How to use fs-jetpack - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few fs-jetpack examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github NREL / OpenStudio-PAT / tasks / build.js View on Github external
var argv = require('yargs').argv;

let destination = path.join(conf.paths.dist, '..', 'depend');
let dependencies = ['openstudio', 'energyplus', 'ruby', 'mongo', 'openstudioServer'];

if (argv.prefix) {
  destination = argv.prefix;

if (argv.exclude) {
  const without = argv.exclude.split(',');
  dependencies = _.difference(dependencies, without);

const manifest ='manifest.json', 'json');

const platform = os.platform();
const arch = os.arch();

gulp.task('download-deps', function () {

  // List the dependencies to download here
  // These should correspond to keys in the manifest

  console.log('Dependencies: ' + dependencies.sort().join(', '));
  var tasks = => {
    const fileInfo = _.find(manifest[depend], {platform: platform});
    const fileName =;

    return progress(request({uri: manifest.endpoint + fileName, timeout: 5000}))
      .on('progress', state => {
github beakerbrowser / beaker / app / bg / browser.js View on Github external
export async function listBuiltinFavicons ({filter, offset, limit} = {}) {
  if (filter) {
    filter = new RegExp(filter, 'i')

  // list files in assets/favicons and filter on the name
  var dir = jetpack.cwd(__dirname).cwd('assets/favicons')
  var items = (await dir.listAsync())
    .filter(filename => {
      if (filter && !filter.test(filename)) {
        return false
      return filename.endsWith('.ico')
  return items.slice(offset || 0, limit || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
github zumwald / oss-attribution-generator / index.js View on Github external
function getBowerLicenses() {
    // first - check that this is even a bower project
    var baseDir;
    if (Array.isArray(options.baseDir)) {
        baseDir = options.baseDir[0];
        if (options.baseDir.length > 1) {
            console.warn("Checking multiple directories is not yet supported for Bower projects.\n" +
                "Checking only the first directory: " + baseDir);
    if (!jetpack.exists(path.join(baseDir, 'bower.json'))) {
        console.log('this does not look like a Bower project, skipping Bower checks.');
        return [];

    bower.config.cwd = baseDir;
    var bowerComponentsDir = path.join(bower.config.cwd,;
    return jetpack.inspectTreeAsync(bowerComponentsDir, { relativePath: true })
        .then((result) => {
             * for each component, try to calculate the license from the NPM package info
             * if it is a available because license-checker more closely aligns with our
             * objective.
            return, (component) => {
                var absPath = path.join(bowerComponentsDir, component.relativePath);
                // npm license check didn't work
github bjonamu / ignite-react-app / src / extensions / ignite / pluginOverrides.js View on Github external
module.exports = context => {
  // grab ~/.irapp/overrides
  const overrideDir = jetpack.path(`${homeDir}`, '.irapp', 'overrides');

  // grab the environment var
  const envDir = process.env.IR_APP_PLUGIN_PATH || '';

  // sanitize & verify they exist
  return pipe(
    without(['', null]),
github misega / HTML5-Banners / gulpfile.js View on Github external
return tap(function(file) {
            var filename = path.basename(file.relative);

            if (filename === 'index.html') {
                var adScriptLib = file.contents.toString().replace('', getAdScript('lib'));
                file.contents = new Buffer(adScriptLib);

            if (filename === 'script.js') {
                var adScriptInit = file.contents.toString().replace('timeline.init();', getAdScript('init'));
                file.contents = new Buffer(adScriptInit);

                if (platform === 'sizmek') { // move init file into folder
                    fs.copy(supportFiles.cwd() + '/EBLoader.js', path.parse(file.path).dir + '/EBLoader.js', { overwrite: true });
github evilz / vscode-reveal / src / ExportHTML.ts View on Github external
// console.log(`Saving file ${filePath}`)
  // await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(filePath), {recursive:true})
  if (data) {
    try {
      await jetpack.writeAsync(filePath, data)
    } catch (error) {
  if (srcFilePath) {

    try {
      await jetpack.copyAsync(srcFilePath, filePath, {overwrite : true})
    } catch (error) {

github WeebDev / lolisafe / src / api / routes / uploads / chunksPOST.js View on Github external
url: `${process.env.DOMAIN}/`

		for (const chunk of req.body.files) {
			const { uuid, count } = chunk;
			// console.log('Chunk', chunk);

			const chunkOutput = path.join(__dirname,
			const chunkDir = await jetpack.list(chunkOutput);
			const ext = path.extname(chunkDir[0]);
			const output = path.join(__dirname,
				`${filename}${ext || ''}`);

