Github external

    const onClickExistingCondition = (theCondition: CLM.Condition) =&gt; {

    const isOperatorDisabled = selectedEntityOption?.data.entityType === CLM.EntityType.ENUM
    const conditionsUsingEntity = props.conditions.filter(c =&gt; c.entityId === selectedEntityOption.key)
    const currentCondition = createConditionFromState()

        <div data-testid="condition-creator-modal-title">
                    ? 'Edit Condition'
                    : 'Create a Condition'}

                {entityOptions.length === 0
                    ? <p data-testid="condition-creator-modal-warning"> You may only create conditions on enum entities or those with resolver type number which is required. Your model does not have either type available. Please create either of these types of entities to create a condition.</p>
                    : &lt;&gt;
                        <h2 style="{{">Current Condition:</h2>
github microsoft / ConversationLearner-UI / src / components / modals / EntityCreatorEditor / EntityCreatorComponent.tsx View on Github external
message={() =&gt; props.showValidationWarning &amp;&amp;
github microsoft / ConversationLearner-UI / src / components / modals / ErrorPanel.tsx View on Github external
renderError(): React.ReactNode {
        if (this.state.errorCode) {
            return this.renderErrorCode()
        else {
            return (
                    {this.props.error.actionType &amp;&amp; <div>
                    {this.state.customError &amp;&amp;
    render() {