How to use the gun/gun.node function in gun

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gun examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github d3x0r / gun-db / testsetnul.js View on Github external
console.log( "Must supply parameter 'add' or 'del'" );

var Gun = require( "gun/gun" );
var gunDb = require( "." );

//var Gun = require( "gun" );

require( "gun-unset" );

const rel_ = Gun.val.rel._;  // '#'
const val_ = Gun._.field;  // '.'
const node_ = Gun.node._;  // '_'

var gun = new Gun( /*{ db:{ file:'gun.db' } }*/ );

console.log( new Date(), "Initialized gun instance" );
var root = gun.get( "db" );

var alice = root.get( "alice" )
alice.not( (val)=>{
	console.log( "init alice data", val );
	alice.put( { name: 'alice', dob: 'before now', whatever: 'one' } );
} );
var bob = root.get( "bob" )
bob.not( (val)=>{
	console.log( "init bob data" , val);
	bob.put( { name:'bob', dob: "yes", color: "purple" } );
} );
github lmangani / gun-cassandra / index.js View on Github external
//process.on( "warning", (warning)=>{console.trace( "WARNING:", warning ); } );
//process.on( "error", (warning)=>{console.trace( "ERROR PROCESS:", warning ); } );
//process.on( "exit", (warning)=>{console.trace( "EXIT:", warning ); } );

const Gun = require('gun/gun');

var _debug_counter = 0;
var __debug_counter = 0;
var _debug_tick =;
const _debug = false;

const rel_ = Gun.val.rel._; // '#'
const val_ = Gun._.field; // '.'
const node_ = Gun.node._; // '_'
const state_ = Gun.state._; // '>';

var qb;

const ACK_ = '@';
const SEQ_ = '#';

Gun.on('opt', function(ctx) {

    var goNext = function(){;
	    if (ctx.once) {
github d3x0r / gun-db / index.js View on Github external
//process.on( "error", (warning)=>{console.trace( "ERROR PROCESS:", warning ); } );
//process.on( "exit", (warning)=>{console.trace( "EXIT:", warning ); } );

const Gun = require('gun/gun');
const vfs = require("sack.vfs");

var _debug_counter = 0;
var __debug_counter = 0;
var _debug_tick =;
const _debug = false;

const rel_ = Gun.val.rel._;  // '#'
const val_ = Gun.obj.has._;  // '.'
const node_ = Gun.node._;  // '_'
const state_ = Gun.state._;// '>';
const soul_ = Gun.node.soul._;// '#';

const ACK_ = '@';
const SEQ_ = '#';

Gun.on('opt', function(ctx){;
	if(ctx.once){ return }
	var opt = ctx.opt.db || (ctx.opt.db = {});
	//opt.file = opt.file || ('file:gun.db?nolock=1');
	opt.file = opt.file || ('gun.db');
	var client = vfs.Sqlite(opt.file);
	var gun = ctx.gun;
	if( !client ) {
		console.log( "Failed to open database:", opt.file );
github lmangani / gun-elastic / src / gun-elastic.js View on Github external
put: function(key, node, done) {

        if (this.initialized) {

	// Optional Key Storage
	   if (this.store_keys) {
		  // Emulate Elassandra Table w/ node KV
		  var rows = [];
		  var row_insert = { index:  { _index: this.store_keys_index, _type: this.store_keys_type } };, function(a,b,c,d) {
			var row = { field: b, soul: d, state: new Date().getTime() };
			if (c[b] instanceof Object ) {
				row.relation = c[b]['#'];
			} else {
				row.value = c[b];
			_debug && console.log(row);

			body: rows
		  }, function (err, resp, status) {
			_debug && console.log(err,resp,status);
			if(err) _debug && console.log(err);
github d3x0r / gun-db / index.js View on Github external
//process.on( "warning", (warning)=>{console.trace( "WARNING:", warning ); } );
//process.on( "error", (warning)=>{console.trace( "ERROR PROCESS:", warning ); } );
//process.on( "exit", (warning)=>{console.trace( "EXIT:", warning ); } );

const Gun = require('gun/gun');
const vfs = require("sack.vfs");

var _debug_counter = 0;
var __debug_counter = 0;
var _debug_tick =;
const _debug = false;

const rel_ = Gun.val.rel._;  // '#'
const val_ = Gun.obj.has._;  // '.'
const node_ = Gun.node._;  // '_'
const state_ = Gun.state._;// '>';
const soul_ = Gun.node.soul._;// '#';

const ACK_ = '@';
const SEQ_ = '#';

Gun.on('opt', function(ctx){;
	if(ctx.once){ return }
	var opt = ctx.opt.db || (ctx.opt.db = {});
	//opt.file = opt.file || ('file:gun.db?nolock=1');
	opt.file = opt.file || ('gun.db');
	var client = vfs.Sqlite(opt.file);
	var gun = ctx.gun;
	if( !client ) {
		console.log( "Failed to open database:", opt.file );
github gundb / sqlite / strict.js View on Github external
				var soul = Gun.node.soul(record);
				if(soul && && record.updatedAt){
					all = Gun.state.ify(all,, parseFloat(record.updatedAt), Gun.val.rel.ify(soul), table);
					Gun.obj.del(record, 'createdAt');
					Gun.obj.del(record, 'updatedAt');
					Gun.obj.del(record, 'deletedAt');
					Gun.obj.del(record, 'revokedAt');
					graph[soul] = record;
					//gun.on('in', {'@': at['#'], put: Gun.graph.node(record)});
			// TODO: Convert to streaming - including getting MasterQuest to stream records.
github sjones6 / gun-flint / src / Adapter / index.js View on Github external
const union = function union(vertex, node, opt){
	if(!node || !node._){ return }
	vertex = vertex ||;
	if(!vertex || !vertex._){ return }
	opt = {machine: opt} : {machine: Gun.state()};
	opt.union = Gun.obj.copy(vertex); // Slow performance.
	if(!, function(val, key){
		var HAM = Gun.HAM(opt.machine,, key),, key, true), val, vertex[key]);
		if(!HAM.incoming){ return }, key, opt.union);
	})){ return }
	return opt.union;
/* eslint-enable */
github amark / gun / lib / time.js View on Github external
	var ify = Gun.node.ify, u;
	Gun.chain.time = function(data, a, b){
		if(data instanceof Function){
			return travel(data, a, b, this);
		var gun = this, root = gun.back(-1);
		var cb = (a instanceof Function && a) || (b instanceof Function && b);
					return cb && cb({err: "Timegraph cannot link `undefined`!"});
				gun.time(, a, b);
			}, true);
			return gun;
		opt = (cb === a)? b : a;
github amark / gun / lib / time.js View on Github external
if(parseFloat(k) < parseFloat(next)){ return k }
					find(o, cb, root, at.slice(0,-1), true);
				} else {
					var tmp = (at ||;
					(o.low = tmp.slice()).push(Infinity);
					find(o, cb, root, tmp, true);
			if(off){ return }
			if(!{ return }
			if(at < o.start.slice(0, at.length)){ return }
			var n = [].concat(now()), top = n[at.length];, function(v, k){
				if(k > top){ return }
				(v = at.slice()).push(k);
				find(o, cb, root, v, false);


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