How to use the chalk.white function in chalk

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few chalk examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ddsol / / bin / index.js View on Github external
function renderHeader(statuses) {
  var txt = '';

  // Build Header
  for (var k in statuses) {
    var status = statuses[k];

    // Create header
    var col = centerText(k, width);

    // Set header status color
    if (status === false) {
      col = chalk.dim(col);
    } else {
      col = chalk.white(col);

    txt += col;

  return txt;
github serverless / serverless / lib / commands / dash.js View on Github external
.then(function() {

      // Status
      JawsCli.log(chalk.white(' Dashboard:  Deploying Lambdas...'));

      if (!_this._allTagged && !_this._report.selectedLambdas) {
        return JawsCli.log(chalk.white('No selected Lambdas to deploy.'));

        (_this._regions.length > 1 ? null : _this._regions[0]),
    .then(function() {
github bnb / bitandbang / build.js View on Github external
const boxen = require('boxen')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')

// Define options for Boxen
const options = {
  padding: 1,
  margin: 1,
  borderStyle: 'round'

// Text + chalk definitions
const data = {
  name: chalk.white('               Tierney Cyren'),
  handle: chalk.white('bitandbang'),
  work: chalk.white('Senior Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft'),
  opensource: chalk.white('Node.js Community Committee ') +'⬢'),
  twitter: chalk.gray('') + chalk.cyan('bitandbang'),
  npm: chalk.gray('') +'~bnb'),
  github: chalk.gray('') +'bnb'),
  linkedin: chalk.gray('') +'bitandbang'),
  web: chalk.cyan(''),
  npx:'npx') + ' ' + chalk.white('@bnb/card  (via GitHub Package Registry)'),
  labelWork: chalk.white.bold('       Work:'),
  labelOpenSource: chalk.white.bold('Open Source:'),
  labelTwitter: chalk.white.bold('    Twitter:'),
  labelnpm: chalk.white.bold('        npm:'),
  labelGitHub: chalk.white.bold('     GitHub:'),
  labelLinkedIn: chalk.white.bold('   LinkedIn:'),
  labelWeb: chalk.white.bold('        Web:'),
  labelCard: chalk.white.bold('       Card:')
github sezna / nps / src / bin-utils / __tests__ / index.js View on Github external
test('specificHelpScript: help: formats a nice message', () => {
  const config = {
    scripts: {
      foo: {
        bar: {
          description: 'the foo script',
          script: 'echo "foo"',
  const actual = specificHelpScript(config, 'f.b')
  const name ='')
  const description = chalk.white('the foo script')
  const script = chalk.gray('echo "foo"')
  const expected = `${name} - ${description} - ${script}`
github ngx-rocket / scripts / index.js View on Github external
_help(details) {
    console.log(asciiLogo(pkg.version, 'APP SUPPORT SCRIPTS'));
      help +
          ? detailedHelp
          : `Use ${chalk.white('--help')} for more info.\n`)
github hankchanocd / npm-fzf / bin / View on Github external
.on('--help', function () {
			console.log('  Examples:');
			console.log('    ' + chalk.blueBright(`npf search , ${chalk.white("fuzzy search for npm modules with preview")}`));
			console.log('    ' + chalk.blueBright(`npf search  --no-preview, ${chalk.white("fuzzy search for npm modules without preview")}`));
			console.log('    ' + chalk.blueBright(`npf search  --no-fuzzy, ${chalk.white("plain search for npm modules")}`));
		.action(function (module) {
github UltimateSoftware / ng6-cli / lib / reflect.js View on Github external
getNewArtifactPath: function(type, template, name, destination) {

    var cwd = process.cwd();

    //path names should all be kebab-cased
    name = Case.kebab(name);

    var projectRoot = this.cli.reflect.projectRoot();
    if (!projectRoot) {
      console.log(chalk.white('Make sure you are inside a project before creating a new ' + type + '!'));

    if( cwd === path.resolve(projectRoot + '/shared_modules') ) {
      console.log(chalk.white('You cannot create an artifact directly in the shared modules folder.'));

    //determine the destination
    if (!destination) {
      if (projectRoot !== cwd && (cwd.indexOf(path.resolve(projectRoot + '/components')) !== -1 || cwd.indexOf(path.resolve(projectRoot + '/shared_modules')) !== -1) ) {
        if (path.basename(cwd) !== type+'s') {
          destination = path.resolve(cwd + '/' + type + 's/' + name);
        } else {
github teambit / bit / src / npm-client / npm-client.js View on Github external
.then(({ stdout, stderr }) => {
      const successMessage = `\nsuccessfully ran ${packageManager} install at ${cwd} ${argsString}`;
      const peerWarnings = stripNonPeerDependenciesWarnings(stderr, packageManager);

      stdout = verbose ? stdout + successMessage : chalk.white(peerWarnings) + successMessage;
      stderr = verbose ? stderr : '';
      return { stdout, stderr };
    .catch((err) => {
github ditojs / dito / packages / server / src / api / RestGenerator.js View on Github external
addRoutes(modelClass, relation, type, routesSettings, indent) {
    const handlers = restHandlers[type]
    const getSettings = settingsHandlers[type]
    const target = relation || modelClass
    for (const [verb, handler] of Object.entries(getSettings ? handlers : {})) {
      const settings = getSettings(verb, handlers, routesSettings)
      if (!settings || !settings.access) {
      const path = this.getRoutePath(type, modelClass, relation)
        { modelClass, relation, type, verb, path, settings },
        ctx => handler(target, ctx)
      this.log(`${chalk.magenta(verb.toUpperCase())} ${chalk.white(path)}`,
github Atomic-Reactor / Reactium / .core / .cli / commands / reactium / plugin / zones / index.js View on Github external
const SCHEMA_SELECT = ({ action, opt, props }) => {
    const { prompt } = props;
    const zones = ZONE_LIST();
    return {
        properties: {
            id: {
                description: `${chalk.white('Zone:')}\n\t ${zones.join(
                    '\n\t ',
                )}\n   ${chalk.white('Select:')}`,
                type: 'string',
                required: true,
                message: ' select a zone',
                ask: () => {
                    return !op.has(prompt, '');
                before: val => {
                    val = val.replace(/[^\w-_]/g, '');
                    return !isNaN(val) && val > zones.length
                        ? null
                        : GET_ZONE(val) || val;