How to use the bytebuffer.Long.fromString function in bytebuffer

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bytebuffer examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github EOSIO / eosjs / src / format.js View on Github external
    bits = '0'.repeat(bitlen - bits.length) + bits
    bitstr += bits

  const value = Long.fromString(bitstr, true, 2)

  // convert to LITTLE_ENDIAN
  let leHex = ''
  const bytes = littleEndian ? value.toBytesLE() : value.toBytesBE()
  for(const b of bytes) {
    const n = Number(b).toString(16)
    leHex += (n.length === 1 ? '0' : '') + n

  const ulName = Long.fromString(leHex, true, 16).toString()

  // console.log('encodeName', name, value.toString(), ulName.toString(), JSON.stringify(bitstr.split(/(.....)/).slice(1)))

  return ulName.toString()
github EOSIO / eosjs / src / format.js View on Github external
if(name.length > 12)
    throw new TypeError('A name can be up to 12 characters long')

  let bitstr = ''
  for(let i = 0; i <= 12; i++) { // process all 64 bits (even if name is short)
    const c = i < name.length ? charidx(name[i]) : 0
    const bitlen = i < 12 ? 5 : 4
    let bits = Number(c).toString(2)
    if(bits.length > bitlen) {
      throw new TypeError('Invalid name ' + name)
    bits = '0'.repeat(bitlen - bits.length) + bits
    bitstr += bits

  const value = Long.fromString(bitstr, true, 2)

  // convert to LITTLE_ENDIAN
  let leHex = ''
  const bytes = littleEndian ? value.toBytesLE() : value.toBytesBE()
  for(const b of bytes) {
    const n = Number(b).toString(16)
    leHex += (n.length === 1 ? '0' : '') + n

  const ulName = Long.fromString(leHex, true, 16).toString()

  // console.log('encodeName', name, value.toString(), ulName.toString(), JSON.stringify(bitstr.split(/(.....)/).slice(1)))

  return ulName.toString()
github peerplays-network / peerplays-core-gui / lib / serializer / src / SerializerValidation.ts View on Github external
// remove trailing zeros
      while (/0$/.test(value)) {
        value = value.substring(0, value.length - 1);

      if (/\.$/.test(value)) {
        // remove trailing dot
        value = value.substring(0, value.length - 1);

      if (value === '') {
        value = '0';

      let long_string = Long.fromString(value, unsigned).toString();

      if (long_string !== value.trim()) {
        throw new Error(`overflow ${field_name} ${value}`);


    if (typeof value === 'number') {
      if (value > MAX_SAFE_INT || value < MIN_SAFE_INT) {
        throw new Error(`overflow ${field_name} ${value}`);

github EOSIO / eosjs / src / format.js View on Github external
function ULong(value, unsigned = true, radix = 10) {
  if(typeof value === 'number') {
    // Some JSON libs use numbers for values under 53 bits or strings for larger.
    // Accomidate but double-check it..
    if(value > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
      throw new TypeError('value parameter overflow')

    value = Long.fromString(String(value), unsigned, radix)
  } else if(typeof value === 'string') {
    value = Long.fromString(value, unsigned, radix)
  } else if(!Long.isLong(value)) {
    throw new TypeError('value parameter is a requied Long, Number or String')
  return value
github freedomexio / rocketx-condenser / src / app / utils / StateFunctions.js View on Github external

    // take negative rshares, divide by 2, truncate 10 digits (plus neg sign), count digits.
    // creates a cheap log10, stake-based flag weight. 1 = approx $400 of downvoting stake; 2 = $4,000; etc
    const flagWeight = Math.max(
        String(neg_rshares.div(2)).length - minDigits - 1,

    // post must have non-trivial negative rshares to be grayed out. (more than 10 digits)
    const grayThreshold = -(Math.pow(10, minDigits) - 1);
    const meetsGrayThreshold = < 0;

    // to be eligible for deletion, a comment must have non-positive rshares and no replies
    const hasPositiveRshares = Long.fromString(
    const allowDelete = !hasPositiveRshares && content.get('children') === 0;
    // Expecting this to come from SCOT data.
    const hasPendingPayout =
        (content.has('vote_rshares') &&
            parsePayoutAmount(content.get('vote_rshares')) > 0) ||
        parsePayoutAmount(content.get('pending_payout_value')) >= 0.02;
    const authorRepLog10 = repLog10(content.get('author_reputation'));

    const gray =
        !hasPendingPayout && (authorRepLog10 < 1 || meetsGrayThreshold);
    const hide = !hasPendingPayout && authorRepLog10 < 0; // rephide

    // Combine tags+category to check nsfw status
    const json = content.get('json_metadata');
github freedomexio / rocketx-condenser / src / app / components / cards / Comment.jsx View on Github external
function netRshares(a) {
        return Long.fromString(String(a.get('net_rshares')));
    function countUpvotes(a) {
github EOSIO / eosjs / src / format.js View on Github external
decodeNameHex: (hex, littleEndian = true) =>
    decodeName(Long.fromString(hex, true, 16).toString(), littleEndian),
github svk31 / graphenejs-lib / lib / serializer / src / SerializerValidation.js View on Github external
to_long(value, field_name=""){
        if (this.is_empty(value) ){ return value; }
        if (Long.isLong(value) ){ return value; }

        this.no_overflow64(value, field_name);
        if (typeof value === "number") {
            value = ""+value;
        return Long.fromString(value);
github steemit / steem-js / src / auth / serializer / src / validation.js View on Github external
to_long(value, field_name=""){
        if (is_empty(value) ){ return value; }
        if (Long.isLong(value) ){ return value; }
        _my.no_overflow64(value, field_name);
        if (typeof value === "number") {
            value = ""+value;
        return Long.fromString(value);