How to use the function in error

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few error examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github SpagoBILabs / SpagoBI / SpagoBIProject / web-content / js / src / ext / sbi / locale / de.js View on Github external
Sbi.locale.ln['']= 'Zentraler Layer Punkt';//"Layer central point";
Sbi.locale.ln['']= 'Url';//"Url";
Sbi.locale.ln['']= 'Datei';//"File";
Sbi.locale.ln['']= 'Basis Layer';//"Base Layer";
Sbi.locale.ln['']='Parameter';// "Params";
Sbi.locale.ln['']= 'Optionen';//"Options";

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.generic.can.not.responce"]= 'Kann nicht Antwort nicht zu Client senden'; //'Can not send responce to client";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= 'Das Etikett der Datenquelle kann nicht null sein'; //'The label of the data source can not be null";
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = 'Unm\u00ef\u00bf\u0153glich die Datenquelle zu l\u00ef\u00bf\u0153schen, da sie in Gebrauch ist'; //'Impossible to delete the data source because it is in use";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]='Unm\u00ef\u00bf\u0153glich zu speichern Sie die Datenquelle, weil es ein anderer mit dem gleichen Etikett'; //"Impossible to save the data source because there is another one with the same label";

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= 'Das Etikett des Datensatzes kann nicht null sein'; //'The label of the data set can not be null";
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = 'Unm\u00ef\u00bf\u0153glich, den Datensatz l\u00ef\u00bf\u0153schen, da er verwendet wird'; //'Impossible to delete the data set because it is in use";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]='Unm\u00ef\u00bf\u0153glich, den Datensatz zu speichern, es gibt einen zweiten mit gleichem Etikett'; //"Impossible to save the data set because there is another one with the same label";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]='Unm\u00ef\u00bf\u0153glich zu Datei zu analysieren. \u00ef\u00bf\u0153berpr\u00ef\u00bf\u0153fen Sie den Inhalt und laden Sie sie wieder'; //"Impossible to parse file. Check its content and upload it again";

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= 'Unm\u00ef\u00bf\u0153glich den Join zwischen Messungen auszuf\u00ef\u00bf\u0153hren. Die zugeh\u00ef\u00bf\u0153rigen Datens\u00ef\u00bf\u0153tze haben keine Dimension gemeinsam.'; //'Impossible to execute the join between measures. The associated datasets haven't any dimension in common.";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]='Unm\u00ef\u00bf\u0153glich den Join zwischen Messungen auszuf\u00ef\u00bf\u0153hren. Die zugeh\u00ef\u00bf\u0153rigen Datens\u00ef\u00bf\u0153tze haben keine komplette Dimension gemeinsam.';//"Impossible to execute the join between measures. The associated datasets haven't any complete dimension in common.";

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.layer.validation.file"]= 'Der Dateiname ist nicht g\u00ef\u00bf\u0153ltig. Er darf keine [/ \ \] enthalten'; //"The file name is not valid. It can't contain [/,\\]";
github SpagoBILabs / SpagoBI / SpagoBIProject / web-content / js / src / ext / sbi / locale / fr.js View on Github external
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.worksheet.worksheeteditoriframepanelext3.toolbar.saveas']='Enregistrer comme nouveau document ...';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.worksheet.worksheeteditoriframepanelext3.toolbar.export']='Exporter dans un des formats disponibles ...';

//Sbi.execution.toolbar.SaveDatasetWindow : AD-HOC REPORTING 
Sbi.locale.ln["sbi.execution.toolbar.savedatasetwindow.title"]='Remplir la fiche ci-dessous et appuyer sur le bouton Enregistrer';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.worksheet.validation.error.title']='Erreur de validation';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.worksheet.validation.error.text']='Certaines feuilles ne sont pas valides... V\u00e9rifier que toutes les feuilles ont un contenu valide.';

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.generic.can.not.responce"]= 'Impossible d\'envoyer la r\u00e9ponse au client'

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= 'La libell\u00e9 du document doit \u00eatre  valoris\u00e9e'
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = 'Impossible d\'\u00e9liminer le datasource'
Sbi.locale.ln[""]='Impossible d\'enregister le datasource: libell\u00e9 dupliqu\u00e9e'

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= 'La libell\u00e9 du dataset doit \u00eatre  valoris\u00e9e';
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = 'Impossible d\'\u00e9liminer le dataset';
Sbi.locale.ln[""]='Impossible d\'enregistrer le dataset: libell\u00e9 dupliqu\u00e9e';			   
Sbi.locale.ln[""]='Impossible d\'analyser le fichier. Controller le contenu et le charger de nouveau sur le serveur';

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= 'Impossible d\'effectuer la jointure entre le m\u00e9sures s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9es. Les dataset correspondants ne contiennent pas aucune dimension en commune.';
Sbi.locale.ln[""]='Impossible d\'effectuer la jointure entre le m\u00e9sures s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9es. Les dataset correspondants ne contiennent pas aucune dimension compl\u00e8te en commune.';

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.layer.validation.file"]= 'Le nom du fichier n\'est pas valide. Les caract\u00e8res  [/,\\] ne sont pas admissibles';
github SpagoBILabs / SpagoBI / SpagoBIProject / MessageFiles / js / it.js View on Github external
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.worksheet.worksheeteditoriframepanelext3.toolbar.export']='Esporta in uno dei formati disponibili ...';

//Sbi.execution.toolbar.SaveDatasetWindow : AD-HOC REPORTING 
Sbi.locale.ln["sbi.execution.toolbar.savedatasetwindow.title"]="Riempi il form sottostante e clicca sul pulsante Salva";

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.generic.can.not.responce"]= "Impossibile mandare la risposta al client";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "La label del documento deve essere valorizzata";
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = "Impossibile cancellare il datasource perch� � in uso";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossibile salvare il datasource: label duplicata";

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "La label del dataset deve essere valorizzata";
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = "Impossibile cancellare il datset perch� � in uso";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossibile salvare il dataset: label duplicata";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossibile analizzare il file. Controlla il contenuto e caricalo di nuovo sul server";

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "Non \u00e8 possibile eseguire il join tra le misure selezionate. I dataset corrispondenti non contengono alcuna dimensione in comune.";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "Non \u00e8 possibile eseguire il join tra le misure selezionate. I dataset corrispondenti non contengono alcuna dimensione completa in comune.";

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.layer.validation.file"]= "Il nome del file non \u00e8 valido. Non sono ammissibili i caratteri  [/,\\]";
github SpagoBILabs / SpagoBI / SpagoBIProject / web-content / js / src / ext / sbi / locale / it.js View on Github external
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.worksheet.worksheeteditoriframepanelext3.toolbar.export']='Esporta in uno dei formati disponibili ...';

//Sbi.execution.toolbar.SaveDatasetWindow : AD-HOC REPORTING 
Sbi.locale.ln["sbi.execution.toolbar.savedatasetwindow.title"]="Riempi il form sottostante e clicca sul pulsante Salva";

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.generic.can.not.responce"]= "Impossibile mandare la risposta al client"
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "La label del documento deve essere valorizata"
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = "Impossibile cancellare il datasource perch\u00ef\u00bf\u0153 \u00ef\u00bf\u0153 in uso"
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossibile salvare il datasource: label duplicata"
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "La label del dataset deve essere valorizzata";
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = "Impossibile cancellare il datset perch\u00ef\u00bf\u0153 \u00ef\u00bf\u0153 in uso";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossibile salvare il dataset: label duplicata";			   
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossibile analizzare il file. Controlla il contenuto e caricalo di nuovo sul server";

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "Non \u00e8 possibile eseguire il join tra le misure selezionate. I dataset corrispondenti non contengono alcuna dimensione in comune.";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Non \u00e8 possibile eseguire il join tra le misure selezionate. I dataset corrispondenti non contengono alcuna dimensione completa in comune.";

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.layer.validation.file"]= "Il nome del file non \u00e8 valido. Non sono ammissibili i caratteri  [/,\\]";
github SpagoBILabs / SpagoBI / SpagoBIProject / MessageFiles / js / en.js View on Github external
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.worksheet.worksheeteditoriframepanelext3.toolbar.export']='Export into one of the available formats ...';

//Sbi.execution.toolbar.SaveDatasetWindow : AD-HOC REPORTING 
Sbi.locale.ln["sbi.execution.toolbar.savedatasetwindow.title"]="Fill in the dataset details and click on Save";

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.generic.can.not.responce"]= "Can not send responce to client";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "The label of the data source can not be null";
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = "Impossible to delete the data source because it is in use";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossible to save the data source because there is another one with the same label";

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "The label of the data set can not be null";
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = "Impossible to delete the data set because it is in use";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossible to save the data set because there is another one with the same label";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossible to parse file. Check its content and upload it again";

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "Impossible to execute the join between measures. The associated datasets haven't any dimension in common.";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "Impossible to execute the join between measures. The associated datasets haven't any complete dimension in common.";

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.layer.validation.file"]= "The file name is not valid. It can't contain [/,\\]";
github SpagoBILabs / SpagoBI / SpagoBIProject / web-content / js / src / ext / sbi / locale / en.js View on Github external
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.worksheet.worksheeteditoriframepanelext3.toolbar.export']='Export into one of the available formats ...';

//Sbi.execution.toolbar.SaveDatasetWindow : AD-HOC REPORTING 
Sbi.locale.ln["sbi.execution.toolbar.savedatasetwindow.title"]="Fill in the dataset details and click on Save";

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.generic.can.not.responce"]= "Can not send responce to client";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "The label of the data source can not be null";
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = "Impossible to delete the data source because it is in use";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossible to save the data source because there is another one with the same label";

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "The label of the data set can not be null";
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = "Impossible to delete the data set because it is in use";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossible to save the data set because there is another one with the same label";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossible to parse file. Check its content and upload it again";

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "Impossible to execute the join between measures. The associated datasets haven't any dimension in common.";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossible to execute the join between measures. The associated datasets haven't any complete dimension in common.";

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.layer.validation.file"]= "The file name is not valid. It can't contain [/,\\]";