How to use madge - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few madge examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github facebook / prepack / scripts / detect_bad_deps.js View on Github external
for (let line of lines) console.error(line);
  console.log("Biggest cycle: " + max_cycle_len + " (out of " + cycles + " cycles reported by Flow)");
  if (max_cycle_len > MAX_CYCLE_LEN) {
    console.error("Error: You increased cycle length from the previous high of " + MAX_CYCLE_LEN);
    console.error("This is never OK.");
    console.error("Run the following command to see the cycle: " + cmd);

// NB: This doesn't prevent cycles using "import type" because those are
// erased in the lib folder but madge doesn't work with flow type imports.

madge("./lib/").then(res => {
  let deps = res.obj();
  let idx_deps = res.depends("intrinsics/index");
  if (idx_deps.length !== 1 || idx_deps[0] !== "construct_realm") {
    console.error("Invalid Dependency: Intrinsics index depends on " + idx_deps[0]);

  for (let dep in deps) {
    // Nothing in intrinsics/ecma262 depends on anything but intrinsics/index except Error and global.
    if (
      dep.startsWith("intrinsics/ecma262") &&
      dep !== "intrinsics/ecma262/Error" &&
      dep !== "intrinsics/ecma262/global"
    ) {
      let ext_deps = res
github lite-js / depv / lib / analyser / generate-madge-analyser.es6 View on Github external

  const madgeOptions = {
    exclude: config.ignore,
    mainRequireModule: config.entry,
  extend(madgeOptions, config);

  if (isString(madgeOptions.extensions)) {
    madgeOptions.extensions = madgeOptions.extensions.split(',');

  try {
    const madgeResult = madge(config.root, madgeOptions);
    const tree = madgeResult.tree;
    const circular = madgeResult.circular();
    const names = keys(tree);

    each(names, (name) => {
    forIn(tree, (deps, name) => {
      each(deps, (dep) => {
        dep = dep.replace(/\.\.\//g, '').replace(/\.\//g, '').replace('node_modules/', '');
          source: dep,
          target: name,


Create graphs from module dependencies.

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