How to use the gl-matrix.vec3.scale function in gl-matrix

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gl-matrix examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jwagner / voxelworlds / src / physics.js View on Github external
Player.prototype.tick = function(td) {
    vec3.add(this.velocity, vec3.scale(this.acceleration, td, auxv3));
    if(this.hadContact) {
        // assume a constant normal force of .1 COF ~.5
        var friction = 0.05,
            speed = vec3.length(this.velocity);
        friction = Math.min(speed, friction);
        vec3.scale(this.velocity, 1-friction/speed);
    vec3.add(this.position, vec3.scale(this.velocity, td, auxv3));

    var world =,
        scale = world.scale,
        aabb = this.aabb,

    // prepare AABB
    this.shape.setPosition(this.position[0], this.position[1], this.position[2]);
    fitAABBtoGrid(aabb, scale);

    var voxels = [];
    for(var x = aabb.x0; x < aabb.x1; x+=scale) {
        for(var y = aabb.y0; y < aabb.y1; y+=scale) {
            for(var z = aabb.z0; z < aabb.z1; z+=scale) {
                if(world.voxel([x, y, z]) > 0){
github redblobgames / 1843-planet-generation / planet-generation.js View on Github external
function drawPlateVectors(u_projection, mesh, {r_xyz, r_plate, plate_vec}) {
    let line_xyz = [], line_rgba = [];
    for (let r = 0; r < mesh.numRegions; r++) {
        line_xyz.push(r_xyz.slice(3 * r, 3 * r + 3));
        line_rgba.push([1, 1, 1, 1]);
        line_xyz.push(vec3.add([], r_xyz.slice(3 * r, 3 * r + 3),
                               vec3.scale([], plate_vec[r_plate[r]], 2 / Math.sqrt(N))));
        line_rgba.push([1, 0, 0, 0]);

        u_multiply_rgba: [1, 1, 1, 1],
        u_add_rgba: [0, 0, 0, 0],
        a_xyz: line_xyz,
        a_rgba: line_rgba,
        count: line_xyz.length,
github stephomi / sculptgl / src / math3d / Camera.js View on Github external
zoom(df) {
    var delta = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
    vec3.sub(delta, this._offset, this._trans);
    vec3.scale(delta, delta, df * this._speed / 54);
    if (df < 0.0)
      delta[0] = delta[1] = 0.0;
    this.setTrans(vec3.add(this._trans, this._trans, delta));

    vec3.scale(delta, delta, 5);
    this.translateDelay(delta, DELAY_TRANSLATE);
github stephomi / sculptgl / src / editing / Gizmo.js View on Github external
_computeCenterGizmo(center = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) {
    var meshes = this._main.getSelectedMeshes();

    var acc = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
    var icenter = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
    for (var i = 0; i < meshes.length; ++i) {
      var mesh = meshes[i];
      vec3.transformMat4(icenter, mesh.getCenter(), mesh.getEditMatrix());
      vec3.transformMat4(icenter, icenter, mesh.getMatrix());
      vec3.add(acc, acc, icenter);
    vec3.scale(center, acc, 1.0 / meshes.length);
    return center;
github magcius / / src / SuperMarioGalaxy / WarpPod.ts View on Github external
vec3.sub(delta, this.pairedWarpPod.translation, this.translation);
        const mag = vec3.length(delta);

        const upVec = vec3.create();
        calcUpVec(upVec, this);
        const negUpVec = vec3.create();
        vec3.negate(negUpVec, upVec);

        const crossA = vec3.create(), crossB = vec3.create();
        vec3.cross(crossA, delta, negUpVec);
        vec3.normalize(crossA, crossA);
        vec3.cross(crossB, crossA, delta);
        vec3.normalize(crossB, crossB);

        const halfway = vec3.create();
        vec3.scale(halfway, delta, 0.5);
        vec3.add(halfway, this.translation, halfway);

        const mag2 = 0.5 * mag;
        const b = mag2 / Math.sin(MathConstants.TAU / 8);
        let a = (b * b) - (mag2 * mag2);
        if (a >= 0) {
            const norm = 1 / Math.sqrt(a);
            const anorm = a * norm;
            const cubic = (anorm * norm) - 3.0;
            a = -cubic * anorm * 0.5;

        const ca = vec3.create(), cb = vec3.create();
        vec3.scaleAndAdd(ca, halfway, crossB, a);
        vec3.scale(cb, crossB, -b);
github magcius / / src / SuperMarioGalaxy / WarpPod.ts View on Github external
vec3.scale(halfway, delta, 0.5);
        vec3.add(halfway, this.translation, halfway);

        const mag2 = 0.5 * mag;
        const b = mag2 / Math.sin(MathConstants.TAU / 8);
        let a = (b * b) - (mag2 * mag2);
        if (a >= 0) {
            const norm = 1 / Math.sqrt(a);
            const anorm = a * norm;
            const cubic = (anorm * norm) - 3.0;
            a = -cubic * anorm * 0.5;

        const ca = vec3.create(), cb = vec3.create();
        vec3.scaleAndAdd(ca, halfway, crossB, a);
        vec3.scale(cb, crossB, -b);

