How to use the node-opcua-service-history.HistoryReadRequest function in node-opcua-service-history

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few node-opcua-service-history examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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nodeId: resolveNodeId(node),
            indexRange: null,
            dataEncoding: {namespaceIndex: 0, name: null},
            continuationPoint: null

    const ReadRawModifiedDetails = new historizing_service.ReadRawModifiedDetails({
        isReadModified: false,
        startTime: start,
        endTime: end,
        numValuesPerNode: 0,
        returnBounds: true

    const request = new historizing_service.HistoryReadRequest({
        nodesToRead: nodesToRead,
        historyReadDetails: ReadRawModifiedDetails,
        timestampsToReturn: read_service.TimestampsToReturn.Both,
        releaseContinuationPoints: false

    assert(nodes.length === request.nodesToRead.length);
    self.performMessageTransaction(request, function (err, response) {

        if (err) {
            return callback(err, response);

        if (response.responseHeader.serviceResult.isNot(StatusCodes.Good)) {
            return callback(new Error(response.responseHeader.serviceResult.toString()));