How to use the handlebars.parse function in handlebars

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few handlebars examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nuysoft / Mock / test / mock4xtpl.js View on Github external
function run(tpl, options) {
    // console.log()
    // console.log(tpl);
    // console.log(options);

    var ast = Handlebars.parse(tpl);
    // console.log(ast);
    // console.log(JSON.stringify(ast, null, 4));

    var data = Mock4Tpl.gen(ast, null, options)
    // console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
    return data
github spmjs / spm / test / data / modules / moduleA / build / _tar / moduleA / src / templatable.js View on Github external
function convertTemplateToObject(template) {
        var statements = Handlebars.parse(template).statements;
        var html = '';

        for (var i = 0, len = statements.length; i < len; i++) {
            var stat = statements[i];

            // AST.ContentNode
            if (stat.type === 'content') {
                html += stat.string;
            // AST.MustacheNode or AST.BlockNode
            else {
                html += '{{STAT ' + i + '}}';

        html = encode(html);
github pmlopes / vertx-starter / gulpfile.js View on Github external

    const contents = file.contents.toString();
    let compiled = null;

    // binary files
    if (['favicon.ico'].indexOf(file.path.substr(file.path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)) !== -1) {
      // binary file are stored as is
      compiled =
        "{\"compiler\":[7,\">= 4.0.0\"],\"main\":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) {\n" +
        "    return " + JSON.stringify(contents) + ";\n" +
    } else {
      try {
        compiled = handlebars.precompile(
      } catch (err) {
        this.emit('error', new PluginError("Handlebars plugin", err, {
          fileName: file.path
        return callback();

    file.contents = Buffer.from(compiled);
    file.templatePath = file.relative;
    file.path = gutil.replaceExtension(file.path, '.js');

    callback(null, file);
github thx / bisheng / demo / nodeuinit / binding.js View on Github external
exports.ast_block = function(test) {
    var tpl = Mock.heredoc(function() {
        {{#each list}}
    var ast = Handlebars.parse(tpl)
    var blocks = {}
    Bind.AST.handle(ast, blocks)

    // console.log(JSON.stringify(ast, null, 4))
    // console.log(JSON.stringify(blocks, null, 4))

    // 开始占位符,定位 Block 区域
    test.equal(ast.statements[0].type, 'content')
    test.equal(ast.statements[0].string.indexOf('<script'), 0)

    // 结束占位符
    test.equal(ast.statements[4].type, 'content')
    test.equal(ast.statements[4].string.indexOf('<script'), 0)

    // 路径占位符,定位 Block 对应的数据路径
    var block = ast.statements[3]
github wookiehangover / universal-jst / lib / engines / handlebars.js View on Github external
var helper = helpers[file] = require(Path.resolve(Path.join(options.helpers, file)) );

      output.push('Handlebars.registerHelper("' + file + '", ' + helper.toString() + ');');

  try {
    // delete any cached versions of the template
    compiled_hbs = handlebars.precompile( file_contents );

    output.push(options.namespace + '["'+ nm +'"] = Handlebars.template('+ compiled_hbs +');\n');
    output.push('Handlebars.partials["'+ nm.replace(/\//g, '.') +'"] = ' + options.namespace + '["'+ nm +'"];\n');

    if(options.vars) {
      var vars = recursiveVarSearch( handlebars.parse( file_contents ).statements, [], undefined, [] );
      vars = _.uniq(vars);
      output.push(options.namespace + '["'+ nm +'"].vars = ' + JSON.stringify(vars)+';\n');
  } catch( e ){
    console.error( 'Error processing'+ nm, e);
    return '/* Unable to compile ' + nm + ' */\n';

  return output.join('');
github discourse / discourse / app / assets / javascripts / discourse-hbr / raw-handlebars-compiler.js View on Github external
RawHandlebars.compile = function (string) {
  let ast = Handlebars.parse(string);

  // this forces us to rewrite helpers
  let options = { data: true, stringParams: true };
  let environment = new RawHandlebars.Compiler().compile(ast, options);
  let templateSpec = new RawHandlebars.JavaScriptCompiler().compile(

  let t = RawHandlebars.template(templateSpec);
  t.isMethod = false;

  return t;
github discourse / discourse / app / assets / javascripts / discourse-common / addon / lib / raw-handlebars.js View on Github external
RawHandlebars.compile = function (string) {
    var ast = Handlebars.parse(string);

    // this forces us to rewrite helpers
    var options = { data: true, stringParams: true };
    var environment = new RawHandlebars.Compiler().compile(ast, options);
    var templateSpec = new RawHandlebars.JavaScriptCompiler().compile(

    var t = RawHandlebars.template(templateSpec);
    t.isMethod = false;

    return t;
github stevenvachon / handlebars-html-parser / test / 0.parse.aliases.stringify.js View on Github external
it("should be aliased", () =>
			var hbs = "{{! comment }} content {{!-- comment --}}";
			hbs = handlebars.parse(hbs);
			hbs = aliases.stringify(hbs);
			expect(hbs).to.equal("handlebars-html-parser-0-alias content handlebars-html-parser-2-alias");
github busterc / microgen / index.js View on Github external
var path = require('path');
var readline = require('readline');

var templateFile = args[0];
var templateFileBasename = path.basename(templateFile, '.hbs');
var outputFile = args[1] || path.join(process.cwd(), templateFileBasename);
var basename = path.basename(process.cwd());
var template;
try {
  template = fs.readFileSync(templateFile, 'utf8');
} catch (error) {
  console.log(`\n  Error: there was a problem reading ${templateFile}`);

var ast = Handlebars.parse(template).body;
var prompts = {};
var answers = {};

(function prepare(ast, parent) {
  var id;

  ast.forEach(statement => {
    switch (statement.type) {
      case 'CommentStatement':
        id = `comment-${Math.random().toString(16).slice(2)}`;

        if (parent[id]) {

        parent[id] = {
github glimmerjs / glimmer-vm / packages / @glimmer / syntax / lib / parser / tokenizer-event-handlers.ts View on Github external
export function preprocess(html: string, options: PreprocessOptions = {}): AST.Template {
  let mode = options.mode || 'precompile';

  let ast: HBS.Program;
  if (typeof html === 'object') {
    ast = html;
  } else if (mode === 'codemod') {
    ast = handlebars.parseWithoutProcessing(html, options.parseOptions) as HBS.Program;
  } else {
    ast = handlebars.parse(html, options.parseOptions) as HBS.Program;

  let entityParser = undefined;
  if (mode === 'codemod') {
    entityParser = new EntityParser({});

  let program = new TokenizerEventHandlers(html, entityParser).acceptTemplate(ast);

  if (options && options.plugins && options.plugins.ast) {
    for (let i = 0, l = options.plugins.ast.length; i < l; i++) {
      let transform = options.plugins.ast[i];
      let env = assign({}, options, { syntax }, { plugins: undefined });

      let pluginResult = transform(env);