        for (let i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
            const v = vec3.create();
            const ha = 1.0 - ((i - numPoints / 2) / numPoints);
            const c = (Math.sin(Math.PI * ha) + 1.0) * 0.5;
            const rad = lerp(-MathConstants.TAU / 8, MathConstants.TAU / 8, c);
            mat4.fromRotation(scratchMatrix, rad, crossA);

            vec3.transformMat4(v, cb, scratchMatrix);
            vec3.add(v, v, ca);
            vec3.scaleAndAdd(v, v, upVec, 200);


        this.pathDrawer = new WarpPodPathDrawer(sceneObjHolder, this.resourceHolder.arc, this.warpPathPoints, this.color);
github stasilo / / src / camera / index.js View on Github external
const move = (direction, dirSign) => {
                vec3.scale(moveDir, direction, dirSign * this.moveVelocity);

                vec3.add(this.lookFrom, this.lookFrom, moveDir);
                vec3.add(this.lookAt, this.lookAt, moveDir);
github Whatever-Inc / KAMRA-Deja-Vu / experiments / 14 - Capture sequence / src / deformableface.js View on Github external
deform(featurePoints) {
    let displacement =, i) => {
      let fp = this.standardFaceData.getFeatureVertex(i)
      return vec3.sub([], p, fp)

    let attribute = this.geometry.getAttribute('position')
    let n = attribute.array.length / 3
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      let p = vec3.create()
      let b = 0[i].forEach((w) => {
        vec3.add(p, p, vec3.scale(vec3.create(), displacement[w[0]], w[1]))
        b += w[1]
      vec3.scale(p, p, 1 / b)
      vec3.add(p, p, this.standardFaceData.getVertex(i))

      attribute.array[i * 3 + 0] = p[0]
      attribute.array[i * 3 + 1] = p[1]
      attribute.array[i * 3 + 2] = p[2]
    attribute.needsUpdate = true
github xml3d / xml3d.js / src / renderer / renderer / lights / light-models.js View on Github external
getLightViewMatrix: function (mat) {
        var manager = this.light.scene.lights;
        var entry = manager.getModelEntry(;
        var p_dir = entry.parameters["direction"];
        var p_pos = entry.parameters["position"];

        var bb = new XML3D.Box();
        var off = vec3.create();
        var bbCenter =;
        var bbSize = bb.size();
        var d = bbSize.length(); //diameter of bounding sphere of the scene
        vec3.scale(off, p_dir, -0.55 * d); //enlarge a bit on the radius of the scene
        p_pos = vec3.add(p_pos,, off);
        entry.parameters["position"] = p_pos;

        //create new transformation matrix depending on the updated parameters
        var lookat_mat = mat4.create();
        var top_vec = vec3.fromValues(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
        if ((p_dir[0] == 0.0) && (p_dir[2] == 0.0)) //check if top_vec colinear with direction
            top_vec = vec3.fromValues(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
        var up_vec = vec3.create();
        var dir_len = vec3.len(p_dir);
        vec3.scale(up_vec, p_dir,, p_dir) / (dir_len * dir_len));
        vec3.add(up_vec, up_vec, top_vec);
        vec3.normalize(up_vec, up_vec);
        mat4.lookAt(lookat_mat, vec3.fromValues(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), p_dir, up_vec);
github magcius / / src / Pilotwings64 / Scenes.ts View on Github external
const prev = idx - 1;
        const twoPrev = idx > 1 ? idx - 2 : posPathLength - 1;
        posKeyframe(vecs[0], this.spline, twoPrev);
        posKeyframe(vecs[1], this.spline, prev);
        posKeyframe(vecs[2], this.spline, idx);
        posKeyframe(vecs[3], this.spline, nxt);

        const tangentScale = 512 * Math.abs(this.spline.xTrack[idx].time - this.spline.xTrack[prev].time) / 100;

        vec3.sub(vecs[1], vecs[1], vecs[0]);
        vec3.normalize(vecs[1], vecs[1]);
        vec3.scale(vecs[1], vecs[1], tangentScale);

        vec3.sub(vecs[3], vecs[3], vecs[2]);
        vec3.normalize(vecs[3], vecs[3]);
        vec3.scale(vecs[3], vecs[3], tangentScale);

        const t0 = vecs[1];
        const t1 = vecs[3];

        this.pos[0] = sampleFloatAnimationTrackSimple(this.spline.xTrack, cyclePhase, t0[0], t1[0])
        this.pos[1] = sampleFloatAnimationTrackSimple(this.spline.yTrack, cyclePhase, t0[1], t1[1])
        this.pos[2] = sampleFloatAnimationTrackSimple(this.spline.zTrack, cyclePhase, t0[2], t1[2])
        vec3.scale(this.pos, this.pos, this.translationScale);

        const heading = sampleFloatAnimationTrackSimple(this.spline.hTrack, cyclePhase, 1, -1);
        const pitch = sampleFloatAnimationTrackSimple(this.spline.pTrack, cyclePhase, 1, -1);
        const roll = sampleFloatAnimationTrackSimple(this.spline.rTrack, cyclePhase, 1, -1);

        mat4.fromTranslation(dst, this.pos);
        mat4.rotateZ(dst, dst, heading * MathConstants.DEG_TO_RAD);
        mat4.rotateX(dst, dst, pitch * MathConstants.DEG_TO_RAD);