How to use the fs-jetpack.writeAsync function in fs-jetpack

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few fs-jetpack examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github karmainside / ms-teams-linux / tasks / bundle.js View on Github external
}).then(bundle => {
    cached[src] = bundle;

    const jsFile = path.basename(dest);
    const result = bundle.generate({
      format: 'cjs',
      sourceMap: true,
      sourceMapFile: jsFile,
    // Wrap code in self invoking function so the variables don't
    // pollute the global namespace.
    const isolatedCode = `(function () {${result.code}\n}());`;
    return Promise.all([
        `${isolatedCode}\n//# sourceMappingURL=${jsFile}.map`
github scimusmn / stele / tasks / bundle.js View on Github external
}).then(result => {
      // Wrap code in self invoking function so the constiables don't
      // pollute the global namespace.
      const isolatedCode = `(function () {${result.code}\n}());`;
      return Promise.all([
        jetpack.writeAsync(dest, `${isolatedCode}\n//# sourceMappingURL=${jsFile}.map`),
github RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.Electron / tasks / icons.js View on Github external
const png512 = await convert(svg, { width: 512, height: 512 });
	const png1024 = await convert(svg, { width: 1024, height: 1024 });
	const ico = await toIco([png16, png24, png32, png48, png64, png128, png256]);
	const icns = await icnsConvert([png1024, png512, png256, png128, png64, png32, png16]);

	await jetpack.writeAsync('src/public/images/icon.png', png64);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('src/public/images/icon@2x.png', png128);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/icon.ico', ico);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/icon.icns', icns);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/installerIcon.ico', ico);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/uninstallerIcon.ico', ico);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/Square44x44Logo.png', png44);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/Square150x150Logo.png', png150);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/StoreLogo.png', png50);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/Wide310x150Logo.png', png310v150);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/icons/512x512.png', png512);
github ashmind / mirrorsharp / WebAssets / build.js View on Github external
await Promise.all((await fg(['dist/**/*.js'])).map(async path => {
        const content = await jetpack.readAsync(path);
        const replaced = content.replace(/from '(\.[^']+)';/g, "from '$1.js';");
        await jetpack.writeAsync(path, replaced);
}, { inputs: ['ts/**/*.ts'] });
github RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.Electron / gulpfile.js View on Github external
const png48 = await convert(svg, { width: 48, height: 48 });
	const png50 = await convert(svg, { width: 50, height: 50 });
	const png64 = await convert(svg, { width: 64, height: 64 });
	const png128 = await convert(svg, { width: 128, height: 128 });
	const png150 = await convert(svg, { width: 150, height: 150 });
	const png310v150 = await convert(svg, { width: 310, height: 150 });
	const png256 = await convert(svg, { width: 256, height: 256 });
	const png512 = await convert(svg, { width: 512, height: 512 });
	const png1024 = await convert(svg, { width: 1024, height: 1024 });
	const ico = await toIco([png16, png24, png32, png48, png64, png128, png256]);
	const icns = await icnsConvert([png1024, png512, png256, png128, png64, png32, png16]);

	await writeAsync('src/public/images/icon.png', png64);
	await writeAsync('src/public/images/icon@2x.png', png128);
	await writeAsync('build/icon.ico', ico);
	await writeAsync('build/icon.icns', icns);
	await writeAsync('build/installerIcon.ico', ico);
	await writeAsync('build/uninstallerIcon.ico', ico);
	await writeAsync('build/appx/Square44x44Logo.png', png44);
	await writeAsync('build/appx/Square150x150Logo.png', png150);
	await writeAsync('build/appx/StoreLogo.png', png50);
	await writeAsync('build/appx/Wide310x150Logo.png', png310v150);
	await writeAsync('build/icons/512x512.png', png512);
github RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.Electron / gulpfile.js View on Github external
const png24 = await convert(svg, { width: 24, height: 24 });
	const png32 = await convert(svg, { width: 32, height: 32 });
	const png44 = await convert(svg, { width: 44, height: 44 });
	const png48 = await convert(svg, { width: 48, height: 48 });
	const png50 = await convert(svg, { width: 50, height: 50 });
	const png64 = await convert(svg, { width: 64, height: 64 });
	const png128 = await convert(svg, { width: 128, height: 128 });
	const png150 = await convert(svg, { width: 150, height: 150 });
	const png310v150 = await convert(svg, { width: 310, height: 150 });
	const png256 = await convert(svg, { width: 256, height: 256 });
	const png512 = await convert(svg, { width: 512, height: 512 });
	const png1024 = await convert(svg, { width: 1024, height: 1024 });
	const ico = await toIco([png16, png24, png32, png48, png64, png128, png256]);
	const icns = await icnsConvert([png1024, png512, png256, png128, png64, png32, png16]);

