How to use the function in error

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few error examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github SpagoBILabs / SpagoBI / SpagoBIProject / MessageFiles / js / it.js View on Github external
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.saved']= 'Data source salvato correttamente';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.tested']= 'Data source configurato correttamente';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.deleted']= 'Data source cancellato correttamente';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.delete.forbidden']= 'Non hai le autorizzazioni necessarie per cancellare il data source!';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.validation.error']= 'Ci sono degli errori di validazione. Controlla i campi marcati.';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.tested']= 'Test OK';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.test.failed']= 'Errore nel test del datasource';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.validation.writeDefault']= ' : data source gi� presente con funzione di scrittura di default. Sostituire con il presente?';

Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.saved']= 'Tenant salvato correttamente';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.deleted']= 'Tenant cancellato correttamente';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.delete.title']= 'Cancellare il Tenant?';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.delete.msg']= 'Sei sicuro di voler cancellare il tenant e tutti i dati ad esso associati?';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.validation.error']= 'Ci sono degli errori di validazione. Controlla i campi marcati.';
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "Il nome del tenant non puo' essere nullo";
Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.multitenant.deleting.inuse"] = "Impossibile cancellare il tenant in quanto attualmente in uso";
Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.multitenant.saving.duplicated"]="Impossibile salvare il tenant in quanto ce n'e gia un'altro con lo stesso nome";
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.theme']= 'Tema';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Identificativo';

Ext.Msg.buttonText.yes = 'S�'; = 'No';

github SpagoBILabs / SpagoBI / SpagoBIProject / web-content / js / src / ext / sbi / locale / en.js View on Github external
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.metadata.dataset.title']='Dataset Metadata';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.metadata.dataset.title2']='Metadata Type';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.metadata.dataset.hierarchy.column']='Hierarchy Column';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.metadata.dataset.hierarchy.level']='Hierarchy Level';
Sbi.locale.ln['']='Expert mode';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.metadata.dataset.hierarchy.simple']='Simple mode';

Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.saved']= 'Tenant correctly saved. \n The administrator of the the tenant has been created too and his username and password is ';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.deleted']= 'Tenant correctly deleted';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.delete.title']= 'Delete Tenant?';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.delete.msg']= 'Are you sure you want to delete the Tenant and all related data?';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.validation.error']= 'There are error(s) in the tenant configuration. Check the marked fields.';
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "The tenant name can not be null";
Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.multitenant.deleting.inuse"] = "Impossible to delete the tenant because it is in use";
Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.multitenant.saving.duplicated"]="Impossible to save the tenant because there is another one with the same name";
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.theme']= 'Theme';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Identifier';
Sbi.locale.ln['multitenant.error.association'] = 'Impossible to modify the association. Check the dependencies of ';

Ext.Msg.buttonText.yes = 'Yes'; = 'No';

github SpagoBILabs / SpagoBI / SpagoBIProject / web-content / js / src / ext / sbi / locale / it.js View on Github external
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = "Zoom del Layer";
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = "Id del Layer";
Sbi.locale.ln['']= "Layer central point";
Sbi.locale.ln['']= "Url";
Sbi.locale.ln['']= "File";
Sbi.locale.ln['']= "Base Layer";
Sbi.locale.ln['']= "Params";
Sbi.locale.ln['']= "Options";

Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.saved']= 'Tenant salvato correttamente. \n L\'utente amministratore del tenant \u00ef\u00bf\u0153 stato creato con username e password ';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.deleted']= 'Tenant cancellato correttamente';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.delete.title']= 'Cancellare il Tenant?';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.delete.msg']= 'Sei sicuro di voler cancellare il tenant e tutti i dati ad esso associati?';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.validation.error']= 'Ci sono degli errori di validazione. Controlla i campi marcati.';
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "Il nome del tenant non puo' essere nullo";
Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.multitenant.deleting.inuse"] = "Impossibile cancellare il tenant in quanto attualmente in uso";
Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.multitenant.saving.duplicated"]="Impossibile salvare il tenant in quanto ce n'e gia un'altro con lo stesso nome";
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.theme']= 'Tema';
Sbi.locale.ln['multitenant.error.association'] = 'Impossibile modificare l\'associazione. Controllare le dipendenze di ';

Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Definizione della query"

Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.mydata.mydataset'] = "I Miei Data Set";
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.mydata.enterprisedataset'] = "Data Set Certificati";
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.mydata.shareddataset'] = "Data Set Condivisi";
github SpagoBILabs / SpagoBI / SpagoBIProject / web-content / js / src / ext / sbi / locale / fr.js View on Github external
Sbi.locale.ln['']= 'Pour la configuration du data source JNDI il est n\u00e9cessaire d\'ins\u00e9rer le nom du connection pool configur\u00e9 dans le serveur d\'application. Exemples: <ul><li>Tomcat :  java:comp/env/jdbc/foodmart</li> <li> JBoss:     java:comp/env/jdbc/foodmart</li></ul>';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.saved']= 'Source de donn\u00e9es enregistr\u00e9e correctement';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.deleted']= 'Source de donn\u00e9es elimin\u00e9e correctement';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.tested']= 'Source de donn\u00e9es configur\u00e9e correctement';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.validation.error']= 'Erreurs de validation. Controller les champs indiqu\u00e9s.';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.test.failed']= 'Erreur dans les test de la source de donn\u00e9es';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.validation.writeDefault']= ' : source de donn\u00e9es d\u00e9j\u00e0 pr\u00e9sente avec fonction d\'\u00e9criture par defaut. Remplacer avec la nouvelle?';

Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.delete.forbidden']= 'Vous ne pouvez pas effacer la Source des donn\u00ef\u00bf\u0153es!';

Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.saved']= 'Tenant enregistr\u00ef\u00bf\u0153 correctement';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.deleted']= 'Tenant effac\u00ef\u00bf\u0153 correctement';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.validation.error']= 'Il y a des erreur(s) dans la configuration du tenant. Contr\u00ef\u00bf\u0153ler les champs soulign\u00ef\u00bf\u0153s.';
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "Le nom du Tenant ne peut pas \u00ef\u00bf\u0153tre vide";
Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.multitenant.deleting.inuse"] = "Impossible effacer le tenant parce qu\'il est en train d\'\u00ef\u00bf\u0153tre utilis\u00ef\u00bf\u0153";
Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.multitenant.saving.duplicated"]="Impossible enregistrer le Tenant parce qu\'il y en a un autre avec le m\u00ef\u00bf\u0153me nom";
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.theme']= 'Th\u00ef\u00bf\u0153me';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Identifier';


Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.generic.from']='Date de d\u00e9but';
github SpagoBILabs / SpagoBI / SpagoBIProject / MessageFiles / js / en.js View on Github external
Sbi.locale.ln['']= 'For the data source configuration you should specify the connection pool configured inside the application server. For example: <ul><li>Tomcat :  java:comp/env/jdbc/foodmart</li> <li> JBoss:     java:comp/env/jdbc/foodmart</li></ul>';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.saved']= 'Data source correctly saved';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.deleted']= 'Data source correctly deleted';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.delete.forbidden']= 'You are not allowed to delete the Data Source!';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.tested']= 'Data source correctly tested';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.validation.error']= 'There is some error in the data source configuration. Check the marked fields.';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.test.failed']= 'Error testing the datasource';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.datasource.validation.writeDefault']= ' : datasource already marked as write default: do you want to substitute with current?';

Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.saved']= 'Tenant correctly saved';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.deleted']= 'Tenant correctly deleted';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.delete.title']= 'Delete Tenant?';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.delete.msg']= 'Are you sure you want to delete the Tenant and all related data?';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.validation.error']= 'There are error(s) in the tenant configuration. Check the marked fields.';
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "The tenant name can not be null";
Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.multitenant.deleting.inuse"] = "Impossible to delete the tenant because it is in use";
Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.multitenant.saving.duplicated"]="Impossible to save the tenant because there is another one with the same name";
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.multitenant.theme']= 'Theme';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Identifier';

Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.clearOldVersion'] = 'Clear All';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.deleteVersion'] = 'Delete Version';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.restore'] = 'Restore';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.dateIn'] = 'Creation Date';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.userIn'] = 'Creation User';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.versionPanel'] = 'Older Dataset Versions';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.test'] = 'Preview';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.datasetTestPanel.title'] = 'See preview';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.fillPars'] = 'Fill in Values for all Parameters';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.numDocs'] = 'Used By';