How to use the gun.obj function in gun

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gun examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github amark / gun / test / panic / load.js View on Github external
				// Now we want to connect to every gun server peer...
				var peers = [], i = env.config.servers;
					// For the total number of servers listed in the configuration
					// Add their URL into an array.
					peers.push('http://'+ env.config.IP + ':' + (env.config.port + (i + 1)) + '/gun');
				// Pass all the servers we want to connect to into gun.
				//var gun = Gun();
				var gun = Gun(peers);
				// Now we want to create a list
				// of all the messages that WILL be sent
				// according to the expected configuration.
				// This is equal to...
				var num = 0, total = 0, check =, function(v,id,t){
					// for each browser ID
					// they will be saving X number of messages each.
					var i = env.config.each;
						// So add a deterministic key we can check against.
						t(id + (i + 1), 1);
						// And count up the total number of messages we expect for all.
						total += 1;
				// Note, this `check` hash table now looks something like this:
				// {alice1: 1, alice2: 1, alice3: 1, bob1: 1, bob2: 1, bob3: 1}
				var report = $("<div>").css({position: 'fixed', top: 0, right: 0, background: 'white', padding: 10}).text(num +" / "+ total +" Verified").prependTo('body');
				// Add a nifty UI that tells us how many messages have been verified.
				// FINALLY, tell gun to subscribe to every record
				// that is is/will be saved to this table.</div>
github amark / gun / test / panic / load.js View on Github external
//$(log).append(el.attr('id', key).text(key +": "+ data));
					$(log).text(key +": "+ data); // DOM updates thrash performance, try this.
					// Scroll down with the logging.
					//$('body').stop(true).animate({scrollTop: $(log).height()});
					// Now, make sure the received data
					// matches exactly the data we EXPECT
					if(("Hello world, "+key+"!") === data){
						// if it does, we can "check off" record
						// Bump the total number of verified items and update the UI.
						if(check[key]){ num += 1 }
						// from our verify todo list.
						check[key] = 0;
						report.text(num +" / "+ total +" Verified");
					// This next part is important:
					if(, function(still){
						if(still){ return true }
					})){ return } // return, PREVENTING the test from being finished.
					// IF HOWEVER, every single message
					// that we EXPECTED to see
					// has now been seen
					// then THIS ONE BROWSER PEER (of many peers)
					// is finally done.
				// But we have to actually tell the browser to save data!
github amark / gun / test / panic / b2s2s2b.js View on Github external
				Gun.state.drift = Math.random() * 10000;	
				var env = test.props;
				var peers = [], i = env.i;
					peers.push('http://'+ env.config.IP + ':' + (env.config.port + (i)) + '/gun');
				console.log("Connect to", peers);
				var gun = Gun(peers);
				var num = 0, total = 0, check =, function(v,id,t){
					var i = env.config.each;
						t(id + (i + 1), 1);
						total += 1;
				var report = $("<div>").css({position: 'fixed', top: 0, right: 0, background: 'white', padding: 10}).text(num +" / "+ total +" Verified").prependTo('body');
				var wait;
				gun.get('test').map().on(function(data, key){
					//$(log).text(key +": "+ data);
					if(("Hello world, "+key+"!") === data){
						if(check[key]){ num += 1 }
						check[key] = 0;
						report.text(num +" / "+ total +" Verified");
					if(wait){ return }</div>
github amark / gun / test / panic / b2s2s2b.js View on Github external
wait = setTimeout(function(){
						wait = false;
						if(, function(still){
							if(still){ return true }
						})){ return }
github amark / gun / test / panic / 1putackget.js View on Github external
ref._.root.opt.mesh.hear = function(raw, peer){
					var msg = Gun.obj.ify(raw);
					console.log('hear:', msg);
					hear(raw, peer);
				var say = ref._.root.opt.mesh.say;


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