How to use mongodb-extended-json - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mongodb-extended-json examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Glavin001 / Cobra / server / index.js View on Github external
db.collection(req.params.collection, function(err, collection) {
                if (err) {
                    return res.json({'error': err.toString() });
                else {
                    var respCallback = function(json) {
                        // Convert JSON object to MongoDB-Extended JSON
                        var e = EJSON.stringify(json);
                        var j = JSON.parse(e);
                        return res.json(j);
                    // Convert query to MongoDB Extended JSON
                    var j = JSON.stringify(query);
                    var q = EJSON.parse(j);
                    // console.log(j,q);
                    return callback && callback(collection, q, respCallback);
github mrvautin / adminMongo / routes / document.js View on Github external
// Check for existance of connection
    if(connection_list[req.params.conn] === undefined){
        res.status(400).json({'msg': req.i18n.__('Invalid connection name')});

    // Validate database name
    if(req.params.db.indexOf(' ') > -1){
        res.status(400).json({'msg': req.i18n.__('Invalid database name')});

    // Get DB's form pool
    var mongo_db = connection_list[req.params.conn].native.db(req.params.db);

        var eJsonData = ejson.parse(req.body.objectData);
        console.error('Syntax error: ' + e);
        res.status(400).json({'msg': req.i18n.__('Syntax error. Please check the syntax')});

    mongo_db.collection(req.params.coll).save(eJsonData, function (err, doc, lastErrorObject){
            console.error('Error updating document: ' + err);
            res.status(400).json({'msg': req.i18n.__('Error updating document') + ': ' + err});
            if(doc['nModified'] === 0){
                console.error('Error updating document: Document ID is incorrect');
                res.status(400).json({'msg': req.i18n.__('Error updating document: Syntax error')});
                res.status(200).json({'msg': req.i18n.__('Document successfully updated')});
github 4minitz / 4minitz / imports / server / exportimport / expImpUsers.js View on Github external
.then(allUsersDoc => {
                    if (allUsersDoc) {
                        // userIDsFlat may contain "free text" users that are not in DB
                        // We create a dict to look up which collected userIDs are really from DB
                        let userIDsFromDB = {};
               => {
                            userIDsFromDB[usr._id] = 1;
                        const usrFile = msID + ExpImpUsers.FILENAME_POSTFIX;
                        fs.writeFileSync(usrFile, EJSON.stringify(allUsersDoc,null,2));
                        console.log('Saved: '+usrFile + ' with '+allUsersDoc.length+' users');

                        // Save mapping file old => new user ID
                        // But only with REAL DB users (skip free text users)
               => {
                            if (userIDsFromDB[usrID]) {
                                // default: newID === oldID
                                // This means, users are copied(!) from source DB to destination DB
                                // If newID is changed to an existing id from destination ID, this target user is used
                                let thisUser = ExpImpUsers.searchUser(allUsersDoc, usrID);
                                userIDsOuputMap[usrID] = {
                                    'newID': usrID,
                                    'hint': thisUser.username +" "
github 4minitz / 4minitz / imports / server / exportimport / expImpMinutes.js View on Github external
.then(allMinutesDoc => {
                    if (allMinutesDoc) {
                        const minFile = msID + ExpImpMinutes.FILENAME_POSTFIX;
                        fs.writeFileSync(minFile, EJSON.stringify(allMinutesDoc,null,2));
                        console.log('Saved: '+minFile + ' with '+allMinutesDoc.length+' minutes');

                        // Collect additional invited / informed users from older minutes
               => {
                            min.visibleFor && => {      // should be identical to meeting series
                                userIDs[userID] = 1;
                            min.informedUsers && => {   // should be identical to meeting series
                                userIDs[userID] = 1;
                            min.participants && => {      // might differ from meeting series users!
                                userIDs[part.userId] = 1;
                            min.topics && => { // iterate topics
                                top.responsibles && => {  // topic-responsibles
                                    userIDs[resp] = 1;
github Glavin001 / Cobra / server / index.js View on Github external
var respCallback = function(json) {
                        // Convert JSON object to MongoDB-Extended JSON
                        var e = EJSON.stringify(json);
                        var j = JSON.parse(e);
                        return res.json(j);
github rueckstiess / mgeneratejs / bin / mgenerate.js View on Github external

if (process.stdin.isTTY) {
  // running in TTY mode, get template from non-positional argument
    .usage('Usage: mgeneratejs  [template]')
    .demand(1, 'must provide a template file or string');
} else {
  yargs.usage('Usage: mgeneratejs  < [template]');

var argv = yargs.argv;
var template;
var stringifyStream = argv.jsonArray
  ? eJSONStringifyStream('[\n  ', ',\n  ', '\n]\n')
  : eJSONStringifyStream('', '\n', '\n');

function generate() {
  es.readable(function(count, callback) {
    if (count >= argv.number) {
      return this.emit('end');
    this.emit('data', mgenerate(template));

if (process.stdin.isTTY) {
  var str = argv._[0];
  template = _.startsWith(str, '{')
github rueckstiess / mgeneratejs / bin / mgenerate.js View on Github external

if (process.stdin.isTTY) {
  // running in TTY mode, get template from non-positional argument
    .usage('Usage: mgeneratejs  [template]')
    .demand(1, 'must provide a template file or string');
} else {
  yargs.usage('Usage: mgeneratejs  < [template]');

var argv = yargs.argv;
var template;
var stringifyStream = argv.jsonArray
  ? eJSONStringifyStream('[\n  ', ',\n  ', '\n]\n')
  : eJSONStringifyStream('', '\n', '\n');

function generate() {
  es.readable(function(count, callback) {
    if (count >= argv.number) {
      return this.emit('end');
    this.emit('data', mgenerate(template));

if (process.stdin.isTTY) {
  var str = argv._[0];
github Losant / losant-mqtt-js / lib / structure.js View on Github external
gateway.parseMessage = function(message) {

    // Attempt to parse the message.
    try { message = EJSON.parse(message.toString()); }
    catch(e) { return null; }

    // The message has to be something.
    if(!message) {
      return null;

    return message;
github 4minitz / 4minitz / imports / server / exportimport / expImpFilesDocuments.js View on Github external
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const protFile = msID + ExpImpFilesDocuments.FILENAME_POSTFIX;
            let AllProtocolsDoc = undefined;
            try {
                AllProtocolsDoc = EJSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(protFile, 'utf8'));
                if (!AllProtocolsDoc) {
                    return reject('Could not read documents file '+protFile);
            } catch (e) {
                return reject('Could not read documents file '+protFile+'\n'+e);

            // Replace old user IDs with new users IDs
            let protcolsIDs = [];
            for(let p=0; p
github 4minitz / 4minitz / imports / server / exportimport / expImpMeetingseries.js View on Github external
.then(doc => {
                    if (doc) {
                        return reject ('Meeting series with ID: '+ msID+' already exists. Cannot import.');
                    } else {
                        const msFile = msID + ExpImpMeetingSeries.FILENAME_POSTFIX;
                        let msDoc = undefined;
                        try {
                            msDoc = EJSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(msFile, 'utf8'));
                            if (!msDoc) {
                                return reject('Could not read meeting series file '+msFile);
                        } catch (e) {
                            return reject('Could not read meeting series file '+msFile);

                        // Replace old user IDs with new users IDs
                        for (let i=0; i