			// Save some data = `${filename}${ext || ''}`;
			info.url += `${filename}${ext || ''}`;

			for (let i = 0; i < chunkDir.length; i++) {
				const dir = path.join(__dirname,
github zumwald / oss-attribution-generator / index.js View on Github external
var baseDir;
    if (Array.isArray(options.baseDir)) {
        baseDir = options.baseDir[0];
        if (options.baseDir.length > 1) {
            console.warn("Checking multiple directories is not yet supported for Bower projects.\n" +
                "Checking only the first directory: " + baseDir);
    if (!jetpack.exists(path.join(baseDir, 'bower.json'))) {
        console.log('this does not look like a Bower project, skipping Bower checks.');
        return [];

    bower.config.cwd = baseDir;
    var bowerComponentsDir = path.join(bower.config.cwd,;
    return jetpack.inspectTreeAsync(bowerComponentsDir, { relativePath: true })
        .then((result) => {
             * for each component, try to calculate the license from the NPM package info
             * if it is a available because license-checker more closely aligns with our
             * objective.
            return, (component) => {
                var absPath = path.join(bowerComponentsDir, component.relativePath);
                // npm license check didn't work
                // try to get the license and package info from .bower.json first
                // because it has more metadata than the plain bower.json
                var package = '';
                try {
                  package =, '.bower.json'), 'json');
github mgechev / ngrev / tasks / build_app.js View on Github external
'use strict';

var gulp = require('gulp');
var watch = require('gulp-watch');
var batch = require('gulp-batch');
var ts = require('gulp-typescript');
var plumber = require('gulp-plumber');
var jetpack = require('fs-jetpack');
var bundle = require('./bundle');
var utils = require('./utils');
// var ts = require('typescript');

var projectDir = jetpack;
var srcDir = jetpack.cwd('./src');
var distDir = jetpack.cwd('./dist');
var destDir = jetpack.cwd('./app');

gulp.task('bundle', function() {
  return Promise.all([
    bundle(distDir.path('background', 'parser.js'), destDir.path('parser.js')),
    bundle(distDir.path('background', 'app.js'), destDir.path('background.js')),
    bundle(distDir.path('ui', 'app.js'), destDir.path('app.js'))

var tsProject = ts.createProject('tsconfig.json');

gulp.task('ts', function() {
  var tsResult = gulp.src('src/**/*.ts').pipe(tsProject());

  return tsResult.js.pipe(gulp.dest('dist'));
github carlosperate / ardublockly / package / electron / app / main.js View on Github external
*            the electron project directory LICENSE file.
 * @fileoverview Electron entry point continues here. Creates windows and
 *               handles system events.
const electron = require('electron');
const app =;
const BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow;

const appMenu = require('./appmenu.js');
const server = require('./servermgr.js');
const projectLocator = require('./projectlocator.js');
const createWindow = require('./helpers/window');

const winston = require('winston');
const packageData = require('fs-jetpack').cwd(app.getAppPath()).read('package.json', 'json');

const tag = '[ArdublocklyElec] ';

// Global reference of the window object must be maintain, or the window will
// be closed automatically when the JavaScript object is garbage collected.
var mainWindow = null;
var splashWindow = null;

// Set up the app data directory within the Ardublockly root directory
(function setAppData() {
    var appDataPath = projectLocator.getExecDirJetpack().cwd('appdata');
    app.setPath('appData', appDataPath.path());
    app.setPath('userData', appDataPath.path());
    app.setPath('cache', appDataPath.path('GenCache'));
    app.setPath('userCache', appDataPath.path('AppCache'));
    app.setPath('temp', appDataPath.path('temp'));