	await writeAsync('src/public/images/icon.png', png64);
	await writeAsync('src/public/images/icon@2x.png', png128);
	await writeAsync('build/icon.ico', ico);
	await writeAsync('build/icon.icns', icns);
	await writeAsync('build/installerIcon.ico', ico);
	await writeAsync('build/uninstallerIcon.ico', ico);
	await writeAsync('build/appx/Square44x44Logo.png', png44);
	await writeAsync('build/appx/Square150x150Logo.png', png150);
	await writeAsync('build/appx/StoreLogo.png', png50);
	await writeAsync('build/appx/Wide310x150Logo.png', png310v150);
	await writeAsync('build/icons/512x512.png', png512);
github RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.Electron / tasks / icons.js View on Github external
const png32 = await convert(svg, { width: 32, height: 32 });
	const png44 = await convert(svg, { width: 44, height: 44 });
	const png48 = await convert(svg, { width: 48, height: 48 });
	const png50 = await convert(svg, { width: 50, height: 50 });
	const png64 = await convert(svg, { width: 64, height: 64 });
	const png128 = await convert(svg, { width: 128, height: 128 });
	const png150 = await convert(svg, { width: 150, height: 150 });
	const png310v150 = await convert(svg, { width: 310, height: 150 });
	const png256 = await convert(svg, { width: 256, height: 256 });
	const png512 = await convert(svg, { width: 512, height: 512 });
	const png1024 = await convert(svg, { width: 1024, height: 1024 });
	const ico = await toIco([png16, png24, png32, png48, png64, png128, png256]);
	const icns = await icnsConvert([png1024, png512, png256, png128, png64, png32, png16]);

	await jetpack.writeAsync('src/public/images/icon.png', png64);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('src/public/images/icon@2x.png', png128);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/icon.ico', ico);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/icon.icns', icns);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/installerIcon.ico', ico);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/uninstallerIcon.ico', ico);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/Square44x44Logo.png', png44);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/Square150x150Logo.png', png150);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/StoreLogo.png', png50);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/Wide310x150Logo.png', png310v150);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/icons/512x512.png', png512);
github RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.Electron / tasks / icons.js View on Github external
const png24 = await convert(svg, { width: 24, height: 24 });
	const png32 = await convert(svg, { width: 32, height: 32 });
	const png44 = await convert(svg, { width: 44, height: 44 });
	const png48 = await convert(svg, { width: 48, height: 48 });
	const png50 = await convert(svg, { width: 50, height: 50 });
	const png64 = await convert(svg, { width: 64, height: 64 });
	const png128 = await convert(svg, { width: 128, height: 128 });
	const png150 = await convert(svg, { width: 150, height: 150 });
	const png310v150 = await convert(svg, { width: 310, height: 150 });
	const png256 = await convert(svg, { width: 256, height: 256 });
	const png512 = await convert(svg, { width: 512, height: 512 });
	const png1024 = await convert(svg, { width: 1024, height: 1024 });
	const ico = await toIco([png16, png24, png32, png48, png64, png128, png256]);
	const icns = await icnsConvert([png1024, png512, png256, png128, png64, png32, png16]);

	await jetpack.writeAsync('src/public/images/icon.png', png64);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('src/public/images/icon@2x.png', png128);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/icon.ico', ico);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/icon.icns', icns);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/installerIcon.ico', ico);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/uninstallerIcon.ico', ico);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/Square44x44Logo.png', png44);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/Square150x150Logo.png', png150);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/StoreLogo.png', png50);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/Wide310x150Logo.png', png310v150);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/icons/512x512.png', png512);
github RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.Electron / tasks / icons.js View on Github external
const png150 = await convert(svg, { width: 150, height: 150 });
	const png310v150 = await convert(svg, { width: 310, height: 150 });
	const png256 = await convert(svg, { width: 256, height: 256 });
	const png512 = await convert(svg, { width: 512, height: 512 });
	const png1024 = await convert(svg, { width: 1024, height: 1024 });
	const ico = await toIco([png16, png24, png32, png48, png64, png128, png256]);
	const icns = await icnsConvert([png1024, png512, png256, png128, png64, png32, png16]);

	await jetpack.writeAsync('src/public/images/icon.png', png64);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('src/public/images/icon@2x.png', png128);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/icon.ico', ico);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/icon.icns', icns);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/installerIcon.ico', ico);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/uninstallerIcon.ico', ico);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/Square44x44Logo.png', png44);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/Square150x150Logo.png', png150);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/StoreLogo.png', png50);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/appx/Wide310x150Logo.png', png310v150);
	await jetpack.writeAsync('build/icons/512x512.png', png512);
github RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.Electron / gulpfile.js View on Github external
const png50 = await convert(svg, { width: 50, height: 50 });
	const png64 = await convert(svg, { width: 64, height: 64 });
	const png128 = await convert(svg, { width: 128, height: 128 });
	const png150 = await convert(svg, { width: 150, height: 150 });
	const png310v150 = await convert(svg, { width: 310, height: 150 });
	const png256 = await convert(svg, { width: 256, height: 256 });
	const png512 = await convert(svg, { width: 512, height: 512 });
	const png1024 = await convert(svg, { width: 1024, height: 1024 });
	const ico = await toIco([png16, png24, png32, png48, png64, png128, png256]);
	const icns = await icnsConvert([png1024, png512, png256, png128, png64, png32, png16]);

	await writeAsync('src/public/images/icon.png', png64);
	await writeAsync('src/public/images/icon@2x.png', png128);
	await writeAsync('build/icon.ico', ico);
	await writeAsync('build/icon.icns', icns);
	await writeAsync('build/installerIcon.ico', ico);
	await writeAsync('build/uninstallerIcon.ico', ico);
	await writeAsync('build/appx/Square44x44Logo.png', png44);
	await writeAsync('build/appx/Square150x150Logo.png', png150);
	await writeAsync('build/appx/StoreLogo.png', png50);
	await writeAsync('build/appx/Wide310x150Logo.png', png310v150);
	await writeAsync('build/icons/512x512.png', png512);