How to use the gl-matrix.vec3.normalize function in gl-matrix

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gl-matrix examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github yoo2001818 / webglue / src / geom / channelGeometry3D.js View on Github external
vec2.subtract(texP2, this.texCoords.slice(texId3 * 2,
        texId3 * 2 + 2), texOrigin);
      // Honestly I don't know what this does.
      let f = 1 / (texP1[0] * texP2[1] - texP2[0] * texP1[1]);
      let tangent = new Float32Array(4);
      tangent[0] = f * (texP2[1] * p1[0] - texP1[1] * p2[0]);
      tangent[1] = f * (texP2[1] * p1[1] - texP1[1] * p2[1]);
      tangent[2] = f * (texP2[1] * p1[2] - texP1[1] * p2[2]);
      // Calculate bi-tangent. To save vertex array, it can be calculated in
      // vertex shader; however we have to specify the cross order to get right
      // result. This can be done by using a modifier... I think.
      // To calculate modifier, we have to calculate dot product with
      // bi-tangent from vertex shader and bi-tangent we calculated.
      let normal = vec3.create();
      vec3.cross(normal, p1, p2);
      vec3.normalize(normal, normal);
      let leftBitangent = vec3.create();
      vec3.cross(leftBitangent, tangent, normal);
      // Then calculate bi-tangent with texture coords.
      let bitangent = vec3.create();
      bitangent[0] = f * (texP2[0] * p1[0] - texP1[0] * p2[0]);
      bitangent[1] = f * (texP2[0] * p1[1] - texP1[0] * p2[1]);
      bitangent[2] = f * (texP2[0] * p1[2] - texP1[0] * p2[2]);
      let modifier =, leftBitangent);
      tangent[3] = modifier < 0 ? -1 : 1;
      // Done. Store them in tangents buffer, and set indices to it.
      tangents.set(tangent, tangentId * 4);
      tangentIndices[faceId] = tangentId;
      tangentIndices[faceId + 1] = tangentId;
      tangentIndices[faceId + 2] = tangentId;
      tangentId ++;
github magcius / / src / SuperMarioGalaxy / Scenes_SuperMarioGalaxy1.ts View on Github external
private camera(k: number = this.cameraK): void {
        const tico = this.ticos[this.ticoIndex];

        // Camera hax
        vec3.copy(scratchVec3a, tico.direction);
        vec3.set(scratchVec3b, 0, 1, 0);

        // XZ plane
        vecKillElement(scratchVec3c, scratchVec3a, scratchVec3b);
        // Jam the direction vector by this a ton to smooth out the Y axis.
        vec3.scaleAndAdd(scratchVec3a, scratchVec3a, scratchVec3c, 1);
        vec3.normalize(scratchVec3a, scratchVec3a);

        vec3.scaleAndAdd(scratchVec3a, tico.translation, scratchVec3a, -this.currentZoom);
        scratchVec3a[1] += 500;

        explerp(this.cameraEye, scratchVec3a, k);
        explerp(this.cameraCenter, tico.translation, k);
github cginternals / webgl-operate / source / raymath.ts View on Github external
export function eyeWithPointInView(camera: Camera, point: vec3): vec3 {
        const ray_direction = vec3.subtract(v3(),, camera.eye);
        const ray_normalized = vec3.normalize(v3(), ray_direction);

        /* Retrieve u and v for an orthonormal basis. */
        const ortho_v = vec3.normalize(v3(), vec3.cross(v3(), ray_normalized, camera.up));
        const ortho_u = vec3.normalize(v3(), vec3.cross(v3(), ortho_v, ray_normalized));

        const distance = distancePointToRay(camera.eye,, point);

        /* Compute the closest point c on the ray. */
        const closest = vec3.add(v3(), camera.eye, vec3.scale(v3(), ray_direction, distance));
        const t = vec3.subtract(v3(), point, closest);
        const part_v = Math.abs(, ortho_v)) / camera.aspect;
        const part_u = Math.abs(, ortho_u));

        /* Retrieve max distance to camera with required fov. */
        const part_max = Math.max(part_v, part_u);

        /* Require distance from closest to new camera position. */
        const a = part_max / Math.tan(camera.fovy * DEG2RAD * 0.5);
        return vec3.subtract(v3(), closest, vec3.scale(v3(), ray_normalized, a));
github 4eb0da / war3-model / docs / preview / preview.ts View on Github external
function calcCameraQuat () {
    vec3.set(cameraPosProjected, cameraPos[0], cameraPos[1], 0);
    vec3.subtract(cameraPos, cameraPos, cameraTarget);
    vec3.normalize(cameraPosProjected, cameraPosProjected);
    vec3.normalize(cameraPos, cameraPos);

    quat.rotationTo(cameraQuat, fromCameraBaseVec, cameraPosProjected);
    quat.rotationTo(verticalQuat, cameraPosProjected, cameraPos);
    quat.mul(cameraQuat, verticalQuat, cameraQuat);
github magcius / / src / rres / render.ts View on Github external
function Calc_BILLBOARD_ROT(m: mat4, nodeMatrix: mat4, parentNodeMatrix: mat4 | null, vy: vec3 = scratchVec3[0]): void {
    GetModelLocalAxisY(vy, parentNodeMatrix, nodeMatrix);
    vy[2] = 0;
    vec3.normalize(vy, vy);

    const yx = vy[0], yy = vy[1];
    const scaleX = GetMtx34Scale(nodeMatrix, MtxCol.X);
    const scaleY = GetMtx34Scale(nodeMatrix, MtxCol.Y);
    const scaleZ = GetMtx34Scale(nodeMatrix, MtxCol.Z);

    SetMdlViewMtxSR(m, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ,
         yy, yx, 0,
        -yx, yy, 0,
        0, 0, 1);
github yiwenl / Alfrid / src / alfrid / cameras / CameraPerspective.js View on Github external
generateRay(mScreenPosition, mRay) {
		const proj = this.projectionMatrix;
		const view = this.viewMatrix;

		mat4.multiply(mInverseViewProj, proj, view);
		mat4.invert(mInverseViewProj, mInverseViewProj);

		vec3.transformMat4(cameraDir, mScreenPosition, mInverseViewProj);
		vec3.sub(cameraDir, cameraDir, this.position);
		vec3.normalize(cameraDir, cameraDir);

		if (!mRay) {
			mRay = new Ray(this.position, cameraDir);
		} else {
			mRay.origin = this.position;
			mRay.direction = cameraDir;

		return mRay;
github yiwenl / Alfrid / src / alfrid / utils / QuatRotation.js View on Github external
if(this._isRotateZ === 1) {
				angle = -this._diffX.value * this._offset; 
				angle *= (this.preMouse.y < this._rotateZMargin) ? -1 : 1;
				_quat = quat.clone([0, 0, Math.sin(angle), Math.cos(angle)]);
				quat.multiply(_quat, mTempRotation, _quat);
			} else {
				angle = -this._diffY.value * this._offset; 
				angle *= (this.preMouse.x < this._rotateZMargin) ? 1 : -1;
				_quat = quat.clone([0, 0, Math.sin(angle), Math.cos(angle)]);
				quat.multiply(_quat, mTempRotation, _quat);
		} else {
			const v = vec3.clone([this._diffX.value, this._diffY.value, 0]);
			const axis = vec3.create();
			vec3.cross(axis, v, this._zAxis);
			vec3.normalize(axis, axis);
			angle = vec3.length(v) * this._offset;
			_quat = quat.clone([Math.sin(angle) * axis[0], Math.sin(angle) * axis[1], Math.sin(angle) * axis[2], Math.cos(angle)]);
			quat.multiply(mTempRotation, _quat, mTempRotation);
github xiaoiver / a-simple-gltf-viewer / src / services / Camera.ts View on Github external
pan(angle: number) {
        const n = vec3.create();
        vec3.normalize(n, vec3.sub(n, this.eye,;

        const u = vec3.create();
        vec3.cross(u, this.up, n);
        vec3.normalize(u, u);

        let v = vec3.create();
        vec3.cross(v, n, u);
        vec3.normalize(v, v);

        const panmat4 = mat4.create();
        mat4.fromRotation(panmat4, angle, v);

        let newCenter = vec3.create();
        vec3.sub(newCenter,, this.eye);
        vec3.transformMat4(newCenter, newCenter, panmat4);
        vec3.add(, newCenter, this.eye);

        if (Math.abs(, this.up)) >= 0.985) {
            vec3.transformMat4(this.up, this.up, panmat4);
github flowtsohg / mdx-m3-viewer / src / viewer / handlers / w3x / viewer.js View on Github external
let bottomLeft = corners[cellY][cellX].groundHeight;
      let bottomRight = corners[cellY][cellX + 1].groundHeight;
      let topLeft = corners[cellY + 1][cellX].groundHeight;
      let topRight = corners[cellY + 1][cellX + 1].groundHeight;
      let sqX = x - cellX;
      let sqY = y - cellY;

      if (sqX + sqY < 1) {
        vec3.set(normalHeap1, 1, 0, bottomRight - bottomLeft);
        vec3.set(normalHeap2, 0, 1, topLeft - bottomLeft);
      } else {
        vec3.set(normalHeap1, -1, 0, topRight - topLeft);
        vec3.set(normalHeap2, 0, 1, topRight - bottomRight);

      vec3.normalize(out, vec3.cross(out, normalHeap1, normalHeap2));
    } else {
      vec3.set(out, 0, 0, 1);

    return out;