How to use the chalk.blueBright function in chalk

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few chalk examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github codexu / x-build / lib / creator.js View on Github external
ls.on('close', (code) => {
    // 成功安装依赖
    if (code === 0) {
      clearConsole('cyan', `X-BUILD v${require('../package').version}`);
      console.log('> Get started with the following commands:');
      console.log(chalk.gray(' $ ') + chalk.blueBright(`cd ${store.dirname}`));
      console.log(chalk.gray(' $ ') + chalk.blueBright(`${packageManagement() === 'npm' ? 'npm run' : 'yarn'} serve`));
github AimonaStudio / rrreol / packages / rrreol-cli / src / index.js View on Github external
outputs = [...outputs]
  ] = loadFiles(root, config)

  if (inputs.length < 1) {
    console.log(chalk.yellowBright('cannot find any file ') +
                  'by' +
  if (outputs.length < 1) {
    console.log(chalk.yellowBright('cannot find any file ') +
                  'by' +

  debug(chalk.blueBright('inputs: ') + inputs)
  debug(chalk.blueBright('outputs: ') + outputs)

  // todo: need @rrreol/core to finish further
  const { Judge } = rrreol
  const judge = new Judge()
  for (let i = 1; i <= inputs.length; i++) {
    await judge.out(i).readPath(outputs[i])
  await judge.exec()
github Silind-Software / direflow / packages / direflow-project / src / scripts / installs.ts View on Github external
async function installAllComponents(): Promise {
  if (!fs.existsSync('direflow-components')) {
    console.log(chalk.white('No direflow components found. Nothing to install...'));

  console.log(chalk.blueBright('Please be patient'));
  console.log(chalk.blueBright('Installing all Direflow Components...'));

  const componentsDirectory = fs.readdirSync('direflow-components');

  for (const directory of componentsDirectory) {
    if (fs.statSync(`direflow-components/${directory}`).isDirectory()) {
      try {
        const result = await triggerCommand(directory);
      } catch (err) {
github kirinnee / CyanPrint / src / try.ts View on Github external
export async function Try(dep: Dependency, from: string, to: string, git: boolean, copyNode: boolean): Promise {
	let f: string = path.resolve(process.cwd(), from);
	if (git) {
		let gitSimulate: GitSimulator = new GitSimulator(dep.core);
		f = await gitSimulate.SimulateGit(process.cwd(), from);
	let ret = "";
	try {
		let cyanSafe = await Interrogate(dep, dep.autoInquirer, f, to);
		let logger = console.log;
		console.log = function (...args) {
			logger.apply(console, args);
		ret = await GenerateTemplate(dep, f, to, cyanSafe, copyNode);
	} catch (e) {
		ret = chalk.redBright(e);
	if (git) {
github nadav96 / rocketsam / src / actions / build.js View on Github external
if (newHash.requirements != oldHash.requirements) {
			console.log("(m) requirements"))

			installResult = await installUtil.install(appDir, buildDir, functionName)
			installUtil.copyRequirementsToFunction(buildDir, functionName)

			newHash = await hashUtil.calculateHashForDirectoy(functionBuildFolder)

		if (installResult) {
			await zipFolder(functionBuildFolder, `${functionBuildFolder}.zip`, [])
			await hashUtil.putHashesForFunction(buildDir, functionName, newHash)
	else {
		console.log(chalk.blueBright("(#) no changes detected"));
github leinov / wnow / bin / wnow.js View on Github external
Git.Clone("", dist).then(()=>{
		console.log(chalk.blueBright(`${dist} created success !`));
github ant-design / ant-design-icons / packages / icons-angular / build / utils / index.ts View on Github external
notice(message: string): void {
    return console.log(chalk.blueBright(`🌟 [Notice] ${message}`));
github Cretezy / Noderize / packages / scripts / src / utils / print.js View on Github external
export function printInfo(text) {
	console.log(`${chalk.blueBright("[INFO]")} ${text}`);
github ant-design / ant-design-icons / packages / icons-svg-legacy / build / utils / index.ts View on Github external
notice(message: string) {
    return console.log(chalk.blueBright(`🌟 [Notice] ${message}`));
github andywer / postguard / src / format.ts View on Github external
export const sourceReference = (text: string) => chalk.blueBright(text)
export const success = (text: string) => chalk.greenBright(text)