How to use the dash-table/utils/actions.getAffectedColumns function in dash-table

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function selectColumn(current_selection: string[], column: IColumn, columns: Columns, columnRowIndex: any, setProps: SetProps, mergeDuplicateHeaders: boolean, clearSelection: boolean, select: boolean) {
    // if 'single' and trying to click selected radio -> do nothing
    if (clearSelection && !select) {
        return () => { };

    let selected_columns = actions.getAffectedColumns(column, columns, columnRowIndex, mergeDuplicateHeaders, true);

    if (clearSelection) {
        return () => setProps({ selected_columns });
    } else if (select) {
        // 'multi' + select -> add to selection (union)
        return () => setProps({
            selected_columns: R.union(current_selection, selected_columns)
    } else {
        // 'multi' + unselect -> invert of intersection
        return () => setProps({
            selected_columns: R.without(selected_columns, current_selection)
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) => () => {
    const props = action(column, columns, visibleColumns, columnRowIndex, mergeDuplicateHeaders, data);

    const affectedColumIds = actions.getAffectedColumns(column, columns, columnRowIndex, mergeDuplicateHeaders);

    if (action === actions.deleteColumn) {
        if (R.intersection(selected_columns, affectedColumIds).length > 0) {
            props.selected_columns = R.without(

    const affectedColumns: Columns = [];
    R.forEach(id => {
        const affectedColumn = columns.find(c => === id);
        if (affectedColumn) {
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if (columnIndex === R.last(indices)) {
                            colSpan = labels.length - columnIndex;
                        } else {
                            colSpan = indices[index + 1] - columnIndex;

                    const clearable = paginationMode !== TableAction.Custom && getColumnFlag(headerRowIndex, lastRow, column.clearable);
                    const deletable = paginationMode !== TableAction.Custom && getColumnFlag(headerRowIndex, lastRow, column.deletable);
                    const hideable = getColumnFlag(headerRowIndex, lastRow, column.hideable);
                    const renamable = getColumnFlag(headerRowIndex, lastRow, column.renamable);
                    const selectable = getColumnFlag(headerRowIndex, lastRow, column.selectable);

                    const spansAllColumns = visibleColumns.length === colSpan;

                    const affectedColumns = actions.getAffectedColumns(
                    const allSelected =
                        selectable &&
                            column_selectable !== 'single' ||
                            (selected_columns.length === affectedColumns.length)
                        ) &&
                            c => selected_columns.indexOf(c) !== -1,