How to use the dash-table/utils/unicode.KEY_CODES.ENTER function in dash-table

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// there should always be an active_cell if we got here...
            // but if for some reason there isn't, bail out rather than
            // doing something unexpected
            Logger.warning('Trying to change cell, but no cell is active.');

        // If we are moving yank focus away from whatever input may still have
        // focus.
        // TODO There is a better way to handle native focus being out of sync
        // with the "is_focused" prop. We should find the better way.

        const hasSelection = selected_cells.length > 1;
        const isEnterOrTab =
            e.keyCode === KEY_CODES.ENTER || e.keyCode === KEY_CODES.TAB;

        // If we have a multi-cell selection and are using ENTER or TAB
        // move active cell within the selection context.
        if (hasSelection && isEnterOrTab) {
            const nextCell = this.getNextCell(e, {
                currentCell: active_cell,
                restrictToSelection: true
                is_focused: false,
                active_cell: nextCell
        } else if (!e.shiftKey) {
            // If we are not extending selection with shift and are
            // moving with navigation keys cancel selection and move.
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                is_focused: false,
                selected_cells: [nextCell],
                active_cell: nextCell,
                start_cell: nextCell,
                end_cell: nextCell

        // else we are navigating with arrow keys and extending selection
        // with shift.

        let { minRow, minCol, maxRow, maxCol } = selectionBounds(selected_cells);
        const selectingDown =
            e.keyCode === KEY_CODES.ARROW_DOWN || e.keyCode === KEY_CODES.ENTER;
        const selectingUp = e.keyCode === KEY_CODES.ARROW_UP;
        const selectingRight =
            e.keyCode === KEY_CODES.ARROW_RIGHT || e.keyCode === KEY_CODES.TAB;
        const selectingLeft = e.keyCode === KEY_CODES.ARROW_LEFT;
        let startRow = start_cell && start_cell.row;
        let startCol = start_cell && start_cell.column;
        let endRow = end_cell && end_cell.row;
        let endCol = end_cell && end_cell.column;

        if (selectingDown) {
            if (active_cell.row > minRow) {
                endRow = minRow;
            } else if (maxRow < - 1) {
                endRow = maxRow;
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handleKeyDown = (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => {
        const {
        } = this.propsWithDefaults;

        if (stopPropagation) {

        if (updateOnEnter && e.keyCode === KEY_CODES.ENTER) {
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handleKeyDown = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
        const is_focused = this.props.focused;

        if (is_focused &&
            (e.keyCode !== KEY_CODES.TAB && e.keyCode !== KEY_CODES.ENTER)
        ) {

        if (!is_focused && !isNavKey(e.keyCode)) {

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                        onKeyDown={event => { if (event.keyCode === KEY_CODES.ENTER) { event.currentTarget.blur(); } }}
                        placeholder={(page_current + 1).toString()}