How to use the mongodb-extended-json.parse function in mongodb-extended-json

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mongodb-extended-json examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Glavin001 / Cobra / server / index.js View on Github external
db.collection(req.params.collection, function(err, collection) {
                if (err) {
                    return res.json({'error': err.toString() });
                else {
                    var respCallback = function(json) {
                        // Convert JSON object to MongoDB-Extended JSON
                        var e = EJSON.stringify(json);
                        var j = JSON.parse(e);
                        return res.json(j);
                    // Convert query to MongoDB Extended JSON
                    var j = JSON.stringify(query);
                    var q = EJSON.parse(j);
                    // console.log(j,q);
                    return callback && callback(collection, q, respCallback);
github mrvautin / adminMongo / routes / document.js View on Github external
// Check for existance of connection
    if(connection_list[req.params.conn] === undefined){
        res.status(400).json({'msg': req.i18n.__('Invalid connection name')});

    // Validate database name
    if(req.params.db.indexOf(' ') > -1){
        res.status(400).json({'msg': req.i18n.__('Invalid database name')});

    // Get DB's form pool
    var mongo_db = connection_list[req.params.conn].native.db(req.params.db);

        var eJsonData = ejson.parse(req.body.objectData);
        console.error('Syntax error: ' + e);
        res.status(400).json({'msg': req.i18n.__('Syntax error. Please check the syntax')});

    mongo_db.collection(req.params.coll).save(eJsonData, function (err, doc, lastErrorObject){
            console.error('Error updating document: ' + err);
            res.status(400).json({'msg': req.i18n.__('Error updating document') + ': ' + err});
            if(doc['nModified'] === 0){
                console.error('Error updating document: Document ID is incorrect');
                res.status(400).json({'msg': req.i18n.__('Error updating document: Syntax error')});
                res.status(200).json({'msg': req.i18n.__('Document successfully updated')});
github Losant / losant-mqtt-js / lib / structure.js View on Github external
gateway.parseMessage = function(message) {

    // Attempt to parse the message.
    try { message = EJSON.parse(message.toString()); }
    catch(e) { return null; }

    // The message has to be something.
    if(!message) {
      return null;

    return message;
github 4minitz / 4minitz / imports / server / exportimport / expImpFilesDocuments.js View on Github external
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const protFile = msID + ExpImpFilesDocuments.FILENAME_POSTFIX;
            let AllProtocolsDoc = undefined;
            try {
                AllProtocolsDoc = EJSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(protFile, 'utf8'));
                if (!AllProtocolsDoc) {
                    return reject('Could not read documents file '+protFile);
            } catch (e) {
                return reject('Could not read documents file '+protFile+'\n'+e);

            // Replace old user IDs with new users IDs
            let protcolsIDs = [];
            for(let p=0; p
github 4minitz / 4minitz / imports / server / exportimport / expImpMeetingseries.js View on Github external
.then(doc => {
                    if (doc) {
                        return reject ('Meeting series with ID: '+ msID+' already exists. Cannot import.');
                    } else {
                        const msFile = msID + ExpImpMeetingSeries.FILENAME_POSTFIX;
                        let msDoc = undefined;
                        try {
                            msDoc = EJSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(msFile, 'utf8'));
                            if (!msDoc) {
                                return reject('Could not read meeting series file '+msFile);
                        } catch (e) {
                            return reject('Could not read meeting series file '+msFile);

                        // Replace old user IDs with new users IDs
                        for (let i=0; i
github 4minitz / 4minitz / imports / server / exportimport / expImpUsers.js View on Github external
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const usrFile = msID + ExpImpUsers.FILENAME_POSTFIX;
            let allUsersDoc = undefined;
            try {
                allUsersDoc = EJSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(usrFile, 'utf8'));
                if (!allUsersDoc) {
                    return reject('Could not read user file '+usrFile);
            } catch (e) {
                return reject('Could not read user file '+usrFile+'\n'+e);

            // We have some sequential DB inserts/updates from two cases now.
            // We chain them in a Promise chain.
            let promiseChain = [];
            for(let u=0; u target DB!
                    allUsersDoc[u].roles = {msID: roleValueForMS};       // Kill all other roles, just keep the one for this MS
github hatamiarash7 / MongoDB_Admin / routes / api.js View on Github external
page = parseInt(;

    var skip = 0;
    if(page > 1){
        skip = (page - 1) * page_size;

    var limit = page_size;

    var query_obj = {};
    var validQuery = true;
    var queryMessage = '';
            query_obj = ejson.parse(req.body.query);
            validQuery = false;
            queryMessage = e.toString();
            query_obj = {};

    mongo_db.collection(req.params.coll).find(query_obj, {skip: skip, limit: limit}).toArray(function (err, result){
            mongo_db.collection(req.params.coll).find({}, {
                skip: skip,
                limit: limit
            }).toArray(function (err, simpleSearchFields){
github 4minitz / 4minitz / imports / server / exportimport / expImpSchema.js View on Github external
.then(doc => {
                    if (doc) {
                        console.log("DB Schema Version: "+doc.version);

                        const schemaFile = msID + ExpImpSchema.FILENAME_POSTFIX;
                        let exportedSchema = undefined;
                        try {
                            exportedSchema = EJSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(schemaFile, 'utf8'));
                            if (!exportedSchema) {
                                return reject("Could not read schema file "+schemaFile);
                        } catch (e) {
                            return reject("Could not read schema file "+schemaFile);

                        if (ExpImpSchema.MADE_FOR_SCHEMA !== doc.version
                            || ExpImpSchema.MADE_FOR_SCHEMA !== exportedSchema.version
                            || doc.version !== exportedSchema.version) {
                            console.log("*** WARNING *** Schema mismatch!");
                            console.log("                This importer is made for database schema version: "+ExpImpSchema.MADE_FOR_SCHEMA);
                            console.log("                Your database has schema version                 : "+doc.version);
                            console.log("                Your exported data has schema version            : "+exportedSchema.version);
                            console.log("                Alyways migrate to the most recent DB schema before export/import!");
                            console.log("                Alyways use matching exporter!");
github zishone / mongover / lib / commands / extract.js View on Github external
        for(index of indexes) {
          if( !== '_id_') {
            spec.databases[dbName].collections[].indexes[] = {
              keys: index.key,
              options: _.omit(index, ['key','v','name','ns']),
              dropFirst: false
        if( !== 'no') {
          let query = {};
          if(args.query) {
            query = EJSON.parse(args.query);
          data = await db
          for(d of data) {
            fs.appendFileSync(path.join(repo, 'data', dbName, `${}.jsonl`), EJSON.stringify(d) + '\n');
      if(Object.keys(spec.databases[dbName].collections).length === 0) {
        delete spec.databases[dbName];
        fs.rmdirSync(path.join(repo, 'data', dbName));
      } else {
        spec.databases[dbName].dropFirst = false;
github zishone / mongover / dist / commands / apply.js View on Github external
var _ref7 = _asyncToGenerator(function* (data) {
        try {
          const filterObj = {};
          const dataObj = EJSON.parse(data.toString());
          let dataDotNotatedObj = {};
          dotNotate(dataObj, dataDotNotatedObj);
          var _iteratorNormalCompletion5 = true;
          var _didIteratorError5 = false;
          var _iteratorError5 = undefined;

          try {
            for (var _iterator5 = collectionSpec.upsertFields[Symbol.iterator](), _step5; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion5 = (_step5 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion5 = true) {
              let upsertField = _step5.value;
              filterObj[upsertField] = dataDotNotatedObj[upsertField];
          } catch (err) {
            _didIteratorError5 = true;
            _iteratorError5 = err;
          } finally {
            try {