How to use the handlebars.create function in handlebars

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few handlebars examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github shannonmoeller / handlebars-layouts / test / handlebars-layouts.e2e.js View on Github external
beforeEach(function () {
		hbs = handlebars.create();

		// Register partials
			'deep-a': read(config.partials, 'deep-a.hbs'),
			'deep-b': read(config.partials, 'deep-b.hbs'),
			'deep-c': read(config.partials, 'deep-c.hbs'),
			'parent-context': read(config.partials, 'parent-context.hbs'),
			context: read(config.partials, 'context.hbs'),
			layout2col: read(config.partials, 'layout2col.hbs'),
			layout: read(config.partials, 'layout.hbs'),
			media: read(config.partials, 'media.hbs'),
			user: read(config.partials, 'user.hbs')
github jonschlinkert / templates / bench / rendering / app-layouts-async.js View on Github external
(async function() {
  const Templates = require('templates');
  const app = new Templates();

  const pages = app.create('pages', { type: 'renderable' });
  const partials = app.create('partials', { type: 'partial' });
  const layouts = app.create('layouts', { type: 'layout' });{ site: { title: 'Blog' }});
  app.engine('hbs', engine(handlebars.create()));
  app.option('engine', 'hbs');

  const view = await pages.set('templates/foo.hbs', {
    contents: Buffer.from('Name: {{name}}, {{description}}'),
    data: { name: 'Brian' },
    layout: 'inner'

  // layouts
  await layouts.set({
    path: 'default',
    data: { title: 'Blog', description: 'Awesome blog' },
    contents: Buffer.from(`
github helpers / handlebars-helpers / test / misc.js View on Github external
'use strict';

var assert = require('assert');
var hbs = require('handlebars').create();
var helpers = require('..');

describe('misc', function() {
  beforeEach(function() {
    helpers.misc({handlebars: hbs});

  describe('noop', function() {
    it('should be a noop', function() {
      var fn = hbs.compile('{{#noop}}{{message}}{{/noop}}');
      assert.equal(fn({message: 'This is a test'}), 'This is a test');

  describe('option', function() {
    it('should get an option', function() {
github foundation / panini / test / loaders.js View on Github external
it('adds partials to a Handlebars instance', () => {
    const handlebars = create();
    return loadPartials('test/fixtures/partials/partials', handlebars).then(() => {
github helpers / handlebars-helpers / test / fs.js View on Github external
'use strict';

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var assert = require('assert');
var hbs = require('handlebars').create();
require('..')({handlebars: hbs});

var libFiles = fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, '../lib'))
  .map(function(fp) {
    return path.join('lib', fp);

describe('fs', function() {
  describe('read', function() {
    it('should read a file from the file system', function() {
      var fn = hbs.compile('{{read filepath}}');
      assert.equal(fn({filepath: 'test/fixtures/read/a.txt'}), 'abc');

  describe('readdir', function() {
github hapijs / vision / test / manager.js View on Github external
it('manager gives engine via "getEngine"', async () => {

        const rootServer = Hapi.server();
        const relativeToPath = 'test/templates';

        await rootServer.register({
            plugin: Vision,
            options: {
                engines: { html: Handlebars.create() },
                relativeTo: relativeToPath,
                path: 'valid'

        const one = {
            name: 'one',
            register: async function (server, options) {

                await server.register({
                    plugin: Vision,
                    options: {
                        engines: {
                            html: Handlebars,
                            pug: Pug
github helpers / handlebars-helpers / test / array.js View on Github external
'use strict';

var assert = require('assert');
var hbs = require('handlebars').create();
var helpers = require('..');
helpers.array({handlebars: hbs});
helpers.string({handlebars: hbs});

var context = {array: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']};

describe('array', function() {
  describe('after', function() {
    it('should return an empty string when undefined', function() {
      assert.equal(hbs.compile('{{after}}')(), '');

    it('should return all of the items in an array after the given index', function() {
      var fn = hbs.compile('{{after array 5}}');
      assert.equal(fn(context), 'f,g,h');
github shannonmoeller / handlebars-wax / test / handlebars-registrar.spec.js View on Github external
it('should defer registration of partials', function () {
		var hb = handlebars.create();

		handlebarsRegistrar(hb, {
			partials: __dirname + '/fixtures/partials/deferred/*.js'

github wix / lerna-script / tasks / idea / lib / templates.js View on Github external
const fs = require('fs'),
  handlebars = require('handlebars').create()

require.extensions['.tmpl'] = function(module, filename) {
  module.exports = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8')

const modulesTemplate = handlebars.compile(require('../files/modules.xml.tmpl'))
const moduleImlTemplate = handlebars.compile(require('../files/module.iml.tmpl'))
const workspaceXmlTemplate = handlebars.compile(require('../files/workspace.xml.tmpl'))

module.exports.ideaModulesFile = function(targetFile, modules) {
  const content = modulesTemplate({modules: modules})
  fs.writeFileSync(targetFile, content)

module.exports.ideaModuleImlFile = function(targetFile, config) {
  const content = moduleImlTemplate